
Nooby and the City of Secrets

Quick find code: 49-50-564-60198046

Jun Member 2022


Posts: 1,052 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Scab edition chapter two:
Professor Tomo: I am hawt and I killed the corperal beast last night out of boredom ^_^
Ice: Show off...
Nooberella: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Nooby: Snowballs!
Tomo Ice and Nooberella: O_o
This chapter is dedicated to bumping! :D

23-Jun-2010 19:46:44 - Last edited on 23-Jun-2010 19:47:34 by Caedo

Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Posts: 3,732 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 9a – Gnomeball... PD Style!
(In the dining hall a few days later)
Ice – Is it just me or is he such a jerk!
PD – Ugh, is this another rant about tomo?
Ice – Yes! You have to admit that there is something fishy about him
Noobio – It’s probably that tuna sandwich he’s eating
(Tomo is indeed sat at the teachers table eating a tuna sandwich, from their table both Ice and Nooberela are looking at him, totally different expressions on their faces)
Nooby – So PD, what are we doing in your lesson today?
PD – What are you talking about?
Nooberela – (Suddenly broken out of her trance) But you teach gym?
PD –Oh yeah, I did spend all summer planning a years’ worth of lessons like I was supposed to be doing...
PD – Hmm.... plan lessons... or watch the RSGBL (RuneScape Gnome Ball League), RSGBL all the way! Defence! Defence!
(End of flashback)
PD – We shall play Gnomeball! PD style!
Ice – PD style?
PD – Yes! It shall be like Gnomeball but better!
Ice – So what will you change about it?
PD – Well, it’ll still be sort of the same, you’ll have to still get the gnome ball into the goal, but every time you score, a ball will fire randomly across the pitch, it could hit you, but if you catch it you gain 10 points, and the game ends! Oh, and there will be no gnomes :)
Ice – Doesn’t that make it... you know, Human Ball
PD – Whatever
(On the schools gnomeball pitch)
PD – Hello Class! Today, two school houses will play against each other, Saradomin and Zammorak! I picked you two because I know you get on well together :) 5 in a side, now let’s go!
(Nooby, Nooberela, Noobio, Ice, and another person from Saradomin, Phil, line up against against 5 from Zamorak, 4 tall brutes (two boys and two girls), and one smaller boy)
The smaller boy – Hello, I’m sure we’ll destroy you, my name’s Marcus. And you are?
Nooby – Well, I’m me
Noobio – I thought I was me?
Nooby – No, you’re you
Noobio – Oh yeah.
(Continued in next post)

24-Jun-2010 00:09:20 - Last edited on 24-Jun-2010 00:16:13 by Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Posts: 3,732 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 9b - Gnomeball... PD Style!
Marcus – Ugh, Noobs (sighs)
Nooby – No one, calls me, a Noob! :@
Ice – Calm down noob
Nooby – Ok :D
PD – 3, 2, 1, (blows whistle)
Commentator – And the game begins! The Zamorakians are dominating the game, they seem to know what they’re doing whenever they get the ball, unlike the Saradomian’s, look, Ice gets the ball and he drops it, complete shambles. Nooberela gets it she throws it, and it goes backwards and into her own goal! (Suddenly a ball shoots across the pitch, but no one gets their hands on it, or is hit by it luckily.
(15 minutes later)
Commentator - And it is a disaster for saradomin, they’re losing 8-0, (a Zamoarkian scores) wait, that’s 9 – 0! (Ice puts his head in his hands) They think it’s all over! (Suddenly, the ball flies across the field, and Nooby does an amazing dive and catches it!) And it is! Zamoark 9 * Saradomin 10!
(Nooby runs triumphanty around the field, in slow motion of course, suddenly; the ball that Nooby caught rises up in the air)
Nooby – We win! We win!
(The ball suddenly darts towards Nooby, hits his arm, and bounces off and hits Ice, Nooberela quickly destroys the ball)
Nooby – Ahhhh! I couldn’t be in more pain! (Both Nooby’s and Ice’s right arms are broken)
Zakos – Don’t worry, i’m here, the Magic teacher, I’ll help you Nooby (he repairs Nooby’s arm)
Ice – What about me?
Zakos – Oh, yes, I was going to do that next (He fixes his arm)
Zakos – Your arms are going to be very delicate for a few hours, so don’t let anything damage them, goodbye (he walks off, only to be replaced by another teacher)
Tomo – Boys! What happened, oh, your arms are already fixed, well, I am a brilliant person around and I could have done it as well.
Nooberela – He’s a Doctor as well as an adventurer, wow.... <3

