Wow, very impressive work.
I am here to offer you a once in a life time opportunity to become famous across RuneScape.
I will be your manager and I will make you rich and famous! (Well, not rich, but lots of people will know your username)
You will be a Runescape legend just like Zezima and Kingduffy 1!
First I need you to impress the Boss (Skychi) with a script.
Write a script of anything. Get creative!
And I will direct and edit your script into a movie for Skychi to see. If he is impressed you have your self a job.
Do what you love doing and get famous for it! I wish I could get famous for RS movies!
I am not allowed to tell you here these videos will be posted. And I am not allowed to direct you to any URL. So your best hope in finding your movie is to find it your self.
*Broadcast Your Self*
Any way, add me in game for more info.
Remember: I want you to write a script and let me know when it’s ready. Good Luck!
Also: I will need you to add your character descriptions. Describe how the character should look like and wear. And keep it with in a 900k budget for me! lol
E.g.: Spartans: Steel hasta, Tyras Helm, freemy/wooden shield, tribal top, tribal sandals, brass necklace, regular gloves, bronze skirt, and red cape.
27-Apr-2008 23:54:06
- Last edited on
27-Apr-2008 23:59:40
Lazy Afk