
~The Dwellers~

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Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ned yawned. “I can see your working out a way to find a loop-hole so let me try to persuade you pretty boy. If you'll be my lawyer, I will let you keep the child forever and you can live happily ever after. I will live my life in peace and never see you or that stupid abnormality again.
“But if you don’t, I will take that child. I will take him, and it might not be right away, but I will kill him. I promise you that. Maybe a little torture first by pulling out all his hair. Or we can have another fun trip to the stove—I am sure he has told you about that by now. How wonderful, there are so many possibilities—,”
“OKAY!” Aimeric was now sweating, legs trembling. He felt that if he had to walk, his knees would buckle. “I will be your lawyer.”
“Good. That’s great. To make this more fun let’s pretend this is a game. If you succeed and let me get off scot-free, then the child won’t die from my anger. And don’t think that if I do go to jail I won’t get that kid. You should be smart enough to figure out a guy like me won’t be in here for a long time. Five—ten years at most, then...BOOM! That child is back in my arms.”
Aimeric wished he had a bed to sit on. “Fine. The deal is made. But why do you want me to be your lawyer? I don’t know anything about law! Wouldn’t you much rather me hire you a professional—,”
“HEY! You're breaking the rules. No arguing. But I do like your face, so I will give you one more chance.” Aimeric let out a breath. For a second he had thought it was over.
“I don't want one of those mamsy-pamsy full-of-themselves lawyers. All they care about is getting paid. But YOU, you have motive. You have something to keep you going, something that really wants you to win my case.

25-Jun-2009 23:52:25 - Last edited on 10-Jul-2009 22:09:34 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Besides, it will be fun. Remember, this is a game. And not a very fair one either. The odds are win-win for me. If I win, I get a life-time of freedom. And if I go to jail, we all get to say bye-bye Oliver. You had come into this room with a smug little face thinking you had the cards in your hands. Good thing I taught you different.” Ned flashed a wink in Aimeric’s direction.
Aimeric looked out of the barred windows and felt angry, depressed and confused. Should he have accepted that deal? What would Oliver do if he found out? Would Ned truly kill his own son? Aimeric believed he would.
“So, Smart Man, is there anything else you wanted?” Ned said passively, picking at the dirt under his fingernails.
"I think...” Aimeric was still worried if he should say it.
“Spit it out, I haven’t got all day. Actually, I do!” Ned cracked his head back to the ceiling and let out a high cackle.
“Your son. He’s here.”
Ned jumped off of the bed. His eyes were wide full of incredulity. He pressed his face to the rusty iron bars.
“Well, I can't wait to see my dear Oliver. Oh, I can just imagine how much he’s grown! Don’t you love it when father and son are reunited?”
Aimeric walked away and opened the oak doors. Outside was Oliver, still sitting on the small chair, as well as the man in the gray suit with his award winning smile.
“Is that all?” The man in the gray suit asked.
“No," Aimeric said. “I would like the child to come in.”
“Very well, and don’t worry. You have full privacy. Some people would think that these walls would echo but we pride ourselves on our sound-proofing. We won’t hear a peep.”
‘Good,’ Aimeric thought. ‘Because I don’t think you’ll want to.’ He gestured for Oliver and he jumped off the chair and walked along side Aimeric.
‘Out of the pot and into the fire,’ he thought. ‘Straight into that fire.’


