
The Story Of Castle Wars

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So I wonder why this story has the title that it does. Unless this ends in the creation of Castle Wars to keep the gods' troops from blowing up the world, I don't really see why it's named The Story of Castle Wars.

It's a good story otherwise, though.

04-Jun-2007 20:54:18

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"Your emissary speaks most convincingly," the King of Ardougne laughed, "You should use him more often. Maybe he can convince these goblins to lay off, eh?"

"What say you Gul'dan?" asked the King of Varrock, playing along, "Will you go speak to Zamorack's forces and convince them to come and have a beer with us instead of fighting?"

"My liege, I would, however there is more urgent news. A sole mage attacked us on our way here. Though he was alone he killed many, and if it weren't for the timely intervention of magi of Academy we may all have died. If there are any more men of that power in Zamorack's army then we are definitely in need of aid from the elves," Gul'dan said, bringing the conversation back to earth.

"Good god man, we already have three armies, how many more do we need?" the King asked incredulously, "We are already much larger than we ever anticipated we would need to be."

"Sir, I myself will testify to the might of this sorceror. If there is a mere three or four of them in Zamorack's army then we are indeed in trouble," the King of Ardougne sighed, "He was powerful enough to decimate our force here now. I do not wish to face him again without the aid of powerful magi. And I doubt those in the Academy are powerful enough to defeat more than one. I say we contact the elves immediately."

"Very well," the King of Varrock relented, "Gul'dan, it looks like you'll be taking a trip very soon."

04-Jun-2007 20:58:45 - Last edited on 15-Jun-2007 18:21:10 by Poller5

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04-Jun-2007 20:54:18
So I wonder why this story has the title that it does. Unless this ends in the creation of Castle Wars to keep the gods' troops from blowing up the world, I don't really see why it's named The Story of Castle Wars.

Well the stories grown a bit since the original conceptualization, but the final battle will take place in a setting identical to the castle wars arena. Except bigger. Much bigger.

04-Jun-2007 20:59:56

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Chapter 10

"I'm sorry, but we cannot just get up and go help you," the Elven King sighed. The King was old, even by elven standards. Though now nearing his fifteen hundrendth year, the elf who sat across from Gul'dan appeared to be no more than forty. The only thing that betrayed his were his eyes. Filled with compassion and knowledge, his slanted almond eyes had seen more than the King cared to say. He had seen wars erupt among men, he remembered the bloody insurrection that led to the current rulership of Falador, and he remembered the Elfday War. Though fought over one thousand years ago the scars from the war still marred the tranquil lands of Tyrannwn.

The war started when the dark elf leader Cara'ctir decided that the dark elves should have a say in the ruling of the elven lands. The high elves, who are what we now know as the elves, were outraged. "Let a dark elf, a creature of evil, have a say in elven politics? Outrageous," they thought. Unfortunately for them the dark elves were not only "creatures of evil" but also creatures of magic, and commanded one of the fiercest armies in the land.

Cunning and ever suspecting others of their own race, the dark elven army was not formed in the conventional method. Knowing no dark elf would ever take orders they thought were foolish, Drizzt, king of the dark elves at the time of the formation of the army had a revolutionary idea. As opposed to the human troops, who followed orders blindly, and the high elven troops who had a strategy worked out prior tot he battle that they stuck to, he planned to create an army that would take maximum advantage of the natural cunning of the dark elves. He created "talons" or small troups of elves, who fought without a commanding officer. Though not expected to like or trust each other, the elves in a talon were expected to fight alongside each other, and to cover each other's backs.

06-Jun-2007 17:59:50 - Last edited on 15-Jun-2007 18:21:49 by Poller5

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By not putting one man in charge Drizzt annihilated the ability to assassinate their leader to gain power, something at which the dark elves were particularly good at. Dark elves are highly intelligent, and new that fighting in a talon was better than fighting in an unruly mass headed by a general. They also knew that there was strength in numbers, and that a live elf was better than a dead one, especially if that elf was covering your back.

The war was fierce, and thousands of elves died. The power of the spells cast during that war permanently changed the landscape of Tyrannwn, and it was this war that was responsible for destroying most of the overground routes in and out of Tyrannwn. In the end the high elves won, and the dark elves retreated to the mountains to nurse their wounds and plan their revenge.

"Surely there is something you can do," Gul'dan insisted, "If this battle is lost than there will be no force in the land to hold back the forces of Zamorack. Eventually your lands too will fall into his grasp. The forces now garrisoned at Karna’khesh are not powerful enough to defeat the full force of Zamorack. It just isn't possible."

"Stop and consider something for a minute," the Elven King said, "If we join the war then the dark elves may also join. And you can rest assured that they will not join your army. I'm sure you've heard of the Elfday War. We cannot afford for that to be repeated. One thousand years later we are still recovering from it. Should another war of that scale occur then the elves could well be wiped of the face of Glienor. We appreciate the threat Zamorack poses to Glienor, but I will not be the one to bring about the fall of the elves."

