
Aeraie's Compilation

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January 1st, 2012
Today he pulled up a lawn chair and started watching us from the curb. He was wearing shades, but I could still see that potbelly of his and the handlebar mustache crouched upon his face. I sulked away from the door, unwilling to give him the satisfaction of seeing my face.
January 15th, 2012
I was restless last night, and got out of bed in my nightgown and walked around our small house, my bony arms crossed. I ran my sweaty hand through my hair, pacing through the kitchen and out into the sunroom. I looked out the dark window, squinting to see the woods outside.
The man stood there, still as a plank, wide grin plastered across his face. His thick eyebrows and horn rimmed glasses stared back at me with malicious intent. I screamed, body frozen in fear. Minutes passed as we stared at each other. Finally, I broke the spell and ran away, curling up next to my son in his room.
January 31st, 2012
We went grocery shopping today, my son and I. The white van was not parked outside, so we decided to go. Less than two minutes into the drive, I slammed on the brakes, realizing that I had somehow forgotten to lock the door. I raced back into the house, grabbing my son and locking the door behind us. I checked everywhere, searching the house from top to bottom as I made sure that the stalker wasn't inside. He wasn't. My heart continued beating quickly, but we left again, making sure to lock the door behind me.

02-Aug-2012 04:40:19



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February 1st, 2012
I didn't check the crawlspace. I didn't check the crawlspace when I searched the house. I jumped out of bed at 2am this morning and ran down the flight of stairs that leads to the basement and opened up the insulated compartment that led to the musty crawlspace. I hesitated for a moment before slithering in.
I was greeted warmly by the crunching of rat skulls below my feet. I flashed the small flashlight I had brought with me and looked around. I sighed with relief as I realized no one was there. I crawled out, going straight back to my room and falling asleep.
February 12th, 2012
I was taking a shower today when I heard the door open slightly to the bathroom. I turned off the shower quickly, grabbing a towel and searching the house. No one could be seen. I chastised myself for being so paranoid, walking back into the bathroom. I turned the shower back on and took my towel off. As I was just about to step back into the shower, I noticed a handprint high on the mirror. It was too high for my son to reach, and it was much too big to be my hand. I let out a small whimper from my lungs and trudged back into the shower, soap dripping from my hair. I tried to put the thought out of my mind, blaming it on my paranoia. It could've been my own handprint, just smudged to look better, right?
But I know that isn't the truth.
February 20th, 2012
I stared into the reflecting black glass door, eyeing up my figure. I have insecurity problems, all right? I put my hands on my stomach and pulled up my shirt, staring at my slender belly. I looked down, giggling as I stuck my finger into my shallow belly button. I looked up back into the reflecting glass and my smile disappeared.
He was standing behind me. He was standing behind me. He was standing behind me and he was smiling.
I froze in terror, turning slightly towards the stalker. But when my head reached the spot where his body was, he had vanished.

02-Aug-2012 04:40:46



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February 21st, 2012
The doorbell rang today. I checked up on my son, and upon seeing the familiar bundle under the blankets, I went to go see who it was. It was a little girl selling Girl Scout Cookies. I smiled at her as I opened my front door.
She gave me her pitch, telling me all about the sorts of cookies she sold. I kindly refused her offers, though, as I was still worried about my weight. She looked at me and asked,
"Well, would your husband want some?"
"I don't have a husband," I responded to her kindly.
Her brow furrowed. She lifted a finger up, pointing to a certain white van down on the street.
"Then who is that getting into the van with your son?"

02-Aug-2012 04:41:12



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HURT -- Winner of the 2011 Official Wintumber Contest
December 25th, 1977
The little boy’s bright blue eyes stared intensely at the small Christmas tree, lit up with hues of red, orange, blue, green, and yellow. He giggled, covering his mouth as he looked at the shining star teetering at the top of the tree. The small boy with the bright blue eyes looked down slowly, mesmerized by the hoard of presents sitting underneath the tree. Though in truth there were not many presents actually under the tree, the boy’s size and mind made them seem so big.
“Aaron, sweetie, come here and sit next to me,” A voice called. The little boy ran towards the voice, only to find his mother’s smiling face. He admired her, from her golden locks to her gentle personality. The mother scooped up her almost three year old son, running her hands through his soft, dusty brown hair. “Are you enjoying Christmas so far, sweetie?”
“Where’s daddy?” Aaron asked in his squeaky voice, ignoring her question.
His mother frowned slightly. “That doesn’t answer my question, sweetie.”
“But I want to see daddy. I love daddy!” Aaron squealed, squirming in his mother’s arms.
“He’ll be here shortly, Aaron. Your grandmother has a special treat for you in the kitchen; would you like to go get it?” His mother said. Without a word, the little boy jumped from his mother’s arms and stumbled into the kitchen.
“Nana, where’s my treat?” Aaron said rather greedily. He looked up at her, ignoring the hideous yellow walls of the kitchen. His white haired grandmother smiled at him smugly and handed him a chocolate chip cookie, still warm from the oven. The boy gasped, snatching the cookie away. He took one big bite, and through the cookie still in his mouth, he muttered a muffled, “Thank you, Nana.”