25-Jun-2009 23:52:30 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 21:56:19 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aimeric hands were just clenched fists when he walked back into the cell room. It felt so much gloomier the second time around. There was Ned, sitting criss-cross-apple-sauce on the floor. He had the smile of a man who was hiding something.
Just then he realized something. What if Ned told Oliver about there deal? Would Oliver hate Aimeric for it? Hate him enough to go back to his father?
‘Don’t think like that,’ he thought. ‘That is too sick to think about.’
Oliver was walking with a face of confusion. He was staring at his father, and was that...confusion? Did Oliver not know that this was his father?
‘Please don’t tell him Ned. Please don’t,’ was all Aimeric could think. Ned still had on this smile that he was holding all the cards.
Oliver turned around and looked up at Aimeric as if for advice. It startled him. All Aimeric could say was, “Go ahead.” Oliver nodded and took in a deep breath. His stare returned to Ned. ‘Something isn’t right,’ Aimeric thought.
Things seemed to happen all at once. Oliver’s face was flaming, Ned was laughing at the top of his lungs, trying to egg him on. Aimeric was thinking of pulling out his hair.
‘Why is Oliver doing this? He said earlier that he
loves his dad. What is with him?’ But no amount of thinking could slow Oliver down.
“YOU’RE A MEAN DADDY! OTHER DADS DON’T HURT KIDS BECUASE IT’S WRONG AND YOU HURT ME DADDY! YOU HURT ME! I HATE YOU!” Oliver was storming. If that cell had been open, Oliver probably would have tried to strangle his dad.
Ned was still laughing. “You go ahead son! Hate your dad! Think about how I threw you down the stairs! I hurt, didn't it? I bet it hurt a lot. I would have cried if I was you. I would have cried like a baby!”

25-Jun-2009 23:52:36 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 22:46:11 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Oliver stop!” The words came from Aimeric but had no effect. Oliver was in his own world, one determined to hate his father to the worst. Ned diverted his attention to Aimeric.
“You better stop him, Aimeric. He is, after all, your son now!"
‘We need to get out of here!’ Aimeric’s mind screamed. He agreed with that thought gladly and pulled on Oliver hand.
“Oliver we have to go,” he said.
“I STILL HATE YOU DADDY! I WILL HATE YOU FOREVER AND EVER!” was the last words Oliver said to his father before they left. He closed his mouth immediately once the entered the through the doors.
“I hope you had a pleasant visit,” the man in the gray suit said calmly.
‘He didn't hear any of that,’ Aimeric thought in bewilderment.
“Yeah, sure. Now if you excuse us, we’re late for an appointment.” He and Oliver left with a goodbye from the man in the gray suit.
When they exited the prison Oliver had a strange look on his face. Aimeric couldn’t quite place it.
“Why did you do that, Oliver?” Aimeric asked, struggling to keep his head from exploding in frustration. Oliver smiled.
“Did what? Did you see how nice my daddy was? He’s the best daddy in the whole wide world. Did I tell you he’s the best?” Aimeric could only stare with expression a high school student had when confounded with an impossible math problem.
Aimeric didn't say anything. He just pulled Oliver along all the way home. It was a silent walk, but his thoughts were more muddled than when he arrived. ‘This kid has more mood swings than a woman seven months pregnant.’


Thea was looking out of the south view window while washing dishes. Right now she was doing a porcelain white mug. Her thoughts were muffled as she dunked the cup into the water.

25-Jun-2009 23:52:37 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 21:58:06 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
‘Did it go alright?’ She thought to herself. Celeste had excused herself from the house awhile ago—Thea always felt hurt how she didn't want to be around her. She really just wanted to be friends.
Of course there was the problem with Aimeric. But she had come to an adamant conclusion to just stay friends. Probably really good friends, but nothing further. It wouldn’t be wise to push herself into the arms of an almost married man.
She still loved Aimeric—that was the only thing she knew that was perfectly clear—but she would exercise caution and self-discipline around him, at least to make sure she didn't give any more hints to think she was interested in him.
Celeste didn't seem to want anything to do with Oliver. It was sad, really. She had two children in her home and she ignored both of them. Oliver was much more forgiving then Thea. Oliver loved the world no matter what.
“Oh thank God, there they are.” She uttered a sigh of relief as Oliver skipped up the stone steps with a look of enjoyment on his face. “I am glad it went well.”
Aimeric was more difficult to read. His face was blank—expressionless. But he didn't look happy that was for sure. ‘Maybe it was just a little exhausting for him,’ Thea thought. She didn't realize that “little exhausting” was a large understatement.
She took of the gloves and headed to the entrance. Oliver came bursting through the door and gave a hug around Thea leg before saying, “I am going to go read.”
Thea looked pleased. She was holding the mug in her left hand, towel-drying it with her right. She turned her eyes to Aimeric. “I am glad it went well—,”
“Leave me alone, I am going to bed.” Aimeric was livid. She didn't know if he was mad at her or Oliver.
“Was there a problem?”
“I said leave me alone,” Aimeric said firmly with cold eyes. ‘He’s never like this,’ she thought. ‘What could make him so angry?’

