
~The Dwellers~

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Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

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“Darling! I made you some lunch!” She ran up to Aimeric and flung her arms around him, locking her lips onto his. She handed him the brown bag and stood back, giving Thea a considerate handshake.
“This is great, Celeste! Oh...wait...what about Thea?” Celeste’s smile faltered.
“I am sure she can find something at the worksite, they always have food lying around.”
Aimeric looked into the bag again. “That work food is crap. I know—there looks like there’s enough food in here. I am sure I can share half with Thea.”
Celeste’s smiling face was broken completely and for a moment her mouth hung open. Luckily Thea was thanking Aimeric too much to notice. She wanted to strangle the home wrecker. They were...sharing.
“If you think that’s best, honey,” she said and kissed him one more time before dashing up the stairs to cry. She knew what men liked, and Aimeric liked HER.
“Will she be alright?” Thea asked uneasily.
Aimeric shrugged. “She’s just probably excited to have you and it’s hard for her to control her emotions. Celeste has always wanted a child. That must be why she is so ecstatic to have you.”
“Oh.” Thea looked suspicious, but slightly relieved. “I really like her. I hope we can be friends.”
“I am sure you will be inseparable,” Aimeric said. “Now let’s go, or we will be late.”
Thea and Aimeric were walking through a park on the way to work. Some children were having fun on the playground. In the distance Aimeric could see a dog barking and chasing a disc.
“What made you do this?” He asked.
“Why did you choose to work with rocks?”
“I guess I have been surrounded by them my whole life. I would have thought I would be sick of them by now, but I just love them more. You?”
“It’s a long story.”
Thea laughed. “We have time.”
Aimeric brushed the hair out of his eyes. He checked his watch and shrugged. The dog was no longer barking. Instead there was an old woman feeding the birds.

25-Jun-2009 23:37:43 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 03:54:26 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“When my mom was fishing, she took us fishing by the pool on the east side of town.”
“How little?”
“I was seven. So, we’re fishing, and my rod caught hold of something. I pulled and pulled, but it wouldn’t budge, so I stood up in the boat, and it...and it...”
“You’re afraid of water, aren’t you?” Thea asked, concerned.
Aimeric only nodded. “The boat hit a wave and leaned. I feel out the side and heard my mother scream before I went under. It was so dark and I couldn’t breathe. I yelled and water swam into my mouth. When my mother pulled me out I was half conscious. She took me to the hospital where I was diagnosed with pneumonia.
About a week later I got a box. I was still in the hospital and had slight vision. The present came with a card saying he hoped I had caught more than fish. I didn't really get it when my mom read it to me, and opened the box. She wouldn’t tell me what it was. It was rough and heavy, but felt smooth on one side.
Finally I had gained my sight back. But the first thing I wouldn’t to see was my present. It had been a rock. This rock was like I had never seen, though. It had a gray rocky surface but was cut in half. The inside was purple and sparkling with yellow flakes. And when I held it up I could see a million images of my face in the crystals. Since then I have wanted to find every kind of rock.”
Thea lost her footing and tripped into the grass. Aimeric grabbed her by the arm and lifted her up. “You okay?” he asked.
“Yes. Sorry, I was just so mesmerized to your story.”
He chuckled. “Never got that reaction before. Don’t worry, just be careful. We wouldn't want anything to happen to that pretty face of yours, would we?” Thea blushed and Aimeric felt like an idiot. “I feel bad. I shouldn’t have said that, should I?”
“No, it’s fine. I am always an over reactor.”

25-Jun-2009 23:38:16 - Last edited on 08-Jul-2009 19:46:55 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A thought entered his brain: You love her. He flinched and shook it away, throwing it away to the back of his mind. It was absurd, totally insane. Unbelievable, although...
It was ambition to make her laugh. That smile—it was so golden, so pure. He just thought it was so amazing. But that would be bad. There was Celeste. So he couldn’t. It was just a smile, right? How bad could it be?
Aimeric decided to do a test. He looked at his watch again. “Holy! I didn't know we are late! Come on, we have to run!”
“What?” She was baffled, and before she had a chance to say something more, Aimeric was sprinting. She just took one look at him, and raced after him.
“Slowpoke!” she yelled. He looked over and saw her smile.
‘Yep,’ he thought. ‘Golden.’


