
Into The Void [Rp*

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Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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In the 20th century, before 1957, with the launch of Sputnik, men looked into space and saw the heavens, a massive frontier that they could not reach. In the 21st century, mankind was just getting into outer space, in 2023, mankind landed on Mars and established Earth's first interstellar colony. In 2057 mankind found out that it was not alone; for an American astronaut named Theodor Bubkis was exploring a cave on Mars three years earlier, Theodore came across the Slorians, A poly-gendered race of massive, humanoid lizards with metallic scales strong enough to deflect human gunfire. Mars was just a staging area for tourism of Earth. These lizards were preparing to disguise themselves as humans and colonize on the human homeworld.

Theodore tried to sneak away, but was caught red-handed by a Slorian matriarch, who had no qualms about killing the man if he squealed for help. Grasping Mr. Bubkis by the forearm, the matriarch dragged him deep inside the caves right before the Slorian High Council for the Tourism of Earth, whereupon the board was deciding then 27 year old Theodore's fate. Assuming that Theodore could understand the complex Slorian language, they gave him a sentence of 3 years in a Slorian Prison. The Slorian whisked Theodore off to the Slorian colony of Bwolla Waluki, Which was the Slorian's very first colony. In prison Bubkis learned the Slorian language with the help of the Thrulux Fish (This fish feeds off of your brainwaves and translates languages for you, as a thanks, for letting it eat your thoughts.), he learned how to travel at light speed, he learned everything that mankind needed to help advance mankind further.

Out of prison, Bubkis snuck onto a Slorian Spacecraft, stole a Slorian Laser weapon from the ship's armory, without being detected. (It will always be a mystery as to how he did so), and killed the crew, once they returned to Mars. He landed this space craft in Washington DC. Governments could no longer pretend
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

23-Dec-2015 04:33:45 - Last edited on 23-Dec-2015 04:37:52 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Economically, it meant that the dollar might no longer be the strongest currency in circulation. It meant that militarily, the United States was no longer the strongest. The Term "in the world" no longer had the same meaning; A planet could now be looked at as a country. A solar system could be looked at as a planet. For humanity, it meant that we were no longer the most unique. World religions suddenly were proven wrong, and religions lost adherence.

In 2067 the Slorians deemed humanity worthy of being inducted into the Galactic Alliance. whereupon humanity came into first contact with the repulsive Ikrians, large humanoid slugs with a voracious appetite. The Ikrians immediately wanted to taste human flesh, and so the governments of Earth emptied their prisons of all their criminals and handed them to the Ikrians to be eaten as an offer of peace. Unbeknownst to humanity at the time, the Ikrians have been known to eat entire sentient races that they like the taste of. Fortunately for humanity, the Ikrians hated the taste of human flesh and meat. Unfortunately for the former prisoners, they were ejected into space, without spacesuits, and they suffocated, due to vacuum exposure.

In 2608, some 540 years later, The Ikrians went to war with the Humans and the Slorians over a Diplomatic fiasco resulting from the destruction of the ACCV Lusitania, a civilian ship which unfortunately got thrown off of it's course due to intense solar winds that knocked out it's radar, and navigation, and, unfortunately, most communications. So they entered Ikrian restricted space, for repairs, and the Ikrians shot the Lusitania own using MAC rounds. This resulted in heated disputes between the Ikrians and Humanity. The Slorians did their best to try and ease the tension, But the Ikrian Prime Minister, a Warmonger by the Name of Urr, declared war upon humanity, and laid waste to the Human Military.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

23-Dec-2015 05:15:22 - Last edited on 29-May-2016 01:26:37 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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It is now 2678-The Golden Age of Space Piracy. Here Pirates rule the areas that were once loyal to the Alliance. In the midst of the plundering and the pillaging, the war Humanity and it's Slorian allies against the Ikrian Hegemony continues unabated for 70 years. But the areas where the fighting takes place are not where we are going... yet. Right now we begin our Story in the city of Venture Sigma on the Desert world of Nakriid. This desert world is the capital of Space Piracy capital of Space Piracy. Here, in this smoggy, muggy, cesspool of filth, that has the putrid scent of blood, alcohol, vomit, and shuttle fuel, two ships are going to take off, one called the "Blackbird", the other called the "Edgewalker." These two ships always plunder and pillage together, and you will be assigned on either ship. Here, you fight for the Pirate Queen Galbora, who has made you sign an oath to fight for her in order to be allowed to openly operate. You share some of your loot with her, but in return, you get the feeling of safety, a sense of comradeship from the pirates you meet.