25-Jun-2009 23:52:43 - Last edited on 18-Jul-2009 02:31:31 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aimeric sulked up the stairs to his bedroom. The way he walked up, it seemed like almost the exact opposite of Oliver. “What could have happened to make those two act so different?” she asked to herself.
Almost as she thought that the white mug slipped out of her hands. It glided swiftly through the air, hitting the tile floor with a shatter. She clutched both hands to her chest.
‘Oh no,' Thea thought. ‘Not now. Please not now.'
But the voice was not intending to leave, not this time. It had been lurking inside her, waiting to strike. And with Aimeric in such vile mood, the timing was just too perfect.
The voice expanded herself in her. ‘Get ready sweet-heart, you’re in for a bumpy ride.’


Aimeric was walking in his dream. He was with Celeste. They were happy.
“Oh Aimeric, I love you so much,” Celeste said with soft, beautiful eyes and not the harsh piercing ones she had adopted recently.
“And I love you, my wonderful Celeste,” Aimeric replied with a kiss. It felt so...fake. What they were saying, how they looked, but it felt so amazing to be content.
They were walking around the pond, except there was no Thea, no Oliver. Just him and Celeste. Their feet gently strode through the wet grass, arms hung around each other.
The water was a deep turquoise. It felt endless—if he and Celeste were to jump in, they could sink forever in happiness. No sounds could interrupt there love.
He turned his head at Celeste and frowned. “Did you hear something, Honey?”
Celeste touched her warm lips to his. “Only your sweet voice right now."
Aimeric drowned himself into her. It was a hallucination. There was nothing else in there calm little world.

25-Jun-2009 23:53:35 - Last edited on 18-Jul-2009 02:32:04 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aimeric looked around but there was nothing but darkness around the pond. He could only see as far as the grass ended and then there was nothing, just darkness. But he could still here that voice.
“AIMERIC I AM HURTING HELP ME! OH GOD!” The voice was so recognizable, but it sounded terrified. He turned for condolence in Celeste who was smiling. It was like somebody was stretching her lips up to her eyes as far as they would go.
“Go on. Go help your little mistress. Leave me here alone. I hope you know what you are doing,” she said indignantly but still with that deformed smile on her face.
“Celeste, I still love—,”
“YOU LIE!” She was now screaming in a tone he had never heard before. “YOU LOVE HER! YOU LOVE THAT HOME WRECKER! DON’T PRETEND TO LOVE ME ANYMORE!”
She pushed him. Aimeric flailed his arms and his feet left ground, falling down onto his head. The feeling was scary, like he was going to fall forever into an endless hole. Instead, there was a sharp pain all over his body as arctic water swarmed him. It was as if he was being electrocuted. Aimeric opened her eyes only to be stung more by the water. His lungs were ready to explode, he needed oxygen.
Aimeric was sinking. The pond was endless; all he could do was sink. And as he did the last thing he saw was Celeste’s twisted smile, slowing fading away as he closed his eyes.


He opened them again and there was no pond. Aimeric was lying down in his cotton-wool bed, deeply buried under the blue silk covers. There were colored spots dancing on the white ceiling. He yawned and rubbed his eyes.
It was Thea. Her voice was echoing throughout the house. Aimeric sprinted out of the room and down the stairs, two at a time. He could already see Thea writhing in pain on the gray tiled floor.

