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Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Posts: 3,644 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“We will be unveiling Clan-Chat ranks for our force: RuneScape’s True Army. We ask you to always be in my Clan-Chat when you log on, to make sure we are all organized. In the future this will be extremely important, for example when we are fortifying a city. Some ranks will be unavailable to skillers, though; however, let it be known that they will not be forgotten, and will still have a chance to be promoted to some of the most important ranks. Also: combat levels (unless you’re a skiller, which you can be at any combat level) will play no roles in promotions. For example, if I think a level 49 player has shown amazing bravery on the field of battle, he can be chosen for promotion over a level 125.”
The crowd universally said they understood, and asked Mike to get on with it.
“Ok, first, we have a Single-Bar, or Privates; these people are the normal members of our forces. The majority of people will be of this rank.
Second, we have Two-Bars, or Corporals; these people have shown outstanding skill, helpfulness, bravery, or knowledge, and will have proven themselves worthy of being a distinguished rank. These people WILL out-rank the Single-Bars, meaning that Single-Bars will be their subordinates.
Three-Bars, or Sergeants, will only be achievable by military veterans; Sergeants will lead squadrons of men in battle and will out-rank both Privates and Corporals.
Bronze Stars, or Lower Council, will be available to any player. The Lower Council will have no power over military affairs, and will only deal with Urban Affairs and dealing with Lesser Charges. (Lesser Charges being small crimes against our force) Lower Council will meet once a week; these meeting will be open to the public, but only members of the Lower Council, Generals, or High Council will be able to speak at them. Generals and High Council members only need to attend the meetings if they so wish.

18-Aug-2009 15:07:27 - Last edited on 03-Oct-2009 16:03:12 by Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Posts: 3,644 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Silver Stars, or Generals, will only be High-Ranking military veterans. They will be able to out-rank all classes under them, and will lead several squadrons at once. It will not matter what combat level these people are; the only thing that matters is how well you can lead troops.
Finally, we have Gold Stars: High Council. The High Council will deal with military affairs, foreign affairs (meaning different armies), urban affairs, and Higher Charges (meaning serious crimes against our force). You must either be invited or be a Gold Star to come to a Higher Council meeting. The High Council will meet once a month at the least, or whenever duty calls. I fully expect this council to meet two to three times a month on average. They will be able to out-rank all ranks beneath them.”
The crowd was completely silent, but ever so slowly broke into a cheer. They were on board.
“Draynor. I’m telling you, Draynor will work.” YouKnowIt said during the first High Council meeting.
“No it won’t, it has no strategic assets other than being close to Lumbridge, which is also a negative.” Joker replied.
“How is it negative? It makes sense to me to use it as a training method for future attacks. Plus, from Draynor we can take Port Sarim which will be a huge asset as a port city! And, even further, we could use Port Sarim to launch a raid on Falador, which we could make our base.” Courtney said.
“It’s negative because it has no walls, no important resources, and the Army of Gielinor, although unorganized, will be right around the corner stationed in Lumbridge.” Joker explained.
“But it has a full forest and a stock pile of willows! We could easily use that to build up defenses!” YouKnowIt retorted.
*Ok, Joker, what do you suggest we do?” Courtney asked.

18-Aug-2009 15:07:28 - Last edited on 03-Oct-2009 18:19:50 by Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Posts: 3,644 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Simple: we raid Al Kharid and station our troops there. It has a large amount of shops, a bank, a well, and a mining area!”
“That, my friend, actually sounds like an acceptable idea. Plus, the fence would serve as our first look-out for enemy troops!” YouKnowIt added.
“No. Al Kharid won’t work.” Mike said, speaking for the first time at the meeting.
“Care to elaborate?” Joker said with a smile.
“First of all, we are still small in numbers, and Al Kharid is too far spread out, since it has no real central point. Plus, we would be fighting a three-front war: attacks from the Lumbridge, Varrock, and Desert regions would be cast on us. Next, the fence means nothing; people can easily cross through it. Finally, like Joker said about Draynor, it’s still way too close to the Army of Gielinor for my liking. Until we can get a full-scale working army going, we need to keep this operation completely secret, which won’t be possible with Al Kharid. Some people on the forums are already bragging about reaching areas of Varrock by themselves…” Mike explained to the small group.
“Very interesting, Volacticus. But, what do you suggest we do, then?” YouKnowIt threw out there.
“First of all, we need to clean out Lumbridge. I don’t care if that helps small-scale raiding parties, noob armies, and the Army of Gielinor. I just don’t see how we can mount any kind of full-scale expedition or raid without fully knowing that we are safe within Lumbridge’s confines.”
“But we personally have no idea what to expect even a few feet out of the castle grounds…” Joker said.

