
Dyrn's Stories

Quick find code: 49-50-658-63029286

Nov Member 2007


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Catalan Farnsworth wiped the sweat from his brow, shielding his eyes from the ever-burning desert sun. The great pyramid rose before him, towering like a lonesome sentinel in a vast ocean of sand.

”Ja'ab!” Farnsworth called for the indigenous desert-dweller whom he had hired for the expedition. ”Are your men ready to open the pyramid?”

The dark-skinned man nodded, answering in his distinct accent.

”It will not be long. The entrance is nearly cleared. I will tell them to open it as soon as they are able.”

”Very well, Ja'ab. Your service is of much value to me.”

Finding a local who would be willing to desecrate an ancient tomb had not been an easy task; Catalan had spent weeks searching for the right man. Ja'ab was essentially a professional grave robber, but at least he did not shy away at the thought of the Pharaoh's curse.

Farnsworth rubbed his hands eagerly. Ever since his childhood he had dreamt of opening one such tomb. He had overseen countless archaeological excavations, but this was bigger than anything he had ever experienced. Thoughts of secrets and unbelievable riches very nearly made him drool.

With Ja'ab by his side, he made his way to the pyramid entrance. Ja'ab's men were shoveling sand onto wheelbarrows and hauling giant slabs of rock onto a truck.

A worker looked up, wiping his face with a ragged cloth.

”We are done, sir. We can open it now.*

Catalan nodded.

*Do it.”

With immense satisfaction, he beheld the workers as they used pickaxes and levers to break the stone slabs, that covered the entrance, apart.

The slabs broke, and it was as though the pyramid let out a sigh in defeat. Farnsworth laughed triumphantly.

”Today, we have conquered the pyramid! Soon, we shall uncover its secrets!” He turned to Ja'ab. ”Fetch us lanterns, and we shall embark upon a journey back in time.”

// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

07-May-2013 21:22:09 - Last edited on 07-May-2013 21:23:00 by Dyrnwyn

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 1,396 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The inside of the ancient structure smelt of dust and age, and a veil of sepulchral silence had fallen upon the men. No-one spoke, be it for fear of invoking a curse, or simply in awe of the beauty of the pyramid.

The walls were covered with paintings, depicting everything from the life of peasants to the death of kings. Catalan frowned at the strange symbols that complemented the artwork.

”Ja'ab,” he said, resting his palm against the cold stone wall of the corridor. ”Can you read this?”

”I can. It is difficult to translate, but I can make a meaning of it.”

Farnsworth nodded.

”Perfect. I will transcribe the symbols later, and I would very much like you to translate them, as best you can.”

”As you wish.”


Night had fallen upon the desert lands, and the men had withdrawn to their tents to shelter themselves from the low temperatures.

Catalan Farnsworth was recording the events of the day in his diary, as Ja'ab entered his tent.

”Catalan, I don’t believe we should continue our exploration of the pyramid.”

Silence followed. The only noise was the barely audible squeaking of the chain from which an oil lamp hung, causing shadows to flicker. When Farnsworth finally spoke, his voice was stern.

”That is not for you to decide, Ja'ab.”

The ebony-skinned man cleared his throat.

”I have translated some of the ancient symbols. They speak of a great danger deeper within the pyramid. Whether it is death traps or the Pharaoh's curse, I do not know yet.”

Catalan laughed mockingly.

”The Pharaoh's curse? Surely, you are not afraid of such things, Ja'ab?”

The indigenous man sighed.

”It is dangerous, I am sure of it. I will not accompany you, should you venture into the tomb again.”

Farnsworth shook his head.

”Unbelievable,” he muttered. ”Alright, Ja'ab, I will go alone. Did you really think you could talk me out of this?”

Ja'ab did not answer. He sighed again, leaving Catalan with his notes.

// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

07-May-2013 21:22:17

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 1,396 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Catalan walked slowly through the ancient corridors, lantern in hand. Ja’ab had once more attempted to convince him to discontinue the exploration, but Catalan’s will had remained unbowed.

