Review of: “The Story of Castlewars” by Poller5.
*Mechanics- 35/50
While your mechanics weren’t flawless, they were very good, and you did not make very many mistakes. I did not see paragraphing errors; there were minimal grammar errors, minimal spelling errors, moderate punctuation errors, and minimal sentence structure. Here are some of them.
Page 1, Post 10
-“Gul’dan reached the hell hounds but before he could attack his body was suddenly frozen.”
Revised) ‘…the hellhounds, but before he could attack, his body was…’
(Any place that ‘hell hound’ appears is incorrect. ‘Hellhound’ is the correct spelling.)
Page 2, Post 3
-“”My Lord is displeased,” he answered in a low hiss, “However…””
Revised) “”…displeased, he answered in a low hiss. “However…””
Page 7, Post 9
-“The night watch reported to”
I am not sure what happened to this sentence. You started a new paragraph immediately after. IT sounds cut-off. I couldn’t tell you how to revise it; you’ll need to take care of it yourself.
Page 10, Post 6
-*As he watched he saw flying creatures above the fortress, but before he could tell what they were they were gone, lost in the growing darkness.”
Revised) “As he watched, he saw flying…but before he could tell what they were, they were gone, lost I the growing darkness.”
(Here I am only correcting the technical errors; I think that it sounds awkward when you use ‘they were’ twice in a row. Maybe you should consider rewriting the end of the sentence?
Those were just a few examples of errors that you have made. There were others scattered about that were similar. However, none of them are that important. Good job on mechanics!
18-Jun-2007 19:50:59