
Layers of Strange [RP]

Quick find code: 49-50-528-66009226

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
With the new semester starting the next day Hailbrooke was stuffed full of fresh, lost looking faces prowling through the streets in their run-down cars or daddy-bought high price vehicles. Thus, the roads going through town were pretty full - something Taylor had been lucky enough to avoid after she entered the limits. Her paid accomodation was somewhat distant from the college... And the stores... And really, most of the big and important places around town. Really it was on the edge of the damned forest in an admittedly okay looking apartment complex.

Pulling into the parking lot and hopping out she let out a loud groan of appreciation, stretching out her aching limbs that had been oh so very confined for oh so very long. Behind her the jangle of tags gave her a familiar signal, and like clockwork she twisted around in time to catch the mass of fur that bounded from the front seat into her arms - an excitable tongue lapping at her face, bringing out some fond giggles.

" C'mon Barry, we're not home yet! " She half-heartedly complained, savaging the fuzzy beast's back with a wide variety of scratches and pets that sent the dog's leg into overdrive - kicking against Taylor's abdomen relentlessly. She set him down none the worse for wear and the old english sheepdog immediately started bounding around the mostly empty parking lot, sniffing and exploring as his owner gathered her bags from the trunk.

Walking up the sidewalk bordered against the forest, a short metal fence set up between them. For a moment the girl felt a chill down her spine and glanced towards the trees, frowning slightly - for a moment she felt like someone had been watching her. Her eyes slipped over the treeline for a few short seconds before she was snapped from her reverie by a panting furmonster as Barry returned to her side with a not-so-graceful stumble into her leg.

She snickered, the odd feeling forgotten, and carried her two overpacked bags into the building.
I am Inferi.

12-May-2018 22:00:10



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Yes, mother, everything is fine. They told me they received the payment, and that it will be taken care of for the next nine months. It...yes, I know. It’s not the most spacious, but I doubt that I will be spending much time here anyways if last semester was any indication.

The young woman speaking on the phone - the latest smartphone model - looked much less lost than the majority of the others that were filtering in through the main doors of the building she had just exited. Unlike them, she had fully moved in nearly a month before, and instead of luggage or a TV under her arm she carried a long case and a headset that might be recognized as one of the most recent VR models. It seemed to have a few modifications to it as well, though, a few sensor modules and such attached on the outside that were not on the standard models. The case wouldn’t be as easily recognized except perhaps by those who were familiar with the subject, as it contained the sword that she used for her practices. It was a real blade, not a wooden replica, but the blade was not sharp.

Deftly moving past the influx of incoming students, Amber continued on the phone, “
I know. It’s not a bad spot, mother. I would rather be in a more secluded location when I am off campus. It’s simpler, and it’s more relaxing for me. Really, I won’t even be here much. The office is keeping me busy, and the tutoring group takes up a lot of time too. They even mentioned offhand about me covering for a professor or two if they needed a substitute, so I doubt I’ll even have time to breathe inbetween that and my coursework.

A pause as the voice on the other end of the phone spoke in a concerned voice, which was answered by a reassuring laugh.

I’m fine. I signed up for all of it, and I can handle it. It can’t be any worse than last year, and you know I managed that just fine. Really, I’ll be alright, and I’ll call you if there’s a problem.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

13-May-2018 01:45:49 - Last edited on 13-May-2018 01:46:48 by Inferi



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Another pause.

Yeah. Yeah, I know. I promise. Goodbye.

Hanging up the phone, Amber sighed, turning the corner of the building and walking over into the small yard that was between the building and the forest. The phone call had kept her from really paying attention to those that were coming in, and now that she was out here it was time to block out all of it and take her time for practice. At this point, her sword practice was the most relaxed part of her day; it didn’t even feel like work anymore. Although she had started it for other reasons, Amber couldn’t deny that, by now, she really enjoyed wielding the sword. It was like any kind of exercise, but was the best that she had found for herself.

Laying the case out on the grass, Amber opened it and withdrew the sword, a three and a half foot long straight blade, before taking the case and placing it carefully off to the side. She then took the headset and slipped it on, the loaded program booting up as she took the sword in her hand and stood up. What she had in the headset was a training program, and although she did not use it all the time the empty yard of the apartment building had proven to be a good spot to do so. With additions programmed in to stop her from moving too far from the spot, and the additional sensors programmed to tell her before anyone came within any dangerous distance, it meant she could practice here safely even with all of the new students coming in.

It might give a strange impression, but the fact that she clearly had skill made it seem at least somewhat better. Besides, she was out of sight of pretty much all of the parking lot, so most, if not all, of the new students wouldn’t even know she was there.

Taking a deep breath, Amber started the program, beginning her routine for the day.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

13-May-2018 01:47:04

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" This is it, Barry! Our home away from home! " Taylor declared as she dumped her unopened bags onto the floor of her new apartment, throwing up her arms in excitement - riling up her faithful hound with the gesture and sending him bouncing around the room.

Given it was a one person apartment it was understandably small, having only a bedroom, bathroom and combined living area/kitchen. Luckily it already came furnished, albeit with pretty drab and average looking furniture - a single bed, plain dresser and wardrobe, couch, dining table and a few wooden chairs. Beyond that there were a couple of appliances, such as the unstocked fridge, but that about did it aside from the obvious. It was certainly not as nice as her home, but it would do - especially once she gave it that great lived in look.

But home improvement would have to wait for now. After being cooped up in that car for so long the last thing Taylor wanted to do was stay in the apartment, and with how much energy Barry was displaying he clearly wouldn't be satisfied bouncing around the small rooms. She dragged her bags into the bedroom and dumped the contents of one onto her bed - she could sort through it later - before swiping some clothes and getting changed into a tank top and shorts, pulling on her sneakers before sharply whistling.

" Come on boy, let's go for a walk! " As if she had uttered a magical word the dog came flying through the room, slipping through the door the moment Taylor pulled it open. She hurried to get it locked before giving chase to the energetic furbag, already catching the end of his tail turning down the staircase. " Hey, wait for me you silly fuzzball! "

But there was no talking down the fine doggo now that the W word had been uttered. Barry rushed down the three flights of stairs, Taylor's apartment being on the fourth floor, managing not to injure himself despite the breakneck pace he had achieved. His owner was no slouch, leaping half a flight at a time to
I am Inferi.

14-May-2018 14:28:15

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
catch up with him. Most would think he'd be stuck in the lobby until she opened the door for him, but no, Barry would not be denied - once he reached the lobby he headed straight for the door and, using his fuzzy bulk, shoved it open with his face and slipped through the gap just in time for Taylor to land at the bottom of the last flight.

Her yells of exasperation were cut off by the heavy door closing.

With his newfound freedom Barry darted to and fro, sniffing and panting and absolutely lost as to where he should go first! An idle scent caught his attention and he was off, darting around the side of the building as fast as his legs could carry him. With the complex being on the edge of this part of town there were not a lot of other people around, and any who were around probably lived in one of the few apartment buildings along the block. Thus nobody really noticed a dog freely running about.

Around the back of the building the fuzzball stopped, panting and looking around, spotting a figure some distance away and tilting his head at them. He sniffed the air and was aptly pleased by whatever scent he caught, bounding across the yard towards the young woman practicing with her sword - fully intent on making her give him all of her pets and scratches.

((I should point out, Barry is full grown - about 70lbs or so.))
I am Inferi.

14-May-2018 14:28:21 - Last edited on 14-May-2018 14:34:55 by George Rozas



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Gary Riley

Unpacking, unpacking, unpacking. That had basically summarized