
Layers of Strange [RP]

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An eyebrow raise was what Zenon got at his claim that the sword would just bounce off. If what he was wearing was actually a computer, there was no way it would be strong enough to survive a hit from a traditional sword and come away unscathed. Would she be able to break it using conventional tactics? Possibly not, but it would take damage. The third form would have no problem breaking it, although that was something that was still a bit beyond her own capabilities.

Despite that, though, if he was wearing a computer that was built into a mask, that was actually quite impressive. Her own area of expertise didn’t extend into the actual making of such devices, only using them to produce her desired results, and so seeing a working computer modeled in such a fashion meant it had to be designed quite intricately. It would actually almost feel impossible given the current technology standards, so it meant he was either in a somewhat similar situation to her or there was something else he had access to that would allow it. That wasn’t even including how he could make a computer that didn’t weigh a ton, since even laptops weren’t something you would want hanging off your face.

Don’t worry, you won’t be seeing this in class. I’m not that obsessed.
” she told the masked man, her more formal tone dissipating when it seemed that his intentions were not bad. It seemed unlikely to her that they would see each other in class - at least if his unfamiliarity with the area meant he was a freshman - but there wasn’t any need to state that.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

25-May-2018 04:04:22



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Although I doubt anyone would care about Barry, if you wanted to bring him. I’ve seen odder before, although those people were a bit odd themselves.
” she added, smiling at Taylor’s over-dramatic representation of sadness. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d seen a dog in class, even if the occasions were few and far between. The stranger things, though...those were a bit less welcome.

Still, if this guy was looking for the University, then he was really out of his way, and as such it seemed right to offer at least some directions. It would be a shame if he got lost because GPS messed up again, since she’d seen that plenty of times.

If you’re looking for the University, you’re gonna want to go back towards the main part of town. It’s not right there, but if you go back there’s plenty of signs that’ll lead you to it, and if you’ve found the part of town that’s the farthest away from here then you’ll have found the place.
” she told him.

It wasn't even an exaggeration, really, and it was the reason she had picked this apartment to live in. It was hard not to recognize someone that she knew if she stuck around the busier areas, and sometimes it was just better to be away from all that.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

25-May-2018 04:06:40

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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The girls seemed a bit surprised by the revelation of Zenon’s computer mask, but not too much. It was, essentially, a big iPhone or some other handheld device, made into a steel mask. It was twenty gauge, so it wasn’t that heavy, just a few pounds. Although he would never admit it, the excess weight did hurt and strain Zenon’s neck at times. But yes, a mask was not armour, so it would be damaged from sword blows.

Zenon seemed rather oblivious to who ‘crazy people’ could be, but Taylor was nice enough to look forward to their next meeting, in class or not, if it ever happened. He nodded to that and Amber’s conclusion regarding where to bring her sword. Indeed, bringing a sword to class might not be a good idea. A big dog would be a much better thing to bring.

As for directions, well, Zenon indeed had taken quite a few wrong turns! He’d have to go to the other side of town, as Amber instructed. He nodded.

“Yes, yes, I go. Maybe we see again sometime,” Zenon remarked, and he took his leave. As he went, he almost tripped from a slight depression in the ground, “O, kurwa...” he mumbled as he regained himself. Off he went, probably in the wrong direction again.

03-Jun-2018 20:50:54



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Gary's trip had been more or less uneventful. He had made it to the college with little difficulty, and did a quick walk of the grounds in order to get a sense of where everything was. With that out of the way, he had left and caught a bus to the mall, in order to catch a break from all the walking.

Every now and then he would reach into his pocket for the peculiar key that had been part of the collection his grandfather had left him. It was the smallest, and the easiest to carry, so he had figured he might as well carry it with him. He had never found out what it unlocked, and he never truly believed in good luck charms, but he kept it with him nonetheless. Perhaps it simply felt good to have some part of his grandfather with him, or perhaps he was indeed starting to become superstitious? Who knew? Either way, the key was secured to his key ring, right next to the apartment key, so he certainly wouldn't be losing it.

He stepped inside and did a quick look around. It didn't take him long to notice the pair that was accosting the people who entered. Some sort of charity or social experiment? Maybe a survey? Either way, it piqued his curiosity, and with nothing better to do he stepped forward.