18-Aug-2009 15:07:29 - Last edited on 09-Jul-2010 17:11:37 by Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Posts: 3,644 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Yes we do; we have both the testimony of forum threads, and common sense. We know that whatever is running RuneScape isn’t a complete idiot. As far as we know, this person or thing must know that Jagex will try and raise an army based out of Lumbridge. Would it make much sense to throw your strongest minion at them right out of the gate while they are still organized? Keep in mind at any time during that battle they could simply run right back into the castle to restock… No, in my opinion the darkest dangers are in the middle of no where, we players would have no where to run. And, since just about everyone is trapped inside of Lumbridge, no runes are being crafted, which means there are a limited amount of possible teleports. Unless we get a rune-shop or alter under our control, we will eventually run out of teleports… It’s inevitable!” Mike announced.
*Ok, that makes a lot of sense to me. But, what do you plan on doing after we take Lumbridge under our control?” Courtney asked.
“Simple: we take what we need, and then abandon it. We can stay there until we feel we have adequate resources and man-power to launch an invasion; then, we march north to Varrock and invade. Varrock will be our base and our main starting point for our conquests.”
“Mike, you’re insane.” Joker said simply.
“Volaticus, I just do not see the logic in invading Varrock over Al Kharid….” YouKnowIt added.

18-Aug-2009 15:10:13 - Last edited on 09-Jul-2010 17:12:09 by Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Posts: 3,644 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I know it seems like a stretch, but it will be well worth it. We have a massive forest of normal trees on three sides of us, providing the wood we will need to fortify; additionally, we have a reserve of yew trees behind the castle, which we can use for main fortifications or to use as a trading item. It has the air and earth alters within reasonable distance, as well as the sawmill which we can use to cut slices of wood into special pieces to make new items. Varrock is also a central point in the F2P half of the map, meaning that we could easily establish trade routes to Al Kharid, Lumbridge, and Falador, whether that be with other armies or with our own. Plus, it has both a strong set of exterior walls, and an already fortified castle which could be used as a last-resort or last-stand type of building. It has a general store, an arrow shop, and a rune shop; but, don’t forget the most important thing: it has the Grand Exchange. If we control Varrock we would be the only people able to place orders on it, meaning we would have a near monopoly on it’s goods! Next, To the east we have the River Salve, preventing a Morytania-based invasion; to our south will just be the roads to Lumbridge, which will soon be cleared out by either us or some other group; to the west is an empty area, but we have Barbarian Village as a buffer for that; finally, we have the wilderness to the north, which as far as anyone knows is still completely empty...”
“Well, looks like we’ll start planning our invasion of Varrock!” Joker said with a laugh.
“Now, for the final point of our all-army meeting: lets bring out our current High Council! That’s right, YouKnowIt, 7Joker77, myself, and level 3 4eva!” Mike announced to the crowd.
The group of people (now nearing seventy-five members) went wild as the members of the High Council paraded around the second floor of Lumbridge Castle.

18-Aug-2009 15:10:24 - Last edited on 09-Jul-2010 17:13:59 by Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Posts: 3,644 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Now, I would like to explain to all of you a bit about the High Council. It is NOT like the Lower Council in which anyone that shows outstanding character can be promoted to; all areas of our group of people will be represented here: YouKnowIt and Courtney, level 3 4eva, will represent skillers. Joker here will represent the military standpoint of things, sense he is now our Grand General, who will have command over all Silver Star generals. I personally, as the leader of our fellowship, serve as the Leader of the High Council. As time passes a second military representative will be added, as well as two urban affair directors, once we take a major city under our control!” Mike told the people.
Someone in the large group of people asked, “When’s our first mission?” which was followed by mass begging to know the latest plans.
“Currently, we are planning to take all of Lumbridge under player control, not just for the good of RuneScape’s Coalition, but for the good of all players. From there, we have some rather large plans!” Mike said proudly.
At first, no one caught on; then, someone piped up and said, “Wait! I though we were called RuneScape’s Real Army!”
Mike did the laugh emote, and then explained, “We were, but after agreement with the High Council, we concluded that being called RuneScape’s Real Army doesn’t really capture what we’re about; as I said in previous meetings, this isn’t just about conquest – we’re here to build up areas of our empire too! Don’t forget, once we take a major city we’ll need mass cooperation to get everything running; so, we decided a name-change was needed!”
The coalition erupted into applause and cheers, ending the group’s fifth official all-clan meeting.

