
~The Dwellers~

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Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“...Help...please...” Leland was starting to feel scared. The voice sounded unfamiliar, but it sounded real.

He started to walk away from the well. He followed were the voice was coming from, calling out himself.

“Anybody there?” he was replied by another soft “Help” along with spasm of coughs. It sounded close.

“Oh my God!” Leland had turned a corner and saw four men, lying sprawled on the cold floor with tattered shirts and torn jeans. They looked all asleep.

‘How?’ was all Leland could think as he stepped closer to the four corpses. The closest one was still breathing. He brought his hand closer.

“HELP!” The man screamed and clutched Leland’s hand. Leland gave out a muffled yell and fell backwards, landing on the ground.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” Leland screamed. The man took a few tries to crawl with his arms and collapsed. ‘Those eyes,’ Leland thought. ‘I have never seen eyes like those.’

He had to get help. The four men had cuts on their arms and fresh scrapes all over their faces. ‘I could write a story about this. I could right a damn good—,’

His thought stopped mid-sentence. It wasn’t any of the bodies that made him freeze it was something above them, something he had never seen before. He couldn’t even describe it. But it sent him running. He ran as fast as his legs could take him back to the city were he could tell anyone who would listen.

25-Jun-2009 23:57:08 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 21:42:57 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°CHAPTER 4º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø


“Please sir, you have to wait. She’s in emerge right now."

Aimeric just nodded his head quickly and sat back down in the white paneled waiting room. Oliver was sitting next time squirming around in his chair.

“What did they say, Aim?” Oliver was smart, but not quite capable of saying Aimeric’s full name.

“They said we have to wait out here.” Aimeric said this very distantly, like there was no outside world he was talking to, just the tiny voices in his own head.

Oliver was glancing around squeamishly. He pursed his lips like he was trying to hold in a secret. At least he let them explode.

“I made Thea a present,” Oliver blurted out.

“That’s nice, Oliver,” Aimeric said, still distantly.

“Don’t you want to know what it is? I wanted to keep it a surprise but I can tell you if you can keep it a surprise."

"I think I will wait until you show it to Thea.” He wasn’t in the mood to see Oliver’s creations. He had been too worried.

Oliver didn't look heart fallen, though. “Okay. That will probably be better, that way it can be a surprise for you and Thea. I can't wait until she makes her sweet laugh when she see’s it.”

Aimeric excused himself and got up. ‘That kid is bringing up too many memories of Thea,’ he thought. Aimeric never had the heart to tell Oliver that Thea might not survive the surgery.

“Hello, nurse?” Aimeric said to a young female in a white gown with blond hair tucked beneath her hat.

“Yes sir?”

“Do you know the patient Thea Caston?” he asked, struggling on her last name. ‘You were going to say Eaton, weren’t you? Don’t lie; I know you were going to say your own last name.’

The young nurse frowned. “There have been complications, sir. We are doing the best we can. Are you the one that called it in?”


25-Jun-2009 23:57:13 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2009 23:11:23 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
She gave a forgiving smile at him. “You are a good man. You should sit back down, and don’t blame yourself. You did the best you could. Why don’t you go and get some water from the vending machine.

Had he though? When Thea had hit her head on the cement Aimeric had stood there for at least ten seconds almost as if he was letting the crunch sound stop echoing. Long enough for him to take a picture. He could have taken a photograph and then framed it in his dinning room and when people asked why there was a half-dead body picture hanging on the wall he could reply, “I took the phrase, ‘take a picture, it’ll last long,’ literally.”

Aimeric took the nurses advice though and got a bottled water from the machine. He remembered how the blood was pooling out of her head like a pond, slowing oozing through her skin. He almost dropped the water when he thought of that.

And then he had touched it. Oh God how strange it felt when he put his hand to her skull when he wrapped his shirt around her head. Aimeric kept fooling himself that it was just skin that he was touching but he knew that he had touched her brain beneath that skin.

The nurse gave him another small smile from across the room and disappeared through the flapping white doors marked Emergency Room.

‘I wonder how many people go into that room a day?’ he asked himself but what he was really thinking about was how many people die in that room a die.

Maybe only one. ‘Oh Jesus Thea you better be okay. You just better.’


