My sincerest apologies. I haven't had time to post the story adds, and to make matters worse, my mom threw away my entire story. Luckily all thats posted now is recoverable, but I'll have to rewrite the 25 posts I was going to add.
Attention person who has a story on the Story Reader Exchange,
It's that time of the month again. It's time for you to reapply your story to the TSRE. This is so that we can keep it up there and to make sure it's alive (or if a new thread has been made if we haven’t been warned already). So, if you wish for the story to remain on the list then please go and re-submit.
I'm giving everyone till the 5th to resubmit sense I started late
TSRE (The Story Reader Exchange): 49-50-681-57540742
Sorry about the loss of the 25 posts or pages of adds.