Greetings and Salutations, prospective Rper, Welcome to my second RP. Oh, we are going to have fun times, you and I. That I promise you. My name is Emo Muslim and yeah. A couple of rules for this Thread before I forget:

1) Keep it clean: I do not consider cussing bad, until you direct it at another player. I want respect here, It is what I will give you, I expect that you treat me, and other Rpers with respect.

2) All Jagex rules still apply. So this means no spamming or trolling, or whatever Jagex rules apply.

3) I would prefer Out of Character to be kept on the Story and Roleplay Chat thread, but I will allow it here in small ammounts.

4) I am allowing secondary, and tertiary threadmasters. We will alternate every week. ( I am still working this part out.

5) No Tyme Warping. I will explain that on the next post.

6) No more than three characters please.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

23-Dec-2015 22:13:58 - Last edited on 02-Feb-2016 18:13:34 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tyme Warping: It might even have a different term, but this is editing out certain crucial details that you do not like from your posts; It mainly concerns injuries.

Example A: Rper A posts that his character got hit in the arm with a poisoned arrow. Later that night, he decides that he doesn't like the fact that his character is poisoned, and deletes the word "poisoned" and leaves the word "arrow." Now his injuries are not that severe, but he Tyme Warped in order to make that the case.

Example B: Rper A posts that his character's car has crashed into Rper B's car, severely injuring both characters. Both rpers agreed that they were willing to accept the consequences, but later on, they decide that they shouldn't have posted what they did and removed the word "Crashed" and inserted the words "Skidded by." Now they both have Tyme Warped the crash, and therefore, injuries out of their posts.

Tyme Warping is not okay at all. If you post that your character is hurt, you must be willing to accept the consequences and play along. It is harder than it sounds, I know. Some rpers, like myself get really attached to their characters, and the thought that they could die, because the Rper posted that they got hurt is a frightening thought; and the urge to change it can be really hard to deal with sometimes. That being said, you must be able to resist that urge, and if I, or any Rpers catch you Tyme Warping, I am going to ask you to change it back to the original post, and I would hope that the other Rpers will ask you to do so as well.

There is one more thing about Tyme Warping. Adding to your posts in not Tyme Warping. Nor is correcting grammar or spelling errors. Tyme Warping only concerns the major details of your post, so correcting your spelling and Grammar is perfectly understandable.

7 All Rping rules still apply. No Powerplaying, Metagaming, Godmodding, allowed. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, Ask an Rper.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

23-Dec-2015 22:35:44 - Last edited on 10-Jan-2016 00:14:47 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
We gather on the Story and Roleplay Chat Thread
Now we are getting into the lore bit, specifically, the weaponry of this Rp.

Biotics: (magic): Biotics is the subtle or obvious manipulation of physiological, or mental processes. Suffice to say, in the defensive a biotic can make his foes forget orders issued by superior officers, he can disrupt an individual’s ability to recognize friend or foe, he can demoralize individual soldiers and make him flee. On the offensive, a biotic can shred his/or her opponents organs, or if he wants to invoke fear, shred the individual. He/she can hemorrhage the brain with a certain gesture. Biotics is a very rare ability. Only about 1 out of 2000 people inherit this ability. The first cases came in the 2580s, after Ikrian space fuel accidentally got spilled into the drinking water, known as “Tarsha* to the Ikrians. It is radioactive and toxic to humans. Upon ingestion, it killed 95% of those who drank it. Those who survived found themselves to be changed. Eventually these people reproduced.

