
Dyrn's Stories

Quick find code: 49-50-658-63029286

Nov Member 2007


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Eternal life. It seemed like such a beautiful thing to me. To be able to live forever must be a gift, I thought. I was wrong!

The first few hundred years were fantastic. Of course it was hard to watch my family and friends wither and die while I did not age at all, but I soon forgot about it, completely engrossed with my own superiority to the rest of mankind. I threw away those precious moments which I should have treasured forever.

Imagine how much knowledge a man could aquire if he studied for entire millennia. I did that, but it did not satisfy the ever-growing emptiness inside me – it did not fill that hole which the “gift” of immortality had dug in my very soul.

For I soon realised that I was lonely. Other people’s lives were but minutes to me, and so I could not get to know them; their lives were simply too short. I was immortal, but friendless. And loneliness is probably one of the worst fears of mankind. Any other fear can be overcome as long as you are not alone. As long as you have someone to share that fear with. I had no-one. No matter what I achieved, I could not share it with anyone, and so every achievement felt smaller and more insignificant.

I watched whole empires rise and fall, but it did not concern me. I was no longer able to distinguish day from night. Everything was just a blur, and I was incapable of feeling anything. My emotions were gone. I tried to convince myself that I had done the right thing, but I could not. For it was not the right thing to do. I was naïve and selfish, and now my life is a hollow shell devoid of content and purpose.

I do not know how this will end, and that is why I have written this. Mark my words and may they be a warning to anyone who is offered immortality. For it is said that death gives life purpose. Now I know that it is true.
// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

25-Nov-2011 22:48:24 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2013 21:29:07 by Dyrnwyn

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 1,396 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
New very short story, "Cursed" is up! ^_^
Sounds good, both of you, and thank you, Flarr. ;)
I just want you to know that I've decided to post my Halloween Story Competition entries here, too. I'll do so tomorrow. They are actually better than the Hunt for Power, as I have improved since I wrote that one.
// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

25-Nov-2011 23:19:24 - Last edited on 25-Nov-2011 23:26:33 by Dyrnwyn

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 1,396 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Official H'ween Story Competition round 1 entry~
My placement: 3rd place.

The warrior traversed over fallen trees and roots intertwining themselves across the cobblestone. This trip towards Draynor Manor would be quite the task, he thought to himself. Using his agile skills he'd attained throughout his knighthood, the warrior finally arrived at the front of the manor. The sight of house took his breath away. The warrior made his way up the steps, but before he could grasp the handle, the doors swung wide open. A deep, horrific voice spoke out to the warrior.

"Sir... Please step inside.”

The voice sent chills down the warrior’s spine. It was no suggestion, it was a command! The knight drew his sword and entered the manor. There were cobwebs everywhere, and everything was covered in a thick layer of dust. The house was dimly lit by flickering candles in old, dented chandeliers. Suddenly the double doors slammed shut behind him. The warrior nervously adjusted his grip on the sword, his heart pounding in his chest.

“Your fate has been sealed, brave adventurer,” said the disembodied voice, “now you must descend into the crypt.”

The knight hesitated.

“I said DESCEND!” The great, bestial roar echoed through the enormous building.

The warrior shivered, and reluctantly started towards the stairs which, he assumed, led to the crypt. Slowly, he descended the great, dust-covered steps and the shadows swallowed him. The darkness in the crypt was overwhelming.

“Good evening, sir.*

The knight jumped in mixed surprise and fear. He lunged with the sword, but the voice just laughed.

“You cannot kill me if you cannot see me!”

“W-who are y-you?” he asked, unable to keep his voice from shaking. Again, the voice laughed maniacally.

“I am Count Draynor!”

The warrior swallowed. A vampire!

“W-what are y-you going to d-do to m-me?” the warrior asked, his voice hardly more than a whisper.
// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

26-Nov-2011 11:33:02 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2013 21:29:08 by Dyrnwyn

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 1,396 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Suddenly the vampire was upon him. He was thrown to the floor by the impact of the sudden attack, and the sword fell from his hand. The vampire hissed, and the knight screamed as he felt the monster’s fangs penetrate his skin and feed on his warm blood. Then, even as the wounded warrior felt his life fade away, the vampire rose and said:

“The circle is complete once again. I will die, and you must take my place. When you wake up you will know what to do.”


The knight awakened. His mouth was burning and he was very cold. But he knew what to do; in fact he already sensed a victim approaching. He heard the double doors swing open upstairs. Then he smiled and spoke:

// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

26-Nov-2011 11:33:08 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2013 21:29:10 by Dyrnwyn

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 1,396 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Official H'ween Story Competition round 2 entry~
My placement: 2nd place.

The sky was dark and the moon was full. A hooded man silently crept through the woodlands of western Misthalin. The shadowy personage hesitated for a moment when he reached the travelling witch’s wagon. Then he knocked on the door, but no-one responded.