25-Jun-2009 23:54:23 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 21:41:04 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Thea, what’s wrong?” He touched her shoulder and she flinched a way, like Aimeric was electrically charged.
He felt paralyzed. Every muscle in his body felt like it had mechanically shut down. “I-it will b-be okay Thea. You said it w-wouldn’t c-come if I am h-here.”
He reacted slightly late. When he did it was like a spring action—he bolted. In the corner of the entrance sat a nice mahogany desk with pictures frames of Aimeric and Celeste together. Thea could use those to cut herself.
‘Sorry Celeste,’ he thought before swiping his hand over the desk top and throwing everything as far away as possible. Thea was doing something.
“NO! NO I WON’T! DON’T MAKE ME!” she argued with herself in a screaming voice. ‘This is too much for me,’ he thought. Thea was crawling herself sub-consciously towards the shoe mat.
“DON’T LET IT! PLEASE DON’T LET IT GET ME!” Her arms were grasping for the shoes and he realized what she was doing. ‘Oh my god she wants to strangle herself. She is going for the shoelaces.’
He bounded towards her and collapsed on top of her. Thea’s whole body was trembling and Aimeric could feel it, like some sick earthquake happening inside her. She was scratching at him with her nails. He grabbed her face and looked into her eyes.
“THEA LISTEN TO ME YOU’RE STRONGER THAN THIS YOU’RE—,” Thea wasn’t there. Her eyes were red and gleaming. It was the eyes of her dark half. Thea’s not here at the moment so please leave a message after the beep.
“THEA STOP YOURSELF! STOP YOURSELF FOR GOD’S SAKE!” But Thea wouldn’t. She was bringing the nails to her own neck, scratching red lines of blood on herself. ‘It has never been this strong before. It’s growing.’

25-Jun-2009 23:54:28 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 21:59:12 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I HAVE TO AIMERIC I AM SORRY!” And she pushed him off her with immeasurable force. She stood up and began running into the door, blood forming on her face.
“I HAVE TO I HAVE TO!” she screamed each time she hit the door. On the third time her head bashed through the glass, showering tiny crystals on top of her. She shrieked as she flew face first into the cement.
The crunch was probably the worst. Aimeric would remember that sound for the rest of his life. How no matter what he thought about are what he was doing, that crunch was always there in his mind. It sounded like someone breaking celery or the noise of someone eating a nut. But Aimeric knew what it was. He knew that from the moment Thea’s skull crunched and the bone shattered she would be dead.


Leland was walking through the dark tunnels and taverns. He had short blond hair and deep blue eyes. In both of his hands he was carrying buckets.
'What strange things have been happening around here,’ he thought. Leland had read all about the kid Oliver. They say that his father has abused him. Leland believed it to.
“Poor fella. No kid deserves to be treated like that.
Leland was in his late teens. Not quite an adult, but he liked to think so. He felt very independent for a sixteen-year-old. He had one sister, Christie, who he looked after. She was only seven but he thought she was adorable. Christie had blond hair—like Leland, only longer—as well as hazel eyes, like her mother’s.
Leland’s mother had died when he was ten. With his dad working all the time he had to look after Christie. And one of the jobs was fetching water from the well. It was one of his favorites.

25-Jun-2009 23:54:46 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 21:54:15 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He was an aspiring author. He always dreamed of waking up, and being a bestselling novelist, giving autographs, being interviewed by the press, all that jazz. He even kept a small yellow notepad in his back pocket if he thought up any ideas.
His father wasn’t all supportive. “You need to do a real man’s job,” were the exact words. Leland was never brought down by this. He would show his dad.
Recently Leland’s hopes have been slightly dashed. He had read somewhere that only a tiny percent of authors can actually make a living off of. There was an even smaller portion that could be famous from it.
He read lots. It felt like that every time he read a book, it was reminding him of how good he would need to be. Novelist’s had such flare, such ingenuity. They could invent things that Leland never knew existed.
At least he had the tunnels. Their rocky surface, there endless mazes—it gave him inspiration. Mostly because he wanted to become a horror novelist.
Today, though, he was just biting dust. No ideas, nothing. ‘Maybe I am just having an off day,’ he thought and walked further through the taverns whistling a catchy tune by a band known as The Javelins. Leland thought the name was lame, but there songs were good and that was all that mattered.
Up ahead was the well. It was perfectly round, with stoned laid out in a circle up to waist height. There was a rope which Leland could tie his buckets to get the water.
He walked up and put the buckets on the edge. He was about to tie one when a sound echoed through the caves.
“...Help...” Leland spun around knocking over one of the buckets. It freefell into the well, ending with a perfect splashing sound from beneath him. Leland cursed. His dad would kill him.
“Stupid caves,” he said. The sound was probably just a side effect of his overactive imagination, as his father would have put it. But it sounded so real.

25-Jun-2009 23:57:03 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2009 21:42:38 by Dark Enmity

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