02-Aug-2012 04:45:24



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“Now go on, get. I have ham to cook for dinner!” Nana chided playfully, shooing her grandson away. Aaron obeyed, toddling into the living room where his wise grandfather sat, reading the newspaper.
“Grandpapa, what are you reading?” Aaron asked. His grandfather tilted the large rim of his glasses down, examining the boy in his overalls.
*Why, the newspaper, old sport. Say, those overalls look mighty fine on you,” Grandpapa responded.
Aaron giggled. For a moment, Aaron’s brow furrowed, and he asked his grandfather,
“How old are you, Grandpapa?”
Grandpapa chuckled in the warm light of the room. “Too old, little one. And just how old are you, then?”
“Almost three. My birthday is soon. I can’t wait!” Aaron bounced, laughing merrily.
“Soon indeed. You’ll be three in by the end of the week, old sport,” Grandpapa said. Just then, the soft roar of a car engine could be heard outside. Aaron, the boy with the bright blue eyes, dusty brown hair, and overalls, whose face was dirtied with the remnants of a cookie, jumped up and began to run towards the door. He heard Daddy’s engine.
There are moments in our lives that will be remembered forever, moments that are incased in time as something that will never be forgotten, moments that are so intense that we repeat them day after day, year after year, calling them traditions. These are the moments that we hold on to, moments that make up our very being, moments that change our lives. And this moment? This moment was one of them.
“DADDY!” The boy squealed in utter delight, running as fast as he could to greet the man he truly admired, the man he longed for, the man who was his father.

02-Aug-2012 04:45:42



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The man with bright blue eyes spoke not a word as he walked through the door, pulling out a pistol, shooting his only son straight through the heart. Daddy walked past his son’s corpse as he pulled up the gun, shooting Grandpapa twice, both in the chest. Daddy then turned and shot Nana three times, once through the neck and twice through the chest. He took a moment, reloading his gun, before he searched for his wife, wading through the mixture of presents and family blood. The house was small, however, and he found Mommy curled up behind the toilet in the bathroom. She begged for mercy, but he did*’t say a word. He shot her twice, both through the eyes. Daddy then sat on the toilet, put the gun in his mouth, and pulled the trigger.
December 27th, 1977
Word of the Silent Killer spread internationally and the small town of Edwardsville, Kansas became a media hotspot. People were devastated that something like this could even happen in their town. The killer, James Naleeth, murdered his wife, Melissa Naleeth, his father in law, Paul Cobb, his mother in law, Mary Cobb, and his three year old son, Aaron Naleeth, on Christmas morning of that year.
December 28th, 1977
The first candle light vigil was held in front of the Naleeth home in honor of all those that had died, especially Aaron Naleeth, whose birthday was on this date.
January 23rd, 1978
James Naleeth was classified as having anger management problems, bipolar disorder, severe depression, and schizophrenia. This is this supposed motive of the killer.
December 25th, 1978
The second candle light vigil was held in honor of Aaron Naleeth.

02-Aug-2012 04:46:04



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December 25th, 1979
The third candle light vigil was held.
December 25th, 1983
The seventh candle light vigil was held.
December 25th, 1987
The tenth candle light vigil was held.
December 25th, 1997
The twentieth candle light vigil was held.
December 25th, 2007
The thirtieth candle light vigil was held.
December 25th, 2011
The thirty-fourth candle light vigil is held.
There are moments in our lives that will be remembered forever, moments that are incased in time as something that will never be forgotten, moments that are so intense that we repeat them day after day, year after year, calling them traditions. These are the moments that we hold on to, moments that make up our very being, moments that change our lives. And this moment? This moment is one of them.