The park was unusually quiet that day. Incidentally it was also the park where a young boy had almost drowned to death. Rumors were being spread that there was another boy that died. Soon, half the city believed Whirlpool Park was haunted.

25-Jun-2009 23:57:23 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2009 22:46:44 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
That wasn’t enough for old Mrs. Gervais. She had nerves of steel—nothing could terrify her. And if anything tried, well, let’s just say she would use her handy dandy cane.

Mrs. Gervais was sitting on the park bench, feeding the birds. She loved the birds, especially doves. When one came around it was like magic. The fast speed of white. That was her rush.

But today the birds weren’t coming. Instead, they were flying away. Why? She wondered. Why would the birds fly away in a panic?

She parted her gray hair between her forehead to give her dark blue eyes a better look. They were flying from something. They were terrified.

Mrs. Gervais couldn’t see what they were escaping from until she got her pretty pink eyeglasses from her handbag. They were covered in silver glitter.

‘Oh my...’ she thought.

A boy was running towards her and the other occupants in the park. His shirt looked muddied and worn, and he was flailing his arms frantically.’

‘I didn't believe the rumors. I do know.’ The boy’s face was pale white. Pale like a ghost. He managed to make it near Mrs. Gervais before breaking down, collapsing to the ground with huge breaths.

“GHOST!” was what she wanted to scream but couldn’t. The ghost boy clutched onto her dress tightly, looking into her frightened eyes.

“Bodies...lying...near well...thing...evil thing...near it...” he said pulling himself up to look with the eyes of a lover.

“Help,” he said and fainted.


Aimeric was still sitting, tensed. His hands were digging into his kneecaps, his fingernails making those small smile shaped indents. He looked up at the ticking clock on the wall and wished it could go back in time. Before Thea had met him.

‘That's what you are thinking about, aren’t you,’ a voice in his head scolded. ‘You’re thinking that if she never met you, her voice would never have gotten this powerful.’

25-Jun-2009 23:57:34 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2009 23:11:41 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
‘So what?’ Aimeric replied with his own thoughts. ‘I am the one her made stressed. I wanted her to bottle that voice away. And now look—it exploded.’

‘It probably would have exploded with or without your help.’ Aimeric thought that was a terrible word. Probably. Thea probably wouldn’t get involved with an almost married man. Thea probably would never get an evil voice that could torture her. Thea probably wouldn’t die at the age of nineteen because of Aimeric!

He was sweating now, and everyone could see. The seeped through his skin and rolled down his face, pooling into his lap. Oliver on the other hand looked content. He had a nice shining smile that he gave to anybody that passed their seats.

‘I wish I had that kid’s optimistic ability,’ Aimeric thought. ‘The world could collapse in on itself and that kid would still skip merrily down whatever rubble was left.’

The blond nurse came out with a small pity smile which kept flashing between a look of sadness. Aimeric imagined just for a moment that he was walked up to her and punched that smile right off her face.

“How is she?"

The nurse looked into his eyes. Aimeric had a guess that they had to be trained on how to give bad news. “She’s lost a lot of blood. We gave her stabilizers, but the chances are very low.”

“How low?” Aimeric asked. He was a mathematical guy. Numbers, numbers, numbers.

“It is impossible to say for sure—,” she took a step backwards but Aimeric grabbed on to her wrists. His eyes turned soft and needing.

“ low?” He gave one last look into her eyes and she sighed.

“The best I can guess is in the realm of ten percent. Probably fifteen,” she said and saw the realization appear on his face. There was that word again. Probably.

“One last thing,” the nurse said. “She is asking for you. The boy to. Do you think you have enough strength to see here?”

26-Jun-2009 00:01:28 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2009 23:12:00 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He thought to himself nauseously, ‘I haven’t had enough strength for anything that has happened in the last two weeks, but they seem to happen whether I like it or not.'

"Sure,” he said. “I think I have enough strength for one more emotional event.”

The nurse just looked at him confused with a look of a five-year-old. She shrugged and led them both through the swinging double doors. Aimeric was secretly wondering what was inside the infamous emergency room. He was disappointed to find out it was exactly the same as the rest of the hospital, only with more shouting doctors. They walked down a long corridor of gurneys and she opened the door.

