Despite his attempts to ruin the clan, he’d form the UNSCMC and he would played nice and said he understood the conditions of his removal. He wanted to be an ally with the Covenant but we refused the applications. Once he got to like, 10 members he suddenly said that we were at war. Lan said we could choose the place and they’d choose a time. We chose high level Wilderness, they refused to fight there. So we chose Clan Wars instead. They chose a Friday to fight, knowing that me and another leader would be unable to go to this war due to real life obligations. We lobbied for a Thursday and he played the, “You don’t show up, you forfeit.” Card in spite of us changing location to accommodate their needs.
We lost the war, nonetheless. However, immediately after the war, some of the Covenant’s leadership realized a lot of inconsistencies with the UNSC’s member list and who was at the war (ie people at the war not being on their member list, people on their members list not being at the war, etc). My leadership wanted to investigate the situation, but I just opted to say that they hadn’t updated their members list. I made a poor decision NOT to investigate the matter in hindsight. Five years ago, a member of the UNSC Marines named Dagreenfiend Pmd me and said that our theory was right, Lancaster used a group of 110+ people he PK’d with to boost his side on Clan Wars. Then the fall of the covenant, rise, fall again due to UNSCMC cheating again, etc.
I want to give a shout out to former Covenant members and some who stuck all the way to the URE. Skele, Igothacked, Pukehammer, Elitesloth, Sesa Rolamee, Feanor921, Paradox, Pada, Darkness5308, Volcom 47
And I want to give some recognition to the Apocalyptic Legion and the UNSC SPARTANS. You're not forgotten.
25-Feb-2015 21:48:01
- Last edited on
04-Mar-2015 01:15:53
The Illiof