Biotics are looked at with suspicion and fear, due to the stereotype that they can control minds. No Biotic, not even the greatest biotics can enslave mortals to their will. They are actively persecuted On Earth, though they are not actively hunted down like in the first years after The Spill. They have a hard time getting any type of work beyond a military career. The Military sees in biotics a potential for a super-weapon, on par with that of gunpowder, and so here they flourish. Pirate gangs are also friendly to Biotics and have been known to hire biotics.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

24-Dec-2015 00:40:44 - Last edited on 10-Jan-2016 00:16:26 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Technosis: Within the brain of every soldier is a transmitter chip, and a neural battery, which transfers orders from high command to the brains of every soldier. These are implanted into the brain upon enlisting and going through basic training. While they receive and transmit orders, they also have another reason: Hacking machines and building fortifications, repairing vehicles and fortifications, and disabling enemy fortifications.

On the defensive, a neural battery can be drained of energy to generate force fields, fortify positions against gunfire, and deflect gunfire back at an enemy. On the offensive, a neural battery can be used to hack into machines en mass enemy coms are vulnerable to being hacked. Because of the advent of Technosis as a battlefield discipline, it is no longer strategically safe to have an army of just robots. And this lead to the reintroduction of infantrymen into battlefields across the galaxy. Pirates have an insatiable need for these people, and you will likely find “Technos” on a pirate crew. As Technosis relies on technology, rather than biotic ability, it is far more common.

Technosis is originally an Ikrian discipline, though the Ikrians have a much more advanced version of it.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

24-Dec-2015 00:49:22 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2015 01:04:23 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Races: Ikrian: These are humanoid slugs and they are the vilest and foul-smelling creatures out there. Many races hold the Ikrians in bitter contempt, due to the fact that they eat sentient beings that they discover for a snack. Entire sentient races have gone extinct because of these slugs, and their voracious appetite. Ikrians also are known to eat any offspring that they cannot afford to feed themselves. Fortunately for humanity, Ikrians hate the taste of humans. In the 2580*s Humanity came into first contact with the Ikrians, who asked to sample human meat.

In a most vile human rights violation, Human nations emptied their prisons of all their criminals, and sent them off to the Ikrians to be sampled, fortunately for them, they hated the taste of human flesh, unfortunately for them, they were ejected into outer space, where they suffocated. They also have a knack for the arts. Some of the best paintings in the galaxy come from Ikrian painters. Ikrians live up to 148 years. Their Home world, **vega is only oceans. They live underneath the waters, and their cities are underneath the waves. They are very reluctant to share technology with anyone, they refuse to sign treaties that would force them to hand over technology that they develop.

The Ikrians were the first race to actually make it out into space. They are a hyper-advanced race. Tried as they did to keep their technology from getting into the wrong hands, they haven’t succeeded in keeping the Slorians, and Humans from getting hold of some. Technosis is originally an Ikrian discipline, though the Ikrians have developed it far more than the humans or the Slorians.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

24-Dec-2015 01:07:17

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Slorians: These are poly-gendered lizards who live for up to 1000 years, Unlike Humanity, the males are the ones who give birth, and the females are the ones who impregnate. One other gender is sterile (and therefore put in charge of the males and the females due to Slorian philosophy). the other can self-impregnate (and are usually killed at birth so that the population can stay within a reasonable size). The males are smaller than the females, and are not very aggressive. The females however are prone to extreme acts of violence on a regular basis.

The ones that are sterile are often the heads of state, though they only live about 90 years, and the ones that self-impregnate are often killed at birth so that they do not overpopulate their planet (That is unless a major catastrophe kills off a good chunk of the population). Their home world of Kablaska is one of lush forests, but no human could enter the atmosphere without a space suit, as the planet is rife with bacteria so deadly that a human who breaths It in will die within five minutes of breathing it.