Beric's new apartment was perhaps a bit too far from the school for his liking, but that was intentional. Given his... abilities, he felt it would make sense to stay away from the busier areas. Besides, he wasn't too far from the forest, which would be an excellent place to go ahead and experiment. In addition to this, it was also cheap.

The program he was enrolled in was not one that would be expected of him at first glance, but given his powers it actually made perfect sense. They gave him a clear advantage which set him miles above anyone else in a field that was quite difficult to find jobs in.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

04-Jun-2018 05:26:37



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He had been living in town for a few days already, and only once had he ventured into the forest to test out his abilities. Aside from that, he had been walking around the block to familiarize himself with the area, and had even met a few of his neighbors.

In fact, he was on one such walk right now.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

04-Jun-2018 05:27:55

George Rozas

George Rozas

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" Ooohh, in that case he's gonna be around a lot more! " Taylor exclaimed happily in response to Amber, continuing to smush the face of her fluffball who remained oblivious to his future of sitting in lecture halls surrounded by new people. The east-european cosplayer took his leave, a muffled giggle slipping out of Taylor as he stumbled over a dent in the pavement and went on his way. What a strange guy.

She turned back to Amber, one hand still mushing the dog's face, her face contorting into an expression of thought as a couple seconds of quiet flowed over the yard.

" So, uh, I kinda lost track of what we were talking about... " She admitted, the appearance of the masked man had very much broken off any chatting they had been doing before. She'd introduced herself, right? She'd presume yes - it sounded like her, and the girl had introduced herself - Amber.

" Oh! Yeah that's right, I was about to ask about what you were doing! " Taylor straightened up and glanced down at the sword by Amber's feet, then back to the other woman. " You practice some kind of swordplay then? Your blade is nice, really well-kept. "


After being shrugged off by another passerby the young man with the picture, noticing Gary approaching them (which made a change), brightened slightly and met him halfway. He raised up the pictur ehe had in hand, offering it for Gary to take a look at as he spoke.

" Hi, sorry to be a bother but have you seen this guy? " The picture was of a dark haired young man, around the same age as the guy in front of Gary, giving a toothy grin to the camera with his arms thrown around unseen people on either side of him - evidently the picture had been edited to focus on him, cutting out anyone else. " His name's Jason Floyd, he's my room-mate but nobody's seen him since last week. "
I am Inferi.

06-Jun-2018 18:28:23



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It’s probably more accurate to say I practice most kinds of swordplay.
” Amber told her, grinning. “
I tend to switch between styles depending on where I am, since I try not to bring this onto Campus and there’s only so many practice types they’ve got there. Switching it up is fun, too.

Her face almost imperceptibly darkened for a moment as she continued, but it was so brief that, even if Taylor did notice it, it would be as much of a question of whether or not it actually happened as it would be for what it was about.

Of course. Not only is it a family piece, and an important one to me, but it’s the only real sword I have. I could probably get another one, but no other one would ever feel the same. Besides, if you can’t care for your weapon, you shouldn’t be allowed to wield it.

The last line was delivered matter-of-factly, but something made it feel a bit strange. It wasn’t like she changed anything about her voice when she said it, but something about the tone made it feel as though she was speaking from another perspective. Still, given that Taylor had known her for a grand total of three minutes, it was probably unlikely she would label such a thing as odd.

Any potential oddness vanished as she kept speaking, though.

But to actually answer you, I’m relaxing. Classes start tomorrow, so I’m taking advantage of the last extra free time I’ll have for the rest of the year.
” she told Taylor, picking the sword up off the ground and standing up before placing the point down in the dirt and resting her left hand on the pommel of the weapon.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

07-Jun-2018 00:26:24 - Last edited on 11-Jun-2018 19:58:36 by Inferi



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Gary shook his head. "Can't say I have. I actually just moved into town today." He scratched his chin. The fact that someone went missing didn't exactly make him confident about his stay in the town. Then again, even in the safest neighborhoods people could go missing every now and then. "Have you gone to the police about this?" He found himself asking.



Beric's walk had so far gone without incident. And then he stumbled across some weaboo with a metal helmet. Well, that on its own didn't qualify as an incident, but it was still something noteworthy. People who covered their face during warm weather naturally attracted his suspicion, and as he walked past he found himself keeping a cautionary gaze on Captain Metalface's helmet.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

08-Jun-2018 17:33:01 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2018 17:35:23 by NotFishing

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