Now I won't be going through alot of stuff but i'd like to compliment you on charactors. You made like some better then others. Also nice twist with Roland.
Now for the negatives. You havent put the next chapter on yet
I have returned to read some more of this story, and am once again compiling a certain list of which I know you dread. However, I'm still in the process and won't be finished for awhile. You asked me for my thoughts story-wise, I now consent to give them.
Having completed only a page and a half of your story, I am quite awed by the seamless transfer of ideas and engaging style that you write in. There is a constant pull in your writing that literally draws me into it. I can emphathize well with the characters, and the plot is full of action.
Having not read enough to further comment, I shall conclude with giving this work a solid B on my scale. The grammar is the only thing that holds you back.
I look forward to reading more of this enthralling adventure, but rest assured that no typo shall escape my eye.
I hope so too, this is taking awhile. I always search threads for "The Dwellers" just to check on this story. When do you think the next chapter is gonna be out?