The worksite was south of the city, past the barn houses and farmer’s land. It was in on old abandoned canyon that some millionaire had sold because it was just a dead zone. Aimeric loved it at first sight.
There was actual totem like structures fifty feet high filled with precious gold. One day he had been allowed to stand on one and look above the canyon, just to see how magnificent it was.
The outer core of the canyon was beige with a crusty surface. Once cracked through though, you could see how crystals and gems. It was literally a gold mine.
And with that gold they had been able to buy some fancy new tools. Recently they bought Bessie, a shiny yellow machine with a huge drill at the nose. It could tunnel straight through that canyon and half the city if it wanted to.
And they had built tunnels. It was almost like there own gigantic ant farm toys that kids got, were there was a glass rectangle box and a bunch of sands and ants. Then you just stared for hours watching them dig tunnels. And if you forgot to feed them you would wake up one morning to find them dead.

25-Jun-2009 23:38:20 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 04:22:15 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It took a bit of time getting Thea the clearance to enter. It was a very government hyped dig, and nobody had much of a clue who she was. Once the security guard saw Aimeric however, things changed. He was the head honcho, and that made her his prized possession. She got a tag saying “Visitor” and some gaping action from the guard.
“He thought you were cute,” Aimeric said after giving the guard his card.
Thea blushed. “Stop it!”
“Fine. Just saying, though. That guard was checking you out.” Thea giggled and gave Aimeric a light punch in the arm.
Thea seemed to be eye-candy for all men at the site. When a bunch of sweaty middle-aged men have been shoveling rocks for eight hours all the half to do is stare at the only female at the dig. Thea didn't mind so much. She felt like Aimeric was her own personal bodyguard, an invisible shield to protect her from all the men.
As for her first day on the job she had enjoyed it. Aimeric let her play with the machines and she even got to keep a small semiprecious gem that they had found.
“How was your first day on the job?” Aimeric asked on their break when they were both about to bite into their tuna sandwiches that Celeste had made.
“It was amazing.” Thea said with her mouth full. She swallowed and burped. “Oh gosh, I am turning into the men here.”
“At least that might draw some attention off you.”
She brushed her black hair behind her ears and crossed her legs. She had a long figure, curvy waist, but next to no butt. He spotted a tattoo on her back, above her jeans.
“A wrench?” Aimeric said, confused at the masculine image. She looked over her should and giggled, readjusting her shirt to cover it.
“Yeah, it’s stupid. I just felt sad, and...I don’t know.” A tear was forming on the edge of her eye. Aimeric took a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed it away.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to feel ashamed.”

25-Jun-2009 23:38:25 - Last edited on 09-Jul-2009 17:38:07 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
She took a breath and looked at his face, as if for confirmation. “My dad died when I was ten-years-old. Heart attack. Mom never let me see his body. He was a mechanic, and I thought it would be good way to show I had loved him.” Her eyes were now red and swelled with tears. He gave her an affectionate hug.
“I don’t even know why I am telling you all of this. No offence, but we have only known each other for a couple of days. But it seems that I have some connection with you, that I can tell you anything.”
Aimeric looked over and saw that Mark, the guy that manned some the machinery, was looking at them and talking to some of the other guys over a cup of coffee. He was probably cracking some stupid jokes about Thea. It made Aimeric feel angry.
“A couple years ago, my sister Sarah had died from cancer. It was a long and difficult process because it happened so slowly and we all knew it was only a matter of time. When Sarah was in the hospital she had told me, ‘If you shed one tear about my death, Aimeric, I swear to God I will kill you.’ I had said to her that I don’t know if I could do that and she replied, 'I don’t care. Death is what I need. I feel sorry for all you people who have to mourn for me while I am up in the clouds enjoying my lemonade. So don’t you cry at my funeral. Don’t you dare.’
And I didn't. I had cried while making dinner in the kitchen. I was almost laughable. It came so unexpectedly. One second, I was putting the casserole in the oven and the next I was on the floor, bawling my eyes out. I guess I just had to get it out of my system. Since then, I haven’t cried about my sister.”
Thea looked apologetic. “I am so sorry. I didn't want to bring up bad memories.”
“Are you kidding? You let me think about how wonderful my sister was. I haven’t been able to do that since—,” he stopped.
‘Since you were engaged. Come on; don’t be afraid to say it.’ But he didn't. He choked on that thought.

