Hanxi Zhao Mei-Sun
A middle-aged Asian man of unremarkable height but a highly athletic build. He was born in Beihai, a coastal city in Gvangjsih, a region known for its stunningly beautiful, narrow, forested mountains cut by numerous rivers terminating into vast silver beaches punished by monsoons. Beihai was a popular city for merchants who imported goods, weapons and armour from all corners of the world.
His father, Yuande, was a marine, his mother, Xiao, a trader. He was the middle sibling between a brother, Hoi, and a sister, Min. The siblings grew up helping Mother in business and bartering while father was away at sea. When Father returned, he trained his children to fight, equipping them in exotic arms and armour he acquired from military interventions. The siblings sometimes went out to sea for fishing or worked as laborers.
Sometimes, wakou attacked the city, so the brothers defended their home and neighbours with or without Father, but the wakou always managed to pillage at least some of the city and kill or enslave a number of people regardless of the garrison’s best efforts. Nevertheless, Hanxi and his family remained faithful to Zen and paid their respects to the monastery and Buddhist monks often, though wakou and their ronin and western allies always came back every now and then.
Hanxi married Sun Hai and they had a boy. Min patiently waited for a good suitor. Hoi married but had no children as his wife was infertile.
Some years later, Father never returned from his anti-pirate patrol. A letter sent by the Imperial navy informed the family that Yuande was killed when a sea monster attacked the Imperial navy. The family mourned their Father’s death but his loyalty gave comfort.
24-Oct-2020 19:47:46
- Last edited on
24-Oct-2020 19:53:16
Azi Demonica