Meanwhile, a mummy was awakening inside a pyramid in the Kharidian Desert. Slowly, she lifted off the lid of the ornate sarcophagus, in which she had been buried so long ago, and stepped out on the cool stone floor. The linen-dressed undead smiled.

“It is time,” she said.


Back in Misthalin, the mysterious man seemed to be growing restless.

“Maggie?” said the hooded figure. No answer. “It’s me – Malak!” For the figure was in fact a Morytanian vampire. The small door gave a loud creak as the vampire nobleman opened it and stepped inside. He looked around, but there was no-one to be seen.

*That’s strange,” he muttered, “I thou-”

Suddenly, a female with an extraordinarily pointed hat jumped out from behind a closet.


Malak jumped in surprise.

“For the love of Zamorak, Maggie!” he hissed. *I nearly fainted there!”

The witch chuckled and sent the vampire a great smile.

“Oh, come on, Malak, don’t be mad. This is the night of nights, after all!”

The vampire nobleman shook his head, pulled back his hood and took place in a purple armchair. Actually, nearly everything inside the wagon was purple, including the cat, which was fast asleep in its purple basket.

“When will Senliten be here?” Malak asked. The young witch did*’t even get to answer before a ball of bright light appeared in the middle of the wagon. The vampire gave a strangled cry and tried to shield his eyes from the brightness. Then it was gone, and in its place stood Senliten, the Spirit of the Pharaoh Queen.
// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

26-Nov-2011 11:33:13 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2013 21:29:12 by Dyrnwyn

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 1,396 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Good evening, my dear friends!” she smiled and warmly embraced Maggie. “Long time no see.”
Malak mumbled some half-hearted complaint about the Queen’s arrival, but she did not seem to notice.

“Please take a seat, Senliten,” Maggie said. When the Queen had made herself comfortable, the young witch spoke again, her eyes alight with excitement.

“As you both know, this is the night we’ve been waiting for; the most important night of the year.” The others nodded in agreement. “The time has come yet again to carry out our task. Are you ready-” Maggie produced three baskets and held them high “- to go trick-or-treating?”
// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

26-Nov-2011 11:33:19 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2013 21:29:13 by Dyrnwyn

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 1,396 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Official H'ween Story Competition round 3 entry~
My placement: 2nd place.

~ Here lies Dyrnwyn of Lumbridge ~

In his glorious life, this adventurous man travelled far and wide, from the marshy Morytania to the beautiful Elven Lands. Skilled in both combat and deductive reasoning, Dyrnwyn used his great strength and quick wits to help others. Many a time, he fearlessly ventured into dark dungeons and forgotten tombs or solved puzzles and clues, all for to help his fellow Gielinorians. Although he was mostly a good man, Dyrnwyn's profession sometimes required him to walk the path of dishonesty and deceit. Unfortunately, people in authority did not always seem to understand that it was all necessary.

On his adventures, Dyrnwyn slew Elvarg the Dragon and defeated Nomad the Scourge of Souls.

This brave man passed away following an unfortunate (and quite messy) incident, which occurred during a game of dart with his friend, Dionysius the Wise Old Man. When Dyrnwyn left this world, he had completed every single quest he could track down, and he wore a cape to prove it.

~ May Guthix shield poor Dyrnwyn's Soul from Evil, and may his earthly remains rest in peace ~
// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

26-Nov-2011 11:33:23 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2013 21:29:15 by Dyrnwyn

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 1,396 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Official H'ween Story Competition round 4 entry~
My placement: 1st place!

~Bad advice~

They are coming. You can hear them running through the misty Lumbridge Swamp. They have been following you ever since you managed to escape from the jail in Draynor Village.

“Blasted jail guards!” you mutter, running through the marshy landscape. You know that you will have to find somewhere to hide; the guards are closing in on you, and your senses are drowning in an ocean of fatigue. This swamp seems to drain your very soul of all will and energy.

All of a sudden, a shadow jumps at you, and you throw yourself to the ground, drawing your dagger. Your attacker hisses and leaps again. You thrust forward your dagger, and it sinks into the flesh of your opponent. The creature gives a high-pitched scream and flees. You rise to you feet, your heart pounding like a dwarf’s hammer on an anvil.

“Phew,” you say, “just a giant rat.” Then you start running again. The guards must be very close now.

Suddenly, a small, wooden cottage emerges from the unwholesomely-looking fog ahead of you. Should you go in there? Will this swamp-dweller help you? You decide to take the chance and knock on the door. It is opened by the ugliest man you have ever seen. His face is horribly misshapen, and there is a giant lump on his back.

“Good evening, sir,” rasps the hunchback, “I’ve been expecting you.”

You frown.

“You have?”

The hunchback nods, his sly eyes indicating that he knows something that you do not.

"Now, please come inside, my good sir."

You do as he says, and he immediately starts talking again.

“I know why you are here. You are being followed, and so you need my help, yes?”

You nod.
// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

26-Nov-2011 11:33:28 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2013 21:29:16 by Dyrnwyn

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