Annie was shocked when Vyras told her that the vampires were not so harsh to the people who lived here so long ago and talked about the vampire who was supposed to take over. She asked,”What happened to Vykdyti? How did Balta Mirtatook over Clan Gern?”
Then she listened as Vyras talked about Dievas who was Vyras’ mentor. She was furious what Dievas did by plundering Sudovia's culture and then selling it to the vampires. She was grateful that Dievas taught him everything he knew but, upset that they had a fight over what they both believe in. She was ready to learn from Vyras everything he needs to teach her. She smiled and said as Vyras handed her the amulet,” I am honored that you going to teach me what you know. I was wondering, should we find Dievas and have him help us to fight the vampires so he can redeem himself?”
After they talked about Dievas, Vyras talked about Western Sudovia borders the Esun Desert. She listened carefully about this place on the map. She wishes she could go to Esun Desert so she can learn from the orcs. She said with a smile as she looked at the map,” I would love to go there just to learn from them. Thank goodness that they are our allies.”
11-Jul-2023 05:12:18