Justine and James rode side by side through the forest, their horses only a foot or so apart, so that periodically their legs brushed against one another. Justine rode quietly, staring at the forest around her. She’d never explored this far north of the city. The fauna around her was changing, from the towering, stout maple trees she knew to closer, prickly evergreen trees, and the air was sweet with the scent of pine. They were following a narrow path, well-worn but not obtrusive to the nature around them. They had been riding for a few hours now, and conversation had lagged slightly. She hoped he wasn’t disappointed. She was painfully aware of his eyes upon her. She studied her own hands, examining the supple riding gloves she wore, smooth leather. She’d bought them the last time she went into Varrock, and she was pleased they were so comfortable.
“You’re very quiet,” James observed finally, after many drawn-out minutes of silence.
“I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “It’s just – I’m a little nervous.”
“Whatever for?”
She flushed. *It’s just – I mean, you’ve invited me up to this home of yours, and I, well, we’ve spent time together but I guess I don’t know you very well.”
“I hope I wasn’t too forward. It’s just two friends, going for a ride.”
“No!* she exclaimed. Two friends? That was all? Her face fell. “I just – I wouldn’t want you to be disappointed, that’s all.”
He looked at her, eyes shining with wonder. *Justine, you couldn’t possibly disappoint me.” He reached for her hand, and when she stuck it out, he pulled it in and kissed her through the glove. “You astound me in every way. To be here with you is all I could ever want.”
She flushed again, and laughed a little. “You’re sweet, James. You hardly know me!” A pause, and then, in a wavering voice, “Two friends, huh?”
16-Dec-2011 03:19:01