“Just right in here, take all the time you need. She is stable for now."

Aimeric gave a small nod and went into the room. His hand was tightly wrapped around Oliver’s—which seemed to help. Inside was just a bed, with a girl lying beneath the covers. She leaned up and gave the largest smile she could afford—which was actually no more than the corners of her lips turning up.

“Hi, you two. Somebody told me I had a little spill on my noggin.”


Thea looked—and there really was no way around it—terrible. When Aimeric walked in he thought he was just placed in a sci-fi novel, and Thea was the alien. Tubes were coming out of her arms and legs from every direction. Her face looked pale from all the blood she had lost. And her scalp—they had shaved where she had landed on it. Now all she had was a giant bald spot. If anyone asked, they could say Thea’s got cancer.

The IV was slowly dripping blood into one of the tubes. Aimeric didn't mind, blood was not an issue for him. After what he had just seen, he could swim in blood and not gag.

Oliver felt differently. His eyes looked on the blood. He instinctively grabbed his neck which felt vulnerable. Aimeric saw Oliver’s tight wound up face.

26-Jun-2009 00:01:33 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2009 23:12:27 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I know,” he said and got a blanket from one of the cupboards. He unfolded it and draped it on the stand, hiding the massive bag of blood.

“Better?” he asked. Oliver nodded.

Aimeric looked back at Thea. She looked like a ninety-year-old lady, not like a nineteen-year-old girl. She had bags under her eyes. The skin on the top of her head was wrinkled and worn. He sat down in the chair nearest her.

“How do you feel? Anything you need? Should I get the nurse? Are you really dying Thea?”

She just looked at him confused. Thea’s eyes flared with realization and she let out a jubilant laugh, only it sounded hoarse and thick.

“Relax Aimeric, relax. I am not going to die,” she said in the strongest voice she could muster, which wasn’t more than a mouse whisper.

“Thea, I saw the fall. There was so much blood. I don’t even know why your mother isn’t here.” He was still talking rapidly and Thea had to raise a hand to make him stop.

“She is here, only I asked her to wait somewhere away from you. My mother is quite the over reactor—like me,” she smiled reminding Aimeric of one of their first talks. “I was afraid she would blame you for what happened, especially since you would have to lie.”

Aimeric’s face was full of disbelief. “Lie? Thea, you never told your mother about your—,” he looked at Oliver who was playing with cupboards. “—problem?”

“No and I feel awful about it. But I don’t think we have to worry about that anymore. Oliver, could you wait outside a moment?” Oliver gave a great smile at Thea and left the room.

Aimeric lowered his voice to a whisper. He was now standing up, out of his chair.

“Thea, what the hell do you mean you don’t have to worry? You almost killed yourself!” he looked at the door that Oliver was outside and lowered his voice to a whisper.

“Aimeric, it’s gone.”

“What?” his eyes felt like they could have popped out of their sockets.

“The voice. It left me. I don’t think it’s coming back.”

26-Jun-2009 00:01:39 - Last edited on 09-Jul-2009 17:41:50 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“How?” Aimeric almost spluttered out the word.

Thea sighed. “It’s difficult to explain.”

“Thea, if you don’t then I can’t take your word.” she studied his face and nodded.

“Okay. You should know that I don’t remember anything I did or said when the voice was in me. For a second I felt like my soul had actually left and been replaced by the voice.” Aimeric remember when Thea’s eyes turned red. He let her continue.

“Well, I remember when I hit the pavement and blacked out. But I could still hear your voice Aimeric. You were crying.

“And all I wanted to do was stop that crying. But your voice was fading away, like you were leaving me and I tried to scream for you but couldn’t. And then...”

Aimeric was sitting on the edge of his seat. It was so painful just for Thea to describe everything all over again.

“I saw something.”

Aimeric looked at Thea like she was insane. “What did you see?”

“I really don’t know. It was like a picture. I saw you, me and Oliver standing side by side. We were all smiling and they voices were leaving me. It’s just what I saw when I was asleep. And now I am here, feeling fine.”

“Thea, I don’t know. That could—,”

“I thought you might not believe me. And you don’t have to. But I just want you to know that I am not dying. And the voices are gone.”

