Hraldmir paused, head turning to look over at Havoc at the human's comment - seeing them looking out of the nearby porthole. A goblin? Here in the middle of port? The vermin were stupid, if cunning, but one standing in plain sight was the height of foolishness! Before he could make a move to go and see for himself, however, something brushed at the edges of his senses. The dwarf stopped, turning his head in time to watch the ghost emerge from the wall nearby.
Perhaps a startling sight to most, but for Hraldmir this was something he had experienced often - his demeanor went unshaken, narrowing his eyes a touch as he looked over the being with a sight beyond the material. The ethereal figure was striking - not only from her status as a phantom, but her beauty that put the locals to shame - and even Hraldmir could not deny the skip in the beat of his heart upon taking her in. A dwarven woman with- wait, a flicker, almost? Her figure was distinct, clear, yet something was... Odd. His Sight providing gentle insight.
Bound to the vessel, but not by natural means,
" He spoke, mouth moving as his curious mind considered her, eyes moving over her curvy form - but also past the form, following things that were not there, faint wisps and trails of ethereal chain. Their source and secrets hidden from him, but still he could find a crumb of truth that was not hidden by a veil. "
A curse? Powerful, with the source hidden... I've not seen this before.
Hraldmir stopped, closing his eyes a moment and shaking his head. He opened them again to look at the ghost's face.
Apologies, you're a new sight for these old eyes. Do you remember your name?
I am Inferi.
25-Oct-2020 03:01:32