
The Story Of Castle Wars

Quick find code: 49-50-67-44753278

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Chapter 38

The serpent towered over the three men on the ground, insignificant foes in its eyes. Water droplets resting on its emerald scales added to the terrible beauty of the creature; light that caught the water on the scales reflected out, bathing all around it in an emerald light. The serpent would have grinned at the looks of wonder on the faces of its foes, but such motions were beyond the beast.

Edlenmin's eyes lit up as he viewed the serpent rise out of the water, seeming bathed in majestic light. His rapture was soon broken, however, when the monster's long neck snapped forward, jaws spread wide, at Daernaur. Stunned by the speed of the beast, Daernaur dove backwards, falling to the ground in his haste to escape the snapping jaws. Rolling to the side to avoid another attack, Daernaur managed to stand, but immediately was forced to dive out of the way of yet another attack by the beast.

Edlenmin, seeing his friend in such danger, immediately drew his sword and stepped in front of Daernaur, seeking to allow his friend time to draw his sword. The serpent, uncaring on which of the humans it devoured first, turned its attentions to Edlenmin and snapped downwards, eager for a fast kill. Stunned by the speed of the beast, Edlenmin raised his blade to block the attack, but it was knocked from his hand.

Daernaur had managed to get back to his feet and draw his sword, but when turning to look on the serpent glanced Iâmeth waving his hands and muttering under his breath; he was casting a spell. Daernaur knew something of spellcasting, and knew that if Iâmeth was distracted while casting the spell the effects could be catastrophic. Seeing Edlenmin fall to the ground before the onslaught of the beast, he rushed in to protect his friend, much as Edlenmin had done for him mere seconds earlier.

20-Jan-2008 11:31:55

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Knowing he had to keep the monster's attention from Iâmeth, he crouch low, sword pointing outwards, and let a string of curses in his native tongue fly from his mouth.

The serpent couldn't understand the curses, but understood the tone: this human was insulting it. A vain creature, the serpent snapped forward at an unprecedented speed, angered at the human who had the gall to insult a creature such as him. The serpent's blow caught the man's blade hard on the inside of its mouth, and the creature paid for it's aggressive, unchecked attack. Bleeding slightly, the beast lunged in again, but stopped when it heard a muttering from beside it. Twisting its head, it saw a man dressed in white robes waving his hands and muttering under his breath.

Iâmeth released the spell right as the serpent looked down at him. The serpent dove downwards as Iâmeth's hands began to glow with a sickly, red light. The serpent's head was inches from Iâmeth when he extended his hands, touching the monster's snout. The red light flowed from his hands straight into the beast's head, and the serpent's head slammed backwards from the force of the spell. Iâmeth knew he'd have to act quickly if he wished to catch the creature while it was still disadvantaged by the searing pain now flowing through its body. Raising his hands and swiftly uttering a few words, a blade of fire appeared in his hand, and raising it high he leapt with inhuman swiftness upon the serpent's still extended neck and brought the blade down beneath its skull.

Daernaur watched the display with a mixture of awe and astonishment on his face at the speed and grace of the old priest. Truly Saradomin must favour him, for how else could he move with such speed and confidence. The serpent screamed in pain as the flaming blade dug deep into its neck, severing the beast's spinal cord.

20-Jan-2008 11:32:27 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2008 18:48:44 by Poller5

Dec Member 2023


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With speed and agility exceeding even what he had previously performed, Iâmeth swiftly leapt from the serpent's back, landing nimbly on the ground. The serpent continued to thrash about for a minute until its body lay still, silenced by the grasp of death. "Iâmeth, how did you manage that?" Daernaur asked.

"Saradomin needs us to reach the army, and will not allow for any delays. He granted me physical power beyond what I should naturally have. This force draws nearer, and we must not be too late. If it catches the army off-guard, it could have disastrous effects. Zamorack must not be aloud to win this war, and that is exactly what Saradomin fears," Iâmeth answered.

"We still have no way of crossing the river," Edlenmin stated quietly.

"You're wrong," Iâmeth said quietly, but before explaining merely raised his hands and began a cryptic chant. The serpent's body rose out of the water, extended to its full length, and the entire body went rigid. Iâmeth swiftly lowered the beast onto the banks of the river, forming an effective bridge. "There."

The body of the serpent was an effective bridge, and soon the trio had crossed the river and were swiftly making their way towards the army. As they walked large, dark clouds formed in the sky above them, sending shivers of apprehension down their spines. "Do you think?" Daernaur asked quietly, but Iâmeth did not answer but rather increased his speed.

As they walked the feeling of apprehension grew, the air seemed charged with electricity. Iâmeth walked faster and faster, a look of determination permanently upon his face. Behind him walked Daernaur and Edlenmin, silently jogging to keep up with the priest. It wasn't long before the army appeared, and soon they had reached its rear. The men and dwarves did not question their passage, proof enough of their loyalty was there in the figure of Iâmeth and his white robes.

