
Kingdoms of Karrus [RP*

Quick find code: 49-50-619-65668314



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Name: Sorus Empire
Leader(s): Emperor Cidius II
Population: 1,200,000 on their mainland, 4,000,000 throughout their occupied territory.
Races: Humans
Location: The island that in today's world would be Japan as well as what would now be China and Mongolia.

Geography: The island they occupy is a vast expanse of rolling hills and forests, with a few fertile plains here and there that have excellent soil, but poor agricultural methods have started to take their toll. Copper, tin, iron, and coal deposits in some of the mountains are where they get their minerals.

As for their territory on the mainland, the empire they control is made up of grasslands dotted with the occasional forest, as well as plenty of freshwater lakes and rivers.

Capital: Daralt, like an unoriginal boss.
Capital Description: With a population of one hundred thousand, and being the capital of Karrus's largest empire, there is no doubt that Daralt is one of the greatest cities on the continent. He took wealth from all over his empire to improve it - fixing up the architecture, building a magnificent palace, creating towering statues. There is no poverty in Daralt - the homeless and the long unemployed were rounded up and shipped into slavery, and the people are prosperous enough to overlook this.

Government: Military backed dictatorship, the emperor ruling via the principle of Divine Right.

Economy: The Sorus Empire is a capitalist society. They use Sorunes as currency, coins of different metals and weight representing their value. As previously stated, they believe in slavery.

Military: The empire has 400,000 soldiers at their disposal. But having to disperse them across the empire to occupy territory, guard the borders, and all that jazz, that only leaves them with 80,000 soldiers to actively invade areas with.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Aug-2015 02:14:38 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2015 21:53:29 by NotFishing



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Religion: The Sorusians worship a pantheon of gods. They believe that Karrus was once a barren landscape devoid of all life and nature. Then the chief god, Yoralf, came along with his children and sacrificed himself. His energy dispersed itself across the land, causing life to spring up everywhere, a gift for his children - the other gods - to rule over. Each one represents a different aspect of human nature.

Culture: The Sorusians place a strong emphasis on loyalty to the family and state, as well as complete faith in the gods (all other religions are illegal.) The greatest artists and musicians in the empire are brought to Sorus Island, where the arts and culture flourish. As for the rest of the empire, many of their already existing masterpieces were taken back to Daralt, where they either now decorate the palace or have been sold to the collection of some noble.

History: The Sorusians started with four tribes on their island. These tribes made a regular habit of fighting each other. It is unknown how they actually unified, but according to their legends Raan, the God of Peace, Order, and Wisdom, commanded them to stop and then explained their supposed origins.

He then spent the next few decades guiding the Sorusians and showing them new advancements. During the rule he took on a human wife who then had a child. After the child came of age Raan then proceeded to declare that child his heir, that he and all his descendants would be the rulers of Sorus. And with that, he went back into the heavens.

Bull**** country-founding stories aside, this is the same line that Cidius II is descended from, and how the emperors have managed to enforce such strict loyalty in their people - to defy the Emperor is to defy the Gods.

Sorus then proceeded to face several new advancements, and both their strength and population grew. But after hundreds of years they were starting to end up with a classic case of too many people and not enough food.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Aug-2015 02:15:05 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2015 18:37:53 by NotFishing



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Having heard of several kingdoms of kingdoms to the west with rich and prosperous lands, Cidius I - Cidius II's father - began to build up an enormous army, telling his people that they were going to "Share the words of the True Gods with the Heretics of the west", and two hundred thousand volunteered to join him on this crusade.

He decided to focus on the human kingdoms, since that could also be spun as attempting to unite all humans under one banner and achieve greatness. It worked. He conquered approximately four kingdoms, before deciding that was enough and returning to Daralt. Eventually, he died of old age, and his son inherited the throne.

Not too long after, several revolts started. Cidius quickly had these crushed, although with some difficulty - it took two years to stamp them out completely - which was the first sign that he wasn't as great as his father. To make up for this, he turned his attention towards expanding the empire even more. Particularly, the dwarven kingdom of Dormoor to the south, who were rather upset that the Sorusians had annexed their number one trading partner.

But the dwarves held strong. The only ways through their territory were two mountain passes, both of which were well guarded and easily defensible, allowing the dwarves to successfully fend off their much larger neighbor.

And that brings us to today. Several nations, wary of Sorus's dominant position now sense weakness. What those nations do now is entirely up to their leaders and their people.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Aug-2015 02:15:29 - Last edited on 03-Sep-2015 03:39:00 by NotFishing



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Race Bio

Name: Dwarves
Lifespan: Same as humans.

Appearance: Dwarves look very similar to humans, with a few noticeable differences. The first is their height - Dwarves tend to average around four feet, almost two feet shorter than the average human male. The second is their strength, which makes up for their height - all dwarves are much more muscular than their human counterparts. Finally, their beards - almost all dwarven men have an inherent ability to grow a magnificent beard.

