
Aeraie's Compilation

Quick find code: 49-50-596-63919486



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I've decided to re-compile my work as my last thread is without reserves and severely out of date.

Table of Contents:
1.1 - You're reading it
1.2 Faces
1.6 Snow Globe
1.10 Obsession
2.4 Hurt
2.8 Deception
2.9 Uncle Sam
3.0 God is Dead
3.2 Ommetaphobia
3.4 The King is Dead
3.9 Roman a clef

02-Aug-2012 04:34:01 - Last edited on 23-Dec-2012 05:32:50 by Aeraie



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It was her laughter he loved the most.
He would meet her by saving her from a burning building. He would fall in love with her all over again every time his eyes gazed upon her. He would marry her, him clad in a white tuxedo to match her white gown. He would nurture their children as they grew up. He would love her still in their ancient age, caressing –
The shaggy teenager with brown hair and brown eyes jumped in his seat as a jolt of attention went through him. He felt all of the eyes of his classmates upon him as he swallowed the little spit left in his mouth. Mark’s confused visage glanced at his instructor, unkempt eyebrows furrowed like bees in a hive.
“Must you always daydream in my class?” The instructor slapped the meter stick in her hands against a literary device written on the blackboard. The phrase was ‘poetic justice.’ “What does this mean?” She asked expectantly.
Mark squinted at the word. “It means that virtue is ultimately rewarded or vice punished, usually due to a twist of fate related to the way the character acts, Mrs. Brewns.”
Mrs. Brewns nodded slightly with approval. “Do not daydream in my class again.” With that, she turned around and resumed her lesson.
Victoria. Her name was Victoria, and she had tawny brown locks that were intricately curled, falling well below her shoulders. Her eyes were a startling viridian, brought out by the golden aura emitted by her tanned skin. He felt honored to be in her presence, his heart reaching out to touch her. The way Mark felt about Victoria was unique in that he loved her even though she was a treasure he could never obtain. His nervous sorrel eyes flicked away from the teacher and to Victoria, hoping and fearing that her eyes would meet his. He smiled softly, inhaling every moment of her divinity.

02-Aug-2012 04:34:57



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It was then that they heard the faint rattle of what sounded like a drill or an automated weapon. The teacher paused mid-sentence, scowling at the noise. “Is that –“
The intercom came on, and a panicked secretary blurted out as many words as she could. “There’s a shooter in the building. Code blue. Keep –“A gunshot, followed by a short scream, occurred as the intercom went dead.
Mrs. Brewns rushed to close the blinds, cover the glass panel in the door with paper, and turn off the lights. The room broke into havoc as the students scrambled to hide. Mark made a beeline for a tall cabinet, opened it, and shut the cabinet behind him. The English room was just a few rooms away from the main office, meaning that the shooter would most likely enter the classroom.
Mark listened to the gunshots drawing ever nearer as someone banged on the cabinet door. “Let me in!” The voice hissed. Mark immediately recognized the sweet serene of the voice as that of the love of his life, Victoria. He peered through the tiny crack between the two doors of the cabinet. Sure enough, the frantic Victoria knocked ever louder upon the wood of the door. Mark attempted to throw himself to one side of the cabinet when a frantic realization overcame him: there was only enough room in the cabinet for one person.
Should he step out of the cabinet and let her go inside? Should he give up his life for hers? Would the gunman come into the room? Would they both live to see another day? Would Mark be Victoria’s hero, just like in his daydreams?
The gunshots became louder. Mark judged that the shooter was two rooms away.

02-Aug-2012 04:35:18



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Just how much did he love Victoria? Did he love her at all? Did he even know what love was? He looked again at her face as his heart dragged itself out of his chest, clawing its way towards her. He wanted her, but was he ready to die? Was he ready to die for her? Would he be able to fulfill his daydreams in death? Could he be a martyr? What would happen upon her death, or his? Who would mourn him? Who would mourn her? What would it be like to die? What would it be like to watch her die? Which was worse?
Questions barraged Mark’s mind as he frantically struggled to make a decision. The shooter had to be in the room beside theirs.
Was he too late? Would they still have enough time to switch positions? Would they both die if they were caught mid switch? Was it worth the risk? Did she love him the way he loved her? Would she love him the way he loved her if he managed to save her and survive? How much did he care? How much did she care? Was he morally obligated to save her life? Just how far did love go?
The gunman was seconds away from entering the room. Would death hurt?
Something in Mark snapped. The shooter entered the room and began firing shots. Mark and Victoria held eye contact as the gunman turned towards the cabinet. The gunman fired six shots into Victoria. Mark watched the love of his life fall to her knees and take in her last breaths as he felt utter apathy. Even after the gunman exited the room, he did not get out of the closet to caress her body, to hold her in her last moment, to express his feelings for her. He watched her die as mankind’s greatest secret began to unfold.

02-Aug-2012 04:35:36



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Above all, the need to survive triumphs all else, including love. We may read fiction, watch movies, play games, or daydream otherwise, but the destitute truth is that, in times of crisis, we save ourselves before we save anyone else. Indeed, the greatest secrets aren’t kept by governments or organizations or priests, they are not withheld from the public, the church, the innocent. The greatest secrets are the ones we hide from ourselves, locked away in that tiny, unfrequented splinter in our mind, and as Mark had just watched the woman he loved die, he finally had come to understand this concept.
It was his secret – humanity’s secret – that he despised the most.