*I don't need company,” he told himself. ”Cowards!”

Every once in a while he stopped, producing tracing paper from his backpack to record the carvings on the walls.

Here and there, there were chambers filled with urns, gold and whatever else a Pharaoh might need in the afterlife.

As Catalan went deeper into the ancient building, the paintings on the walls changed in nature. Instead of peaceful depictings of the people, grotesque monsters and massacres now adorned the expertly carven stone walls. The scenes were so realistic that Catalan averted his eyes for fear of tasting his breakfast a second time.

”What the hell is this?” he mumbled.

Inside the pyramid, there was a constant whispering of the wind, as it went through small cracks in the structure. As time went by, it seemed to Catalan that he could make out words in this whispering – that the wind spoke to him.


The archaeologist rejected the thought.

”Catalan, old boy, you allow Ja'ab's ridiculous ghost stories to mess with your head.”

It seemed like he had walked for ages, when the corridor ended. He was now faced with a stone slab, on which a hideous figure was painted. The abomination bore the garbs of a Pharaoh, but his facial features were horribly twisted, Catalan felt the dead eyes pierce through his very soul.

The whispering of the wind grew still more urgent, and though his heart quivered in barely suppressed terror, Catalan had no intention of turning back.

He set down the lantern, shadows flickering over the monstrous Pharaoh. He reached for his sturdy pickaxe and began tearing down the barrier. The inner sanctum – the very sepulcher itself – must lie on the other side.
// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

07-May-2013 21:22:26

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 1,396 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As the first miniscule hole appeared in the stone slab, the manic laughter of a madman escaped the darkness beyond. Farnsworth continued his work, steadily chipping away at the slab.

Finally, the barrier cracked open, and Catalan made his way through, lantern held high. The dim light lit up a chamber which most probably was meant to have been gloriously ornamented, but it seemed like whomever had been tasked with decorating a respectable tomb had suddenly remembered a pressing engagement elsewhere.

The paintings on the walls were not finished, and the gifts for the afterlife had not even been unpacked from their crates. The stone sarcophagus in the middle of the chamber was open, the heavy lid rested against its side. Catalan scratched his head wonderingly.

”What in the deepest abyss of hell...”

With the lantern to ward of the darkness, he moved closer to the sarcophagus. The archaeologist swallowed hard, as he beheld the embalmed corpse. The ragged linen shreds were slightly parted at face, and Farnsworth leaned in to inspect the leathery skin more closely.

Suddenly, the Pharaoh opened his eyes, and one arm shot out, ripping the linen and grabbing Catalan’s collar. He wanted to scream, but the glowing eyes froze him, preventing Catalan from voicing his terror, and his consciousness started to fade. The lantern slipped from his hand, glass smashing against the stone floor, and darkness filled his vision as well as his mind.


Catalan slowly regained his senses. They were not of much use, though, as he was surrounded by utter darkness. He was lying on his back, but when he tried to sit up, he bumped his head against something solid.

”Damn!” he exclaimed, rubbing his forehead. He lay down again, reaching upwards with his arms. They met a cold stone surface. Catalan frowned and reached in his pocket, producing a lighter.

In the third attempt, his shaking fingers managed to create a small flame.

”Oh, shi-”
// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

07-May-2013 21:22:34

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 1,396 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The sarcophagus was no longer open. The lid had been put in place, and he was inside of the stone coffin. Then it dawned upon him. Catalan slowly turned his head, his eyes met by those of the Pharaoh. Had it not been for the overpowering effect of those eyes, the archaeologist would have wept.

The corpse spoke, its voice dry as desert sand.

”Curiosity killed the Cat.”
// Wordsmith ~ The Novelists' Guild // Viking //

07-May-2013 21:22:40 - Last edited on 17-Feb-2014 22:14:32 by Dyrnwyn

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