~Title of Story~
A New Era
One Hot Stud
Plot 20/20
Explanation~ Clearly, I have never read a story like this one. From the first to the last post I was hooked. Kudos to you, this is one of the greatest plots I've ever seen.
Mechanics 16/20
Explanation~ I wish I could say the same here as I did up above, but if I did it wouldn't be right. You had one or two spelling mistakes, and here and there you had a tense error. But the main thing that caught my eye was how you didn't write out the numbers. You left them as numbers and not as words.
Flow 8/10
Explanation~ It flowed rather smoothly, though here and there I got stuck and had to reread a paragraph or two. It worked well though.
Originality 10/10
Explanation~ Clearly original, I haven't read a story quite like this one before.
Emotion and Voice 20/20
Explanation~ Kudos to you here as well. The emotions expressed seemed to shoot out at me with a great intensity. You were flawless in this section.
Description 15/20
Explanation~ Erm...I think you need a bit more description in some parts. It was good, yes, but I still feel that with a tad more detail it could've been better.
(~)Final Grade(~) 89/100
Explanation~ Over all, I liked it. Truly I did. You kept me hooked from the beginning and never let me go. Your flow was a bit sticky, but you made up for it in other sections. My last comment is that I didn't like flipping through pages and pages just to read two or three post. I didn't mind, it just kind of annoyed me a little.
18-Dec-2008 01:04:12