
Dyrn's Stories

Quick find code: 49-50-658-63029286

Nov Member 2007


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~The Amulet of Dag'eth~

Zemouregal had lost his temper faster than a dark kebbit runs at the sight of a falcon.

"What?!" the infuriated Mahjarrat cried, his red eyes glowing brighter. "How did that pathetic scum manage to get himself killed? Surely it was in Calvars power to bring me the Staff!"

The gargoyle Sharathteerk flapped his wings nervously. It was not clever to be near Zemouregal when he was angry.

"He had an... encounter with Dionysius, my Master. The only thing left of him were ashes. Even necromancy couldn't bring him back now."

The Mahjharrat clenched his fists.

"So be it," Zemouregal snarled. "Thou must send for Tarvec, for I shall lay a great quest upon him."

Soon, Tarvec Frey, flanked by Sharathteerk, entered Zemouregal's chamber.

"Master," Tarvec said and bowed respectfully.

"Thy manners become thee," Zemouregal said, and then turned his attention to the gargoyle. "Wouldst thou mind leaving us for the while?"

It was not a question - it was an order, and Sharathteerk was clever enough to obey.

"Tarvec, I hear thou art a highly skilled magician. Is that so?" Zemouregal asked.

Tarvec seemed a little uneasy as he answered.

"I am quite good, my Master."

"Modesty," Zemouregal spat. "But let us get to the pressing matter, which caused me to summon thee. I have a task for thee. A task of utmost importance. Thou must find the Amulet of Dag'eth, and bring it to me!"


Tarvec had been riding through the icy lands surrounding Zemouregal's Fort for three days now. He was nearing his destination, the Forgotten Cemetery, where Dag'eth was said to lie buried. Dag'eth was a powerful mage, who had fought in the God Wars. Bards still sang songs of his immense power, which was said to have come from a mystical amulet of his.

The white landscape started to change. The snow was gone, and the ground got darker. There was almost no veget
// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

28-Jul-2011 14:57:08 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2013 21:27:16 by Dyrnwyn

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 1,396 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The only creatures who managed to live here were fierce, bloodthirsty beasts. Tarvec shuddered.

When reached the Cemetery, Tarvec was immediately filled by a great sorrow. The place itself seemed to cry over the injustice of its dark fate.

Like any other place in the Wilderness, the Forgotten Cemetery had been destroyed and... well, forgotten. Tarvec mumbled and made a quick gesture to form a protective shield around his body, that would keep away the undead inhabitants of the Cemetery.

As he walked through the forest of broken and neglected tombstones, hopeless spirits floating past him, Tarvec felt sorry for the dead. No-one deserved to be forgotten like that. No wonder they couldn't pass on to the Death Realm.

It didn't take Tarvec long to find the grave he sought. It was a big marble sarcophagus. All its ornamentations had worn off, except for one: The symbol of Zamorak.

Tarvec bent down, gripped the lid and tried to lift it off, but try as he might, he couldn't move it.

'Of course!' he thought. 'It's been enchanted!'

He spoke a few strange words, while his hands wove symbols in the air, and for a second the sarcophagus seemed to shimmer with light. With a sudden sigh the lid opened and fell to the ground with a thud. A rotten smell rose from the sarcophagus. It had been so easy! Too easy.

Tarvec's heart sank as he gazed into the sarcophagus. It had no bottom. Instead, a set of stairs led downwards. The constant twilight of the Wilderness prevented the mage from seeing how far the stairs went, but he would have to go down, anyway. Zemouregal could be most unpleasent when he didn't get what he wanted. Slowly, Tarvec Frey descended into the catacomb, and soon he was embraced by complete darkness.

So hungry... Must feed... Flesh...? Do We smell living flesh...? At last...!

Tarvec mumbled a spell, and his right hand burst into flames, but the fire did not harm his flesh. With his flaming hand in front of him to light up the way,
// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

28-Jul-2011 14:58:25 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2013 21:27:18 by Dyrnwyn

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 1,396 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tarvec was able to navigate through the cold corridor.

The shadows around him seemed to gain physical form, seemed to reach out for him. Suddenly, the fire went out, and the darkness actually grabbed him!

So hungry... Must feed...

"No!" Tarvec yelled in undisguised horror, and a fire surge exploded from within his body. The strange darkness fled, and Tarvec set his hand ablaze once again.

"That was a little too close," the mage mumbled, quite shaken by the dreadful experience.

The corridor ended, and Tarvec found himself in the burial chamber of Dag'eth, the legendary Zamorakian sorcerer. On a dais in the middle of the room stood a sarcophagus, identical to the one in the cemetery.

Tarvec took a step towards the sarcophagus, but at the same time a hooded figure emerged from the shadows on the far side of the big stone coffin.

"Begone!" the figure exclaimed.

"Who are you?" Tarvec asked nervously. The figure pulled back its hood.

"My name is Solus Dellagar. Some know me as the Murder Mage."

Tarvec was stared at the other mage with astonishment.

"You're supposed to be dead!" he accused. Solus laughed.

"The Templars thought they killed me. Obviously they were wrong, weren't they? I faked my own death and returned to my Master, Lucien. He found out about the Amulet of Dag'eth a long time ago. I'm here to guard it from people like you." Triumphantly, Solus raised his right hand, in which he held the Amulet. That was a great mistake.

Tarvec thrust forth his hand and heated the metal Amulet with a simple fire spell. Solus screamed as his hand was burned, and the red-hot Amulet fell to the floor. A water spell and a telekinetic grab in quick succession put the Amulet of Dag'eth into Tarvec's possession.

Tarvec broke a teletab, leaving only the swearing Solus Dellagar in the tomb.
// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

28-Jul-2011 14:59:15 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2013 21:27:21 by Dyrnwyn

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 1,396 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nah, but I didn't want too hurt him to badly, as I'd like him to return (for revenge). plus, it's hard to teleblock someone, when your mind is exploding with pain! :P
Don't worry, Lucien won't take Solus' humiliating defeat lightly! ^_^
// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

29-Jul-2011 20:51:40 - Last edited on 29-Jul-2011 20:53:17 by Dyrnwyn

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