02-Aug-2012 04:46:18



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Granny Smith.
Ripe. Luscious. Tantalizing. Beautifully plump, I feel the apple's weight in my hand. Flawless skin, so smooth and so bewitching. It stares with an innocent, blushing light green. Crisp thoughts tickle my mind. I move the apple to my face so that it lightly kisses my lips, knowing that the first bite is the juiciest. I close my eyes as my jaws unhook to bite its tender surface. My teeth crush into the apple, stealing the angelic perfection from the beauty. As heavenly juices soak my throat, I notice another, far more suspicious flavor. I swallow something large and hard, beginning to choke as horror tears my eyelids open. I pull the desecrated apple away from my mouth and realize with abhorrence the blood soaking its white flesh. My tongue soars to the front of my mouth and slams into the inside of my lip.
My tooth. My front tooth. Panic sets in and I begin to cough in a deranged attempt to regurgitate the tooth. I am choking. I drop the once pristine apple to the ground as I struggle for air, the tooth lodged between my airways. Blackness clogs my vision as I begin to kill myself in an attempt to save myself. I grip the cold granite counter as a means for stabilization, but it is too late. My wobbly arms collapse, allowing my head to smack into the granite. My consciousness is put out like a light. I will be dead within minutes. The apple's tortured surface stares at my body, offering no means of help. It stares at me hungrily, waiting for me to take my last breath as it watches the bloody scene unfold.
Granny Smith.
Care for a bite?

02-Aug-2012 04:47:15



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A young boy, no more than the age of ten, sat quietly in the back of his father’s van, ear phones in, Nintendo DS on. He and his scruffy brown hair and deep brown eyes were captivated by the screen. He made a puzzled expression before looking up whilst tugging out one of his ear phones.
“Pa, who are we going to see again?”
“Why, your Uncle Sam, of course.”
“Oh. Okay.” The boy responded, returning his attention to his game as the drive continued.
At last, they reached their destination. Both boy and father glanced up at the rundown shack of a home that was Uncle Sam’s house. A unanimous sigh passed through the car as the two began to clamber out. A quick knock on the door, and they were inside.
The young boy’s attention honed in on the man who was Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam was a fat man with a straggly white beard and straggly white hair in a black shirt covered in stains who was shoving as many chips as he could into his mouth. Uncle Sam had a smell to match his repulsive appearance. His eyes were black holes that bore into the TV screen. As the boy glanced around, he realized that his Uncle Sam kept his house and himself in the same condition.
“Sam,” The boy’s father breathed. There was no response.
The father coughed. “Sam!” He repeated, ina louder tone.
“Wha? Oh. Erughhh,” Uncle Sam said, lifting himself and his potbelly off the couch. The boy sighed twice: once because Uncle Sam had to be less than five feet tall and once because his dear Uncle Sam wasn’t wearing any pants.
“Heh. How’ve you been, Tim and…uh…” Uncle Sam puffed.
“Adam. My son’s name is Adam, Sam,” Tim, the boy’s father responded. Uncle Sam’s greasy eyes groped Adam’s boy for a moment as he breathed heavily.
“Adam. Right,” Uncle Sam said, plopping right back into the worn out, faded red couch. He continued to watch TV.
“Dad, this is awkward,” Adam moaned quietly.

02-Aug-2012 04:54:03



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“We’re leaving in a minute, anyways. Just gotta drop this letter off to your Uncle Sam.” With that, Adam walked over to behind the TV. Uncle Sam was watching G4, the gaming channel. A trailer for the game Battlefield 6 came onto the screen.
“I can’t wait to get that game!” Adam exclaimed, “Fighting for your country must be so heroic. Everyone should do it.”
“Bleh. Fighting is stupid. I’m a pacifist. Besides, America isn’t worth fightin’ for,” Uncle Sam responded.
Adam moaned, muttering something like “You’re stupid!” under his breath. Tim coughed, as if to signal to move on.
Tim walked over to the couch, handing the bright white letter to Uncle Sam. Then Tim motioned for Adam to come to him. They turned, walking towards the door as Uncle Sam opened the letter.
“I’VE BEEN DRAFTED INTO THE MILITARY?! Why, those little sons of…They’ll never take me alive! I’ll never serve this country! I don’t want YOU!” Uncle Sam screamed, the last statement directed to the letter.
Adam glanced back for a moment. “Funny, I always imagined Uncle Sam as a tall, thin man who wore a red, white, and blue suit with a top hat at all times, recruiting for the military with the slogan, ‘Uncle Sam wants you!’”
Adam’s father chuckled, opening to door. “That’s one crazy idea, son.”
As they walked through the doorway, Adam responded, “Just saying.” And with that, the door and Uncle Sam’s non-existing patriotism were closed.

02-Aug-2012 04:54:18

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