Coming Oct. 12th:
For the one year anniversary of this thread creation, I will be adding twenty-five posts of story onto this rarely-added to story. This will practically double (yeah, I write slow. The last bit was written back in January) the story and possibly attract some more readers.
In other news, the draft for CWEF is near completion, however, due to lack of internet (my computer isn't close enough to a ***** jack), and lack of time (been extraordinarily busy lately. Stupid homework) I may have to pass the reins to Morfeos for the CWEF leadership. I'm afraid I don't have the time or consistency to hold regular fights, and Morf has been bugging me for quite some time now ;* that I should get the CWEF thread back up and running. I'll probably post the thread, officially announce the change of leadership and let it go from there. Expect me to show up to a few fights, but thats as far as it'll go.
Until next time,
The ONE and only
One Hot Stud "OHS"
Destroyer of Worlds and Bringer of Death, Destruction, and Cookies
23-Sep-2008 03:32:19