But it would appear that they could not be happy with the power I had awarded them; they could not accept their place below me. I was blind to their ambitions, and they plotted in secret against me, taking aid from my ancient foe Armadyl. With secrecy his staff was transported into my capital and given to my most trusted general, and now my most powerful foe: Zamorack.
With the utmost of secrecy they planned their assault, and for days they avoided me lest I somehow get the information from them. I was not suspicious, and that was my downfall. I was within my castle, readying plans for an assault to crush Saradomin and his followers when my guards were assaulted and killed by the other Mahjarrat while Zamorack slipped into my planning room with the staff of Armadyl.
I did not know why he had come, and ordered him out. He laughed and raised the staff, and I knew he had come to challenge me. I blasted out at him with magic as he approached, but his course did not change. A second, more powerful attack hit him and he stumbled backwards, and I closed in on him, ready for the kill. But luck was against me, for as he attempted to stand he stumbled forward, and the staff impaled me. In wrath I plunged the other end into his chest, what should have been a fatal blow.
But Armadyl, curse him, had put many powers into his staff. As it pierced Zamorack my divine power flowed through it and into him, draining me of my power. As my power drained I cursed all the gods who had caused my downfall before I did not have enough power to remain on the physical plane, and vanished from it.
For years I resided off this plane, slowly growing in power, ever planning my revenge. And now I am returned, and now the world shall feel my wrath, for it shall shake this world to the core. I am Zaros!" the figured finished, and wrath burned in his eyes and permeated his words, and the air around him seemed to shimmer.
20-Jan-2008 12:26:19