20-Jan-2008 11:32:53

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Soon the trio had reached the front of the army, and for a second they stood transfixed by the slowly approaching army of wraiths. Iâmeth shuddered, but Saradomin was with them and the fear that had gripped the army so terribly held no bearing on them. Swiftly they walked along the vanguard of the army, ever searching for the kings. All the while the clouds in the sky drew tighter above them, obliterating the light of the sun.

Eventually they found the kings standing before the army, blades ready for battle. Ignoring the protesting soldiers around them they marched straight to the kings, who were slightly shocked to a priest of Saradomin along with two refugees.

"What in the name of Saradomin," Gul'dan whispered quietly as he saw Edlenmin and Daernaur, who were meant to be at the fortress. His words were ignored, however, as Iâmeth walked directly to the three kings.

"Saradomin has sent me to warn you," he said strongly, his voice commanding the attention of all around him. "He came to this boy here after he was wounded in battle, and healed him. He gave him a warning, telling him that the great force we have known about exceeds even our grossest estimations of its power, and is now drawing near to -" his words were interrupted by an bolt of lightning slamming into the ground between the two armies from the clouds, the concussive blast of sound almost knocking the vanguard of the army to the ground.

The cloud cover was now complete; no sunlight fell on the plains, or anywhere within sight. The air grew thick as more bolts slammed from the clouds, blowing craters in the ground among the troops of both armies. The power was stunning, but even more than the bolts everyone's attention was drawn to a figure standing atop a ridge on the side of the plains.

20-Jan-2008 11:33:10

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Chapter 39

Though the figure was far from the troops, it seemed to them as if it were mere inches from them. Even the army of the dead stopped, held motionless by the power of the figure upon the ridge. The lightning bolts continued to fall among the troops, but none paid them any heed. The figure rose up from the ridge, floating weightlessly towards the armies. All watched in awe and horror as it floated down to land in between the armies, a mere fifty metres from either side.

The figure wore shimmering, grey robes that seemed to flow around his body. They weren't solid, but not liquid either, and the free, shimmering motion would have had a hypnotic effect upon the army, but their attention was focused on the figure's face. Though it wore a hood, the figures visage was clearly visible to all around. The face was pale, and seemed dead rather than alive. The eyes were black, and within them was power and rage.

The figure then began to speak, and all listened with a horrified intensity. "You have all heard of me, heard my name whispered with fear and repulsion. I am part of the history of this land, a part of the history now concealed beneath a cloak of lies: your gods do not wish for you to know of me, know my power.

And yet that have failed in that, for here I am. Long have I waited for the day on which I would return to this land, the day I could level my revenge upon those who betrayed me, banished me from this land and claimed my power as their own.

Long years ago I walked these lands as the most powerful inhabitant, unmatched in my terrible glory. I commanded armies of creatures beyond your comprehension. I had fought the other gods for this right, this power. I had won in all encounters, my power augmented by creatures not of this land, mighty servants from Frenskrae who formed the most powerful parts of my army. The Mahjarrat.

20-Jan-2008 12:25:55

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But it would appear that they could not be happy with the power I had awarded them; they could not accept their place below me. I was blind to their ambitions, and they plotted in secret against me, taking aid from my ancient foe Armadyl. With secrecy his staff was transported into my capital and given to my most trusted general, and now my most powerful foe: Zamorack.

With the utmost of secrecy they planned their assault, and for days they avoided me lest I somehow get the information from them. I was not suspicious, and that was my downfall. I was within my castle, readying plans for an assault to crush Saradomin and his followers when my guards were assaulted and killed by the other Mahjarrat while Zamorack slipped into my planning room with the staff of Armadyl.

I did not know why he had come, and ordered him out. He laughed and raised the staff, and I knew he had come to challenge me. I blasted out at him with magic as he approached, but his course did not change. A second, more powerful attack hit him and he stumbled backwards, and I closed in on him, ready for the kill. But luck was against me, for as he attempted to stand he stumbled forward, and the staff impaled me. In wrath I plunged the other end into his chest, what should have been a fatal blow.

But Armadyl, curse him, had put many powers into his staff. As it pierced Zamorack my divine power flowed through it and into him, draining me of my power. As my power drained I cursed all the gods who had caused my downfall before I did not have enough power to remain on the physical plane, and vanished from it.

For years I resided off this plane, slowly growing in power, ever planning my revenge. And now I am returned, and now the world shall feel my wrath, for it shall shake this world to the core. I am Zaros!" the figured finished, and wrath burned in his eyes and permeated his words, and the air around him seemed to shimmer.

20-Jan-2008 12:26:19

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"Liar" Ktulu shouted from the head of the dead army. "Zamorack is, was, and will be the sole god of evil!" Hissing in anger, Zaros turned on him, fires of rage burning in his eyes. The air around him shattered as he unleashed a terrible blast of magic upon Ktulu. The Dread Wight had never known fear, but as the magic hit him he did, then pain as his body was torn apart.

Zaros turned from the dead body of the Wight and looked out across both armies once more. "Does anyone else dare to speak out against me?" he uttered terribly, his voice low and dangerous. "Anyone?"

20-Jan-2008 12:26:31

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