
The Story Of Castle Wars

Quick find code: 49-50-67-44753278

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Story Questions:

1. What is the last name of the Elven King?

2. What village did Maly*tryx hail from?

3. How old (roughly) is the Elven King now?

4. Who has the King of the dark elves when the dark elven army was created?

5. What manner of creature was the hooded figure that attacked the Army of Ardougne?

6. Who was Akkarin and when did he disappear?

7. What dwarven faction was the Duergar family part of?

8. What is Gul'dan respected for being able to do?

9. What did the Elven King seek to avoid by not joining the war?

10. What was Akkarin doing when he disappeared?

18-Jun-2007 20:24:29

Dec Member 2023


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Chapter 18

“I have convinced the Kings to launch an attack on Gornakhan, rather than to wait for the battle to be brought to them,” the man said.

“Very good,” hissed the cloaked figure. “We will prepare for the assault accordingly. Now, what do you know of their battle plans?”

“Unfortunately, not much. The Kings have been very tight lipped about it, but there is some information I have for you,” the man said. He stepped in closer the cloaked figure and lowered his voice, as if afraid that he would be heard.

“Very well,” the cloaked figure hissed softly, “Make sure that you avoid fighting in the front, do whatever it takes to stay at the fortress. If this happens we will definitely be victorious.”


The King of Varrock awoke from a troubled sleep. It had not been easy for him to sleep recently, for he was plagued with dreams about the upcoming battle. Dreams in which he died, dreams in which innocents are slaughtered, and dreams where he is captured and tortured. He rose from his bed and walked over to the window. His chambers were located near the top of north tower, the pinnacle of which is the highest point of the fortress.

Though the sun had barely begun to rise, men were already about the fortress preparing for the coming battle. He could see the light from blacksmiths’ fires and hear the clash of steel on steel from the practice grounds. Horses were being led from the stables to the massive inner courtyard, where the army of the Alliance of the Free Races of Glienor would begin their march for Gornakhan, where they would be rewarded with death and glory.

The King turned from the window and, donning a dressing robe, walked out across the hallway to a small shrine to Saradomin. Kneeling down he uttered a short prayer to Saradomin, and was surprised to hear an answer from behind him. “I am with you and all who fight evil today,” Saradomin said. Gasping with shock, the king turned to look on his god.

19-Jun-2007 17:05:42

Dec Member 2023


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Saradomin resembled an old man in appearance, with long white hair and a waist-length silver beard. His eyes were the first thing that the King’s eyes were drawn to first, however. Ancient and grey, the eyes held a deep sorrow, and a knowledge that encompassed all of Glienor.

“Saradomin,” he gasped in wonder and awe, “What brings you here?”

“I would have thought that to be obvious,” Saradomin said. Though his voice was not particularly loud, it had such quality that the King felt he would have been able to hear it from the top of the eastern tower of Gornakhan. “I have come to do two things: the first is to tell you that, while I will not be fighting alongside you today, your army shall be the focus of my attention, and I doubt this will be the last time I see you on this day. The second is more sinister, and probably of greater importance to you: the power that we gods have detected has recently gained in strength, and we sense its approach. I will warn you once more: be wary of strangers whose intent you do not know, and do not allow yourselves to be caught off guard.”

“Thank you,” the King said. “The knowledge that you are watching over us will greatly increase my men’s morale. However, as to this other power, certainly the gods must have some idea of who, or what, it is.”

“I am afraid that this is not so, or close enough to the mark. Guthix may well know, but he will not tell us, for it could upset the balance. And remember: we are unsure as to whether Zamorack is aware of this, so use this knowledge to your advantage,” and as Saradomin said that he faded into the air, and the only sign that he had ever been there was a slight unearthly fragrance in the air.

19-Jun-2007 17:06:15

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