2000 years ago, the Ikrians discovered the Slorians, but found it incredibly tough to cut through their incredibly tough scales. Even with laser weapons. The scales just reflected the laser beams elsewhere. In the years prior to the dissolution of the Galactic Alliance, Slorians served as Ikrian Shock troopers, given the fact that the Ikrians cannot run very far, nor can the run very fast. Even though the Slorians are virtually bullet proof, they are very weak to explosives.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

24-Dec-2015 01:11:16

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Character list:

Captain Lurden( Emo Muslim):
This Ikrian pirate was once known for daring raids on Human colonies during the war. Then came the disasterous raids on Earth, which saw him shot out of space. He escaped via escape pod and abandoned his brothers and is now a Pirate in Galbora's Pirate republic. He is always drunk, nicknamed "Captain Obvious," a name he likes. Captain ( Not Pilot) of the Edgewalker.

SOAA: (page 2) (Inferi) An AI Stolen by space pirates unknowingly. Salvaged by space pirates and installed aboard the Blackbird. Everyone is doing their best not to tick "her" off. she is a small spherical robot, very unassuming. Very mistrusted by the crewmen. (Killed off maybe.) (page 11)

Sheldus: (Emo Muslim), (page 3) A paranoid Flugian gunner and biotic, aboard the Blackbird. has chronic OCD.

Annie Wells (Annie1127) (Page 3): Daughter of Jim Wells, A respected human politician who worked in Washington DC prior to being assassinated by one of the warmongering Ikrian prime minister, Urr's many assassins. This assassin also went after her family, but prior to being killed, Jim spent a fortune on training her how to fight, just in case Urr ever tried to have Jim killed. She snuck on a ship. Her vessel was attacked, and everyone killed, except for her, who escaped on an escape pod. She is now stranded Stranded on the Flugian colony of Garutz.

Feldt Desidera: (Westenev) (Page 3) Fifth Generation space pirate now aboard the Blackbird.

Gary Riley: (Capt Lasky)( Page 4) A former Alliance pilot now gunning for space pirates aboard the Blackbird as its pilot.

Ryan Kidd: (Guthix SS4) (Page 9) An Alliance Deserter gunning... For now... aboard the Blackbird.

Saké: (Emo Muslim) (Page 11) Bartender mechanic, sommelier, Space Pirate. Gunning for, fixing stuff, and serving drinks aboard the Blackbird.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

24-Dec-2015 01:12:21 - Last edited on 03-Feb-2016 23:14:57 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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The War:

To understand the war, one may only need to take a look at the Ikrian Prime Minister, Ur. He is a warmonger, who has long advocated attacking humanity, since they possess at least seven planets that humanity cheated them out of. But to add on to this, Ikrians conquer worlds out of a sense of glory for the Ikrian Empire, The Ikrians have conquered worlds that are utterly useless, with no natural resources, nor atmosphere to sustain life. Worlds with no possibility of terraforming, simply because they can. It's part of what makes a fascist dictatorship work: fostering intense love, and loyalty to the nation.

The Slorians, too have cheated the Ikrians out of worlds using diplomacy and the voting ballot as a means to steal worlds that the Ikrians have colonized, against the authority of the counsel. Throughout galactic history, the Slorians and the Ikrians have fought each other, in petty wars that resulted in nothing being gained, but when the slorians came upon the humans, the slorians saw an opportunity in order to gain more territory for the Slorian Hegemony using the humans to outvote the Ikrians under a guise of friendship. Why? Because Slorians are very fast breeders, A Slorian male can lay 100 eggs during pregnancy. Understandably they overpopulate worlds quickly. This is an evolutionary response to a time when the Slorians were at the bottom of the food chain.

Understandably, the Ikrians got tired of being conned out of their territory, All it took was a Warmongering Prime Minister with a fierce love of his nation, and a bone to pick with both the humans and the slorians. The catalyst for such a war was the destruction of the ACCV Lusitania, A civilian cruise liner that ferried only the wealthiest citizens from Earth to it's other colonies. This ship entered restricted Ikrian Space for repairs, they had no choice, the nearest civilian hub was the Pirate Republic of Nakriid, and nobody wanted to risk being plundered.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

24-Dec-2015 01:13:04 - Last edited on 06-Jun-2016 02:44:37 by Pink 4 Twink

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