"Very well," Gul'dan said, defeated.

06-Jun-2007 18:12:03 - Last edited on 15-Jun-2007 18:22:28 by Poller5

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Chapter 11

"My Lord, I have failed," the cloaked figure hissed to the figure standing across the room from him. The figure was roughly humanoid in appearance, though much taller than any human had ever been. His eyes glowed malignantly from underneath a deep red hood, pinpricks of light bright as starfire.

"Yes you have," the figure answered blandly, no emotion showing in his cold voice, "However, there was an unforeseen difficulty. I do not have time now to deal with your failure. However, should it happen again pain will become you, pervade your entire being and shatter your sanity."

"Yes, my Lord," the cloaked figure hissed. Shadows engulfed the cloaked figure, and when they faded Zamorack stood alone in the room.


After his failed talks with the Elven King Gul'dan returned to the lodgings generously provided for him by the elves. The house, which was formed out of the crystal that elves loved so, was one that had been reserved for use by visiting royalty in days passed. However, the elves now received no guests, let alone royalty. Ever since the passes in the mountains were closed in the Elfday War man turned away from the elves. For hundreds of years lack of contact with the elves led to many men thinking that the elves had given up on Glienor and no longer cared. Over time these feelings hardened into grudges and now many men hate the elves.

After returning from a short walk among the ancient trees of Tyrannwn, something Gul'dan felt most soothing, he turned to open the portal into his lodgings. However, before he could put his hand on the crystal he felt something hard and cold push into the back of his neck and a voice uttered "Move and die." Gul'dan's hands and feet were tied and he was quietly carried away. As he left he heard someone utter something, and then everything went black.

06-Jun-2007 20:19:59 - Last edited on 15-Jun-2007 18:24:42 by Poller5

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Chapter 12

Gul'dan woke in a small rock cavern. He tried to stand only to find that his arms and legs were bound with some sort of magical rope. A quick but fruitless search for a sharp stone with which he could cut his bonds was interrupted by a voice from the other side of the room, "Looking for something?"

"No," Gul'dan said, rapidly scrambling to his feet and searching for the source of the voice. As his eyes raked the room he saw an elf standing against the far wall. Unlike all the other elves he had seen in Tyrannwn, who were fair haired, this one had long black hair. His skin was pale and his eyes glowed with a malignant light, "A dark elf!" he gasped.

"Exactly. I am Dalamar, head of the Tower of Dark Elven Sorcery. And you, you are my hostage. Your timing is most convenient too," Dalamar hissed.

"Why is that?" Gul'dan asked as fear began to pervade his being and send chill shivers up his spine.

"Because the entire dark elven army is mobilizing for war. Unfortunately, should we march for war my high elven cousins will follow suit. However, they cannot stand the pointless loss of life. So when we threaten to kill you, they will undoubtedly bow to any of our demands. And with them out of the way we will be able to march unencumbered to Gornakhan," Dalamar said, unable to keep a smug, gloating smile from his face, "Now, as you may know, dark elves are the most intelligent of all the races on Glienor. And I am the most intelligent of the dark elves. So why would I reveal my plans to you, a human hailing from Varrock. Well, I will tell you. It is so that you know that you are responsible for the death of your comrades. But don't feel too bad, there's nothing you can do. There's nothing anyone can do now!"

07-Jun-2007 19:12:04 - Last edited on 15-Jun-2007 18:25:00 by Poller5

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Chapter 13

"And so it is with greatest regret that I announce the elves will not join in the battle against the combined forces of Zamorack and the dark elves," the Elven King announced to over fifteen thousand elves who had gathered to hear his speech. This announcement was met with boos from the crowd, and one elf even went so far as to throw a tomatoe at the king. Deftly catching it the king called for order. "I know many of you feel this is the wrong choice.

However, I can reveal to you that this is not the choice I would have made were it not for dirty play on the part of our darker cousins! Indeed, they captured and threatened the life of an innocent, a man who has done nothing to antagonize them. I made the choice to save him instead of letting them torture and kill him. In fact, I can also reveal that there was a dark elf here to make sure I declared we would not go to war, else the dark elves would have attacked us. However, that man has left now, and so now I can reveal that the elves will march to war.

Originally I was opposed to the war, but the fact that the dark elves are going to be involved has led me to take drastic actions, for there was never a human army that could defeat the army of the dark elves. Tomorrow we march to Karna'khesh, where we will join a combined army of the men of Varrock and Ardougne as well as the dwarven army. There we will wage war on the forces of Zamorack and destroy darkness once and for all!" This was met by cheers from the crowd of elves. Eventually they returned to their homes to find their weapons and pack, and await the march to war.


"I truly appreciate what you have done, as, I'm sure, does my King. Without your forces we would be useless against the forces of Zamorack," Gul'dan said. He and the king had retreated to the king's chambers after the speech, and now he could openly express his gratitude to the king.

08-Jun-2007 17:38:03 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2007 12:44:59 by Poller5

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