-- Basics --
Name: Blyds Enu Abacha
Age: 26
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Alignment [Good, bad, or neutral]: Neutral
-- Details --
Appearance of Character: Dark skin, but not too dark; ragged, shaggy, straight, thin, black hair; about 5' 11". Fairly muscular build. Deep, narrow, brown eyes. Very large feet and hands. Pointy chin. Clean-shaven. Everything else is fairly normal.
Description of Weapons Used: A machete made from yellow sapphire, which is incredibly resilient and does not usually dull. Usually carries a bamboo pole for vaulting and whacking things.
Description of Armor Worn: Wears a breastplate and shoulder plates made of steel. They are studded in yellow sapphire. Does not usually wear a shirt underneath, just soft padding. Wears similar greaves. Goes barefoot. Has a pair of torn black pants. Wears a silver ring with, yes, a yellow sapphire. It is enchanted to give him extra agility.
-- Specifics --
Quirks: Very thick African-sounding accent and not a very good grasp of English. Has a fondness for all life and is a vegetarian. Is afflicted with nyctophobia, fear of the darkness.
Personality [Overall]: Quiet and compassionate, especially towards non-sentient animals. Very good at summoning and usually has a familiar around. He always summons the same familiar of each type, and is attached to them.
Brief History [Important Events]: He hails from Tai Bwo Wannai. He has an older brother who became a pirate. He is a mercenary. He found his armor, ring, and machete somewhere in Eastern Karamja, while exploring. He trained in the art of combat with the TzHaar for a while. He went to Taverley to train his summoning skills with the druids due to his love of animals.
22-Nov-2009 02:37:56