25-Jun-2009 23:38:30 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 04:24:11 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“For a very long time.” He took another bite into his sandwich and looked into the bag. “Only one cookie. Darn. You want it?”
Thea took it and for a second he thought she was going to shove it in her mouth, but then she split it in half. “I have a better idea,” she said. “Let’s share it.”


“That stupid little girl in her stupid skimpy outfits thinks she can steal MY man.” Celeste was in the kitchen chopping the vegetables with a great deal of strength. The carrots were looking like they had just taken a trip in a blender.
“I have seen how they act around each other; I know when a man is in love with a woman. He has wolf eyes around her. Can’t even stop from staring.”
She put the carrots into the salad bowl and started tearing the lettuce. Her makeup had smeared across her face from all the crying she had had. Her fingernails started clawing into the lettuce.
“Well, something has to be done. Problems have to be solved and that girl is a problem. I can solve it, though. She’s just a girl. Just some silly, little girl.”
The lettuce had been torn to shreds. She took one look and knew that was what her relationship with Aimeric was, just tiny little shreds. He was probably laughing with Thea, telling her how much he wished he wasn’t married.
“THAT LITTLE HOME WRECKER!” she picked up the glass salad bowl and tossed it at the linoleum floor. The impact had shattered into a thousand tiny shards. One had scraped against her foot, drawing blood. She looked at it and began to sob.
“I hate her...I hate that little home wrecker...I hope she drowns coming home...I hope she dies...”

25-Jun-2009 23:38:35 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 03:58:17 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The phone had started to ring. Angrily she went over and unplugged the jack. It was probably Sue Ellen with more of her float ideas for the parade next week. Last year it had been the history of there city. Sue Ellen was a whiny hag. She was always trying to pitch her ideas in hopes that they would get chosen. Celeste wished she would stop calling.
She picked up all the broken glass and tossed in the garbage before lying on the couch in the parlor to cry some more. “I will get exterminate her for trying to steal my man. I will find some way, I know I will.”


Everything felt breathtaking for Thea that day. The whole experience felt so surreal for her, it was like a dream come true. The labor wasn’t even an issue—she always thought she needed some muscle anyways.
And Aimeric had been great, just perfect. She tried to be mature for him but he just brought out this goofy side of her, only he seemed to like it. She liked him too. How his face looked so perfect, how soft his skin would be if her hands were on it—
‘Stop, just stop.’ she scolded herself. ‘Do I want to get into something like that? He’s practically married for God’s sake.’
‘Yes, but he’s handsome,’ another voice in her mind answered. ‘Gorgeously handsome.’
‘He’s too old.’
‘Older people have married.’
‘He doesn’t like me in that way.’
‘He adores you.’
‘He’s married.’
‘He’s engaged.’
She gave up. Her mind was just to smart for her. Maybe she was the perfect guy for him. Thea had been dating Jerome but it had ended weeks ago because he thought they were going too fast. Aimeric seemed so consoling. She could tell him the world was going to end and he would look into her eyes and smile.
Thea was now operating the pulley system, hauling a load of rocks up out of the canyon. She still couldn’t get around the fact that he was almost a husband. Did he wear a wedding ring?

25-Jun-2009 23:38:43 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 03:59:47 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Slowly she looked over her shoulder past the man driving a truck full of dirt and the service elevator that took people up and out of the canyon. Aimeric was walking around with a large magnifying glass, studying all the rocks. He looked happy.
Thea diverted her gaze to his left hand. There was no wedding band. A small flicker of hope shined inside her. Maybe he didn't really want to get married.
‘Or maybe he took it off to avoid dirtying it at work,’ she thought. Nomatter what her choices were, her mind thought opposite.
“I never saw it when he was at the house,” but now she was just making up words to fit what she wanted. Her mind didn't bother to argue, Thea was staring at Aimeric. He looked over, waved, and went back to studying rocks.
‘He loves me,’ she thought. ‘He really does.’