24-Jun-2010 00:10:13 - Last edited on 24-Jun-2010 00:16:27 by Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Posts: 3,732 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 9c - Gnomeball... PD Style!
Ice – We’re fine, just leave us alone, we need to recover!
Tomo – I think I know what to do just after you do a bone repair spell, high five! (He high fives Ice, shattering his arm)
Ice – AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(After his arm is repaired yet again, our hero’s are in their common room, doing work)
Ice – He did that on purpose :@
Nooberela – Did not, Nooby, can you pass me that book?
Nooby – Sure (he does so, but...)
Nooby – Ahh! Paper cut! I need to spend the night in the hospital!
Will Nooby meet anyone strange in hospital, you can only find out on the next chapter of Nooby and the City of Secrets!

24-Jun-2010 00:12:28 - Last edited on 24-Jun-2010 00:16:40 by Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Posts: 3,732 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 10a – The Warning
(Nooby runs into the school hospital)
Nooby – Help me! I’m dying!
Nurse – But it’s just a paper cut?
Nooby – Have you ever had a paper cut? Have you ever known how much it hurts?
Nurse – Now that you mention it, yes, I have... oh the pain! Fine, you can stay the night
Nooby – Wahoo! :D
Nurse – Lights out
(The Nurse walks into her office and turns out the lights)
Nooby – Ahh :) , maybe I can get some peace and quiet tonight, that Ice is so loud all night, complaining about my snoring, he will never shut up.
(Suddenly a short, pale green figure appears next to Noobys bed)
Nooby – Ahh! It’s a... what are you?
??? – I’m a goblin.
Nooby * Thanks :) Ahh! It’s a goblin!
??? – I have come to warn you!
Nooby – Is it about handing Nooberela books? Because I already know all about that one, books give paper cuts! I’ve always wondered why they never call them book cuts now that you mention it...
??? – That is a very good point
Nooby – Can you go now you’ve told me that?
??? – Yes, I guess so (he teleports away)
??? – Hey... wait a minute! (He reappears)
Nooby – Ahh! It’s a... what are you?
??? – A Goblin! O_o
Nooby * Thanks :) Ahh! It’s a goblin!
??? – Will you shut up! I’ve come to give you a warning!
Nooby – Is it about handing Nooberla books? Beca-
??? – No! It is not about handing Nooberela books!
Nooby – Wow, you sure are grumpy today. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today mister grumpy pants?
??? – No! I’m trying to save you! Terrible things are about to happen at the Noob School! I tried to make you go home by stopping the teleport in the Wizards guild when you tried to come here, and I tried to injure you with that ball at the gnome ball match!

25-Jun-2010 12:58:45 - Last edited on 25-Jun-2010 12:59:04 by Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Posts: 3,732 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 10b - The Warning
Nooby * That was you! :O , well, I guess your heart was in the right place ^_^ But why were you trying to save me?
??? – We goblins are not treated with respect among many people, I was lucky enough to be a cave goblin, but my brothers and sisters on the surface are being constantly attacked by your people. And then there are the Human Against Monsters group. Our people talk about tales from the olden days, what you call the god wars, these were terrible times and you can stop it happening again, but you need to be safe! My masters are going to make terrible things happen, you must get out while you still can!
Nooby - ... Ahh! It’s a... what are you?
??? – Just please leave here! (They can both hear footsteps) I must go, quick!
Nooby – One thing, what’s your name?
??? – Vasco, my name is Vasco. (He vanishes, and in walks the nurse)
Nurse – Who were you talking to?
Nooby – A cave goblin who appeared out of nowhere and told me that I can stop a second round of the godwars!
Nurse – O_o ... I guess you really did need the hospital
Find out what terrible things are coming, only on one of the next few chapteres of Nooby and the City of Secrets

25-Jun-2010 13:00:25

Jun Member 2022


Posts: 1,052 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A Runescapes Murderer so far review:

This story is so far, a great improvement from the Stone of Doom, in this one the plot is coming around nicely :D I think it is still overly random, which I love about it

So so far, I give it 9/10! Congratz :D

26-Jun-2010 10:59:27 - Last edited on 02-Jan-2015 02:35:00 by Caedo

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