Other: Nope.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Aug-2015 02:16:08 - Last edited on 26-Aug-2015 02:25:25 by NotFishing



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Nation Bio

(Note: If your 'nation' consists of several independent states that are very similar to each other, one bio is acceptable.)

Name: Dormoor
Leader(s): King Horic Greatbeard
Population: 500,000
Races: 90% Dwarves, 10% Humans
Location: Southeast Asia, everything south of China and east of India. It is a very mountainous, rugged land rich in minerals with plenty of forests to provide timber. The soil is not that fertile, however, and farming can be difficult.

Capital: Ironhelm
Capital Description: Also called "The City of Stone," Ironhelm located in Southern Dormoor at the base of Mount Dorm, the tallest mountain in Karrus. It is home to fifty thousand people. And it is named quite appropriately: almost all of the city's buildings are made out of some type of stone, wood being reserved for furniture.

There is a market located directly in the center, and the rest of the city and it's districts have been built around that. The city itself is surrounded by stone walls eighty feet high, with catapults mounted atop - there is only one gate, on the north side, made of solid oak reinforeced with an iron, as well as an iron portcullis that can be lowered. All the forests within a five mile radius of the city have been cut down, making it impossible to launch a sneak attack. And the city itself has a reserve storage of supplies in case of a siege.

Anyways, back to the city itself. The palace, known as the Stone Keep, is located at the very end of it. Marble steps lead up to it, and the entryway is supported by gilded marble columns. The king has access to a balcony which overlooks the entire city.

Government: Monarchy.

Economy: The dwarves use currency - copper, bronze, silver, and gold as the metals. The most common jobs in Dormoor have to do with mining, smithing, crafting, building, trading, and the military.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Aug-2015 02:16:59 - Last edited on 28-Aug-2015 17:23:18 by NotFishing



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External trade is important to them, exchanging their precious minerals and gems for valuable food which they themselves have difficulty producing. After their main trading partner was conquered and a war with the aforementioned conquerers, the giants to the west have become the Dwarves' primary and only nation to trade with.

Military: The dwarven military has 50,000 men, most of which are heavily armored infantry. Humans are allowed to join, but almost all of them end up taking on the roles of archers and scouts, due to the dwarves' lack of height and stealth. It is possible for an everyday to ascend to the nobility through promotion and excellent service, but for the everyday soldier promotion is a difficult task and for most rising above their station is just a dream.

Religion: The dwarves of Dormoor believe that the god Alfric created the world on an anvil, and molded all of its inhabitants out of clay before granting them life and turning them into what they are now. Alfric preaches strength, honour, and courage above all else. The dwarves have no problem with other gods being worshiped within their kingdom, but refuse to build churches and temples for them.

Culture: As stated in their religion section, Dormoor society places an emphasis on strength, honour, and courage. A dwarven merchant will never offer a raw deal and a dwarven soldier will show a surrendering soldier mercy so long as their nation has also demonstrated that same quality. They are also stubborn and unlikely to back down when challenged.

Mining, Smithing, Crafting, and Soldiering are all seen as highly skilled and respectable trades in dwarven society.

History: Dormoor was once divided in two, split right down the middle. East Dormoor was occupied by a proud and noble king who placed a strong value on the Dwarven traditions of honour, strength, and courage.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Aug-2015 02:17:04 - Last edited on 28-Aug-2015 17:21:52 by NotFishing



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West Dormoor was ruled over by an arrogant and greedy king who's main concern was growing his treasury, and he turned a blind eye to corruption. Inevitably, the two kingdoms went to war with each other. The dwarves of West Dormoor rose up against their king and aided the soldiers of East Dormoor, overthrowing him. With Dormoor finally united, a golden age was ushered in, in which the dwarves finally began to make full use of their rich ore supplies and started to trade with other nations.

Fast forward a few hundred years later, and Dormoor was an economic powerhouse, primarily trading with a kingdom to the north that was rich in food. When that kingdom was attacked by the Sorusians, the dwarves offered assistance in the form of weapon shipments and even some of their own soldiers, but ultimately the kingdom was overrun. And when that kingdom revolted a few decades later the Dormorians once again got involved, and once again it was all for nothing.

When the Sorusians finally got fed up with them and invaded, the dwarven army met them head on at one of the mountain passes. The dwarves were like walls, holding strong against the much more numerous Sorusians. After a week of throwing themselves against the dwarven shields and suffering heavy losses and inflicting little to the dwarves, the Sorusians gave up.

The Sorusians temporarily driven back, the dwarves now plan their next move...

Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Aug-2015 02:17:28 - Last edited on 28-Aug-2015 17:20:51 by NotFishing

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