“I think it’s time Thea had a chance to experience other things.” The name left a bitter taste in her mouth.
Aimeric and Celeste were in the office. He was organizing his desk while she had been giving small hints that a certain—shall we say home wrecker—should move on.
“What?” Aimeric was confused. He set down the application form of that day’s work effort. “I don’t understand, Honey.”
“She’s has been doing an amazing job, don’t get my wrong, and I love having her, it’s like our own child, but I think she might need to try new things.”
Aimeric looked dumbfounded and put down the form. “Are you saying I should fire her?”
“No, not fire. It’s just—Sweetie, you work a man’s job. Girls like Thea don’t like hard labor. Besides, we knew it would only be temporary.” She saw the joy fade from Aimeric’s face. That girl was doing things to him. She leaned closer to whisper in his ear. “She must be like a daughter to you, but Aimeric, you must’ve known that this wouldn’t last forever. She wants to move on. And you should to.”

25-Jun-2009 23:40:43 - Last edited on 09-Jul-2009 17:37:41 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aimeric didn't look into Celeste’s eyes. Instead, he looked at the door praying that Thea wasn’t lurking outside. “I just thought it would’ve lasted longer than this.”
“I know you did, Honey.” She was twisting and manipulating Aimeric’s thoughts so easily. ‘Men. Not the smartest things on the planet.’
“I guess I should go tell her now that I will help her find another position in geology.”
“I think that would be best,” Celeste said softly. She watched him leave the room and walk upstairs to Thea’s bedroom. She then picked up the form Aimeric was working on and under Thea’s work effort she put “none”.
“Just more proof that a woman is the greatest weapon,” Celeste said quietly while slipping the paper back into its folder.
Aimeric was climbing the carpet stairs thinking of how soon he had known Thea. They never even had a chance to do something fun together. His hands were clutching the banister tightly as he walked up to the second floor. He was afraid he would shatter the glass of water he was holding.
“Thea, I have to talk to you.” He was moving closer to her bedroom when he heard gasps. ‘No, not gasps,’ he thought. ‘Sobs.’
His feet felt rubbery and hollow. Why was she crying? Did she overhear there conversation? Did she know Aimeric was about to kick her out?
He was in front of her closed bedroom door trying to talk words of comfort. They came out as short hoarse words. “It’s for the best, Thea. I promise you will find better things.” It was only replied by more crying. He slipped his hand around the doorknob and turned it slowly.
‘Don’t!’ a voice in his head screamed. ‘What if something bad is in there?’ He froze and then had to bite his tongue to stop from laughing. It was just Thea, and right now she needed comforting.
He opened the door and let go of the glass of water. It plummeted to the carpet in slow-mo, finally hitting the floor with a muffled crack. All the water flowed out of the glass and seeped into the carpet.

25-Jun-2009 23:40:49 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 04:25:56 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Thea, why—,” He wanted to say Thea why the hell are you doing that but he couldn’t finish his sentence. Aimeric felt like somebody had come into the room and ripped out his tongue. Unfortunately they had left his eyes still in him.
Thea was on the bed, salty tears staining her perfect face. She was wearing a velvet nightgown, but that wasn’t what scared him. What Aimeric was terrified of was the kitchen knife in her right hand and the pool of blood on the bed.
Her thigh looked like it had been torn to shreds. He could see fingernail scrapes and knife stabs. She had run the knife from her thigh to her kneecap leaving a long red line of blood. It was flowing out of her like a river.
‘DO SOMETHING YOU IDIOT!’ his mind had shrieked. It was like a jolt of electricity running through him. Quickly he tore off his shirt and tied it around her leg, feeling the warm crimson liquid soaking through.
She had dropped the knife and it rolled to the floor, right next to the broken glass. Aimeric sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around her.
“I am so s-s-sorry. I di-idn’t mean t-to—,”
“Shh. Just relax,” Aimeric said soothingly and held her tight for ten more minutes. Both there body’s were stained with red blood.
“It’s not what it looks like,” Thea said after she had collected herself.
“Thea, you were holding a knife—,”
“Please, it’s too hard to explain.”
“You have to Thea. Otherwise I can’t help you.” She looked shocked and stared at the wound on her leg, and then took a deep breath.
It all started to pour out. “I don’t cut myself to get rid of pain. I cut because I have to.”
“I still don’t—,”
“Please, let me finish. When I was twelve, I started getting voices in my head. I don’t know how and I don’t know why, but they are evil. They whisper things to me. Things that are believable. That I should hurt people. That I should kill people.

25-Jun-2009 23:40:54 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 04:21:56 by Dark Enmity

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