He could only stare as she gave a meaningful smile. Aimeric put both hands into hers. “I believe you.”

Her eyes turned glassy. "Thanks. Now, if you don’t mind, I am going to get some rest.”

Aimeric said that she could after Oliver said good-bye. Aimeric let Oliver into the room and he ran up to Thea’s bed, giving her a colossal hug.

“Okay Oliver, time to go,” Aimeric said, grabbing his puny hand.

“Wait! I have to give Thea my present.” Oliver was reaching into his back pocket and pulled up a folded piece of paper. He gave it to Thea.

26-Jun-2009 00:01:48 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2009 23:12:59 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Oh, that’s very sweet of you,” she said giving him the largest smile all day. It made Aimeric feel better. Thea started to unfold it. “I can't wait to frame it when we get—,”

She let out a huge gasp of air. Her back dug into the bed and Aimeric would have bet if it wasn’t bolted down it would have flown back twenty feet. Any color left in Thea’s face was gone. Her eyes were just too bugling pupils that couldn’t keep there eyes off the paper.

Oliver had smiled like he was satisfied with her reaction. Aimeric felt almost scared when he walked up to look at the paper. He was beside Thea, speechless.

“I made you a picture with crayons,” Oliver said walking up to them both. He began to point at each of the small crayon people. “This is Aim. They small person is me. And you’re in the middle, Thea. We’re all side by side smiling.”

Thea was holding the drawing in trembling clenched fists. She raised a finger and pointed it to the black swirls above the tiny people. “Oliver, w-what is that?” Oliver let out a small child’s laugh.

“That’s your evil voice, silly. And it’s leaving you for good.”


“Just a coincidence,” Aimeric said, mostly to himself.

“It was exactly like I described it!”

“You never told me your vision looked like it was made by a ten-year-old.”

“Why do you think I would question the powers of the universe? I saw a picture and Oliver drew the exact same picture!”

“Your saw your picture in crayon?”

“Does it really matter? Oliver knew about it somehow!”

They had been arguing for the past five minutes. Oliver had been sent outside yet again, he just assumed they were marveling over his drawing. It was one of the first presents he had ever given and as he had never really received many because of his father, he thought that reaction was customary.

26-Jun-2009 00:01:53 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2009 23:12:41 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aimeric had his hands in his hair. He felt like he wanted to rip out each strand, one by one, just so he could take his mind off it. But he realized that would only leave him bald with a problem.

“Thea this is insane!” Aimeric said in the loudest whisper he could use.

“He got it right,” she repeated for the umpteenth time.

“That is impossible!’”

She looked into his eyes with deadly force. “He. Got. It. Right.”

Aimeric sighed and turned away. She was about a stubborn as a child. He poured himself a cup of coffee from the nearby machine and turned back. The hot liquid drizzled down his throat.

“Aimeric, he knew about my voice. How could he have known?”

“Please don’t say that,” Aimeric said softly, eyes closed. His mind felt like breaking down from trying to figure that out. It was one thing to have a coincidental picture. But to guess an illness that Oliver that has only existed in Thea as far as they know...that was another thing.

“Maybe...maybe he overheard our conversations?”

Thea looked at him like he was crazy. “He’s a deaf child for God’s sake!”

“He can hear my voice well,” Aimeric argued, color draining from his face.

“You know that is bull crap as much as I do Aimeric. That boy knew I had the voice without hearing anything?”

Aimeric put his hands up to his temples. Was this what the officers had meant when they said a child can have a few tricks up their sleeves? Aimeric doubted it.

“Okay, so what does that mean?” Aimeric asked a little too harsh. “You sent him a telepathic message?” At least he could believe that slightly more. Thea could have a sixth sense from the side-effects of that voice. ‘Completely rational,’ Aimeric thought.

Thea shook her head. “I think you have it backwards. I think Oliver drew that picture and it was somehow placed in my mind.”

‘Leave to Thea to mess up my ideas,’ he thought. “So you’re saying that this kid is some kind of prophet? That he is the rightful king of the world? Of everything?”

26-Jun-2009 00:01:59 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2009 22:51:46 by Dark Enmity

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