02-Aug-2012 04:35:47



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SNOW GLOBE -- Winner of the End of Days Official Contest
We were dead before we were ever alive.
For so long, my people have built our city. We have built it out of the ash, generation after generation adding new elements each time. We have built it to be the most beautiful thing in the entire Globe, we have built it to be the only thing in the Globe, from the smooth surface of the glass walls all the way around. We've been so proud, you see, to be able to create such a place with our disability.
We were born without eyes. All of us. We have been forever cursed to live as blind artists, unable to see our work stretched out before us. We have been cursed to never be able to see our own faces, we have been cursed to never see the faces of our loved ones, and we have been cursed to be unable to cry. We only know of sight because it is something our ancestors had, an **** story that has been passed down through the years. I myself doubt the existence of such a thing as sight; there is no plausible explanation of how we could have once seen but have now been blinded.
All that we know is encased in a glass dome, measured out in our largest unit of inches. Usually there is snow beneath our feet, but occasionally the snow whips out from underneath and rains down upon our heads. Occasionally, when the snow falls, we as people are whipped around in a phenomenon we call an earthquake. Our buildings never move, but we do and the snow does. We always recover, though, and we go back to building our cities in the snow.
All that we know is being destroyed. It started off like one of the usual earthquakes, yet it was different. Only some of the snow flurried around our heads, not all of it, and something seemed wrong, as if the ground was shifting sideways. That's when we heard the bang, the shattering of the glass dome that surrounded us for so long. We held on to the edges of our buildings as we found ourselves in a suddenly vexatious position, tilted on our side.

02-Aug-2012 04:37:28



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Our air was suddenly replaced with a lighter, more poisonous substance. We found that our clothes, our hair, and our bodies were the only things that had retained our air, and that everything else was replaced by the poisonous gas. I took the front part of my shirt and fumbled with one hand as I slipped it over my nose, eager to breathe in the last bits of air that remained around me. With the other hand, I held on to our tallest spire, the one we named Hephaestus. My head began to pound with an intense ringing. Everything I was feeling right then at that moment, from distress to hunger, was magnified. The pit of my stomach became all expansive and I started to perspire profusely. My breath folded in and out of my chest like tiny paper cranes. I was losing consciousness, losing my grip on my cracked perspective of the world.
Whether it was the sweat on my hands, the lack of air, my head, or my tiny heart that did me in, I began to slip. I tried to hold on for as long as I could, but my will was all too soon not enough.
I let go.

I began to fall.
It was that moment that I realized something strange was happening to me, to my body. I put my hands up to my eye sockets and discovered that they were no longer sockets, but rather filled with something. Eyes. I separated the skin over them with my fingers; I opened my nascent eyes.
The first thing I saw was my own body. I was floating out of it, separating from it. I had short, dark brown hair and a sturdy build; my skin was of a pale, lifeless color. I didn't think I was beautiful, but rather it was beautiful to see me.

02-Aug-2012 04:38:06



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As my body fell, I remained suspended in space. I turned my head and looked up, up to the city I had spent the entire span of my life building. The first thing I saw was Hephaestus. It towered above the other buildings with a skinny frame that bulged a bit in the middle. After the bulge, a thin, silver point rose from the top. The building had a bluish tint in the lighting, and it was green at the bulge. There was a thick, black band that encompassed the surface area just before the bulge. There was a single, shining red light just underneath the black bulge; the only light that came from the city. The rest of the light poured in from the area outside the globe, the area we never knew to exist. In that moment, I knew that building was the most pulchritudinous sight I would ever see.
I guess it was then that I realized I only had seconds to live. It seems greedy, but I wanted to remain in that all seeing state forever. I did not want to die, I did not want to lose it all when I had just begun to see what I had been missing all these years. My mind could not decide if it was depressed or amazed. I did a sort of flip in the air, looking downward this time instead of upward.
My wife was ten feet below where I was. For the first time in our twenty years of marriage, I saw the woman I loved. She had this deep red hair, pale skin just like me, and she was quite thin, just as I had remembered her. When she saw me, she smiled. She smiled with those deep red lips, little dimples catching on the sides of each cheek, white teeth shining in between. And that smile – that smile made me feel complete. It made me whole. For the first time, I felt satisfied, and for the first time, a tear dribbled down my cheek. Her seeing spirit faded away; I knew inside that her body had hit the ground, and I also knew that I had less than a second before I joined her in that other place. The corners of my mouth danced upwards into a smile as a last thought ran through my head:

02-Aug-2012 04:38:25



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December 11th, 2011
Do you ever get that feeling that you're being watched? Well, I do all the time. I guess I've sort of always liked the edge of paranoia it gives me. That feeling has been getting worse and worse lately, though, and upon further investigation, I realized that the same white van circled around my neighborhood multiple times a day. I don't know anyone in my neighborhood that owns a car like that, and so it's a bit troubling. I'm worried for my son, especially being a young single mother. If anything ever happened to my baby, I'd ruthlessly hunt down and kill the person that did it. Galen's only four years old; he has a life to live.
December 15th, 2011
Okay, so maybe I don't like that feeling anymore. The van seems to be circling around the block at least a dozen times a day now, and it sort of slows down as it goes by my house. It's really disconcerting. Should I call someone? Am I just being really paranoid, or is this something to be worried about? I just don't know anymore. I don't want anyone to
think I'm just some paranoid freak.
December 21st, 2011
He parks his van outside the house every day now, for at least fifteen minutes. I know it's a he because he got out of that van today and looked through our mail as I watched through the window. He knows my name, now. Angela Evans. What can he do with my name, anyways? It's just a name, and after all, what's in a name?
December 25th, 2011
Doesn't this guy have a damn family? He's been outside of our house most of this Christmas Day. Seriously, we're not that interesting of people. The guy needs to leave, and I'm going to call the cops if he's there when I wake up tomorrow. I'm not dealing with this.
December 26th, 2011
I called the police today. They said they'd dispatch someone over right away, but it's been four hours, and the only cars I see are my own and that damn van. I'm getting pushed over the edge here. Is it a stalker or someone like that? Is he obsessed with me?

02-Aug-2012 04:39:55

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