18-Aug-2009 15:10:25 - Last edited on 03-Oct-2009 16:06:02 by Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Posts: 3,644 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(Excerpt from Mike’s Journal)
Two months. It has been two months since I last wrote here (which isn’t completely my fault, you know!). These last weeks have been a blur. So much has happened* I don’t even know where to begin. What RuneScape’s Coalition accomplished in just their first few weeks was enough to be proud of (I mean really, one hundred members and planning a full-scale invasion!?), but where we are now is out of any kind of league I thought we would be playing in at this point in time. When I first started the Coalition, I did*’t really know what we would be doing three months after we were created. Preparing to meet with Andrew and Paul in-game, however, is sure as hell not what I thought I would be doing… But, yup, I said it. Andrew and Paul want to meet with me in-game, in Varrock’s palace, to discuss our next moves. But, before I get to the details, I should fill you in, my trusty journal, on what has taken place the last two months…
First and foremost, the Coalition hosted three training raids over areas in Lumbridge; two of those were epic failures (We were scattered and almost annihilated by coordinated ogre strikes in the first, and did*’t have any real discipline in the second). Yes, we were almost smothered in LUMBRIDGE, but not to worry, on the third training raid all went well… We posted scouts on top of Lumbridge Castle, and, thanks to Skype, had the locations of groups of enemies relayed to Joker and me, who were leading the troops (who were actually following orders now). In a single half-hour session we pushed by all Zarosian (yeah, that’s what we’re calling the NPC’s now that we know about the Zaros Program) resistance south of Lumbridge Swamp, east to Al Kharid, west to Draynor, and north to the Lumbridge cabbage patch while suffering minor casualties and no deaths. After that, the high council felt that RuneScape’s Coalition was ready for real action – the invasion of Varrock.

18-Aug-2009 15:10:25 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2009 03:48:49 by Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Posts: 3,644 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The invasion of Varrock, of course, was not in any WAY, SHAPE, or FORM, what we thought it would be… Most of our members (at this point we were pushing 200, 150 of whom were registered for combat) had only seen action in wide open areas, I.E. the wilderness, or Clan Wars arenas. And, being a novice at this whole “leading an army” thing, I blazed our troops right up the southern gate, half expecting to meet mild Goblin resistance. Of course, this isn’t what really went down; but hey, you can’t tell me you expected to see General Graardor waiting for you in Varrock Square! We went right up the southern gate and right into his face… his first ranged attack hit several strong members for high amounts of damage; it wasn’t that he was strong, it was that he struck fear in the minds of my soldiers. Realistically, we could all outrun that S.O.B. if we really needed to, but apparently no one had told that to my group of men! I found myself screaming “stick to the plan!” like that poor sap from the Leroy Jenkins video into my Skype headset trying to keep everyone calm. The only issue? There was no freakin’ plan. The troops scattered around a city running into what we thought was VERY heavy resistance (we now refer to that type of resistance as mild) of everything from Ogre Shamans to Orks. Now, as I said before, our members were not training in urban warfare… no, they were trained to run in lines and pile the kid in D’Hide using Protect from Melee. But really, I can’t blame them. Never in the history of RuneScape was learning how to fight in an urban setting while being outnumbered by Medium-High to High level monsters necessary. So, to make a long story short, Joker, myself, and two other high level players took out Graardor by ourselves.

18-Aug-2009 15:10:26 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2009 03:49:20 by Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Posts: 3,644 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
On the bright side, everyone learned how to spam click the lobsters and sharks in their inventories. After a good twenty minutes of pure chaos in Varrock, I managed to get most of the Coalitions invading forces under control (at least we were smart enough to keep the skillers safe at home in Lumbridge). We swept the city starting from the south-west, ending with the storming of Varrock Castle; thankfully, Graardor was the only boss monster we had to face! Even though it took us about a full hour, cost us Terror Birds, War Turtles, Sharks, Arrows, Runes, and lives, we had successfully taken the city of Varrock. This, however, wasn’t the happy ending I had been hoping for… we quickly calculated we had lost a hundred players in the assault (most from forgetting they had food and full prayer points), leaving us with one hundred total members (fifty of which were skillers in Lumbridge). We spent all of the next day chopping the trees in the area (which was a lot easier after Jagex made it possible for a clan bank account, allowing us to store all the goods in a single account that only the High Council could access), which we spent using on the day after for both building guards posts at strategic out-of-town locations, and building repairs both inside and on the edge of the city. By the end of the week we had Varrock looking like a military base, which was great for boosting moral. The High Council then voted to send an armed escort (which consisted of fifteen of our remained fifty soldiers) to bring the skillers up from Lumbridge to Varrock.

18-Aug-2009 15:10:27 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2009 03:49:50 by Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Miles Letum

Posts: 3,644 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is when the problems began. We immediately tried to put the skillers to work, by buying goods from the Grand Exchange for them to use; however, with no one selling things on the Grand Exchange, no one could buy anything… Keep in mind that Jagex was only allowing the use of a single world at the time, meaning that since we had control of Varrock, the only people selling things on the Grand Exchange would be us! Additionally, it was impossible to have all of our members on at once, so we had to constantly be switching guards and escorts, which made escorting skillers to valuable resources (such as the mines to the south) very difficult. None of this was the skillers’ faults of course, I’m just saying that we had not prepared for this issue* The next problem was completely unforeseen. No one, not even Jagex, could have predicted what would happen next. In short, the Zaros Program threw us another curve ball.

18-Aug-2009 15:14:47 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2009 03:50:56 by Miles Letum

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