From the opposite side of the dock the Banshee had been moored at Hraldmir sat with his back to one of the supports that extended above the planks, his eyes idly watching the mysterious vessel with sober curiosity. Two weeks he'd been in town, two weeks he'd been refused by captains up and down the port. The only one he'd had not a chance to speak to was the cpatain of the Sea Banshee, and not for lack of trying - but the hospital simply refused him access to a patient who was in such rough condition.
He'd heard plenty of shiptalk and sailor's tales in the taverns over that time. Not a one wasn't raving about the Banshee and its captain, rumours and hushed tones spreading word of whatever their minds could come up with. How much of it was even true? The dwarf had no idea, but if the captain was even half as mad, or competant, or brave - then he'd be the man Hraldmir wouldn't get refused by. If he did... Well, that was a thought for another time.
Taking up position here seemed like a poor way to waste his time, there was no way of knowing when, or if, the captain would return to his vessel. Better it'd be for him to shack up in a tavern as he'd been doing most nights, but today was a different day - the whispers of the spirits had reached him, told him that it would not be long, to wait, be ready - there would only be a short window.
Thus here he waited, watching as two souls approached the Banshee - one tall, darker skinned, a strange set of jangling clinks heard as they moved. Human, though whether man or woman he wasn't certain. The captain? No, didn't match the description he'd overheard. The second to appear was... A
young looking elf girl, who sauntered right on board the ship without hesitation, startling the human who followed after.
Hraldmir stood. This had better not be an attempted ship theft, he'd been waiting for too long to let that happen!
I am Inferi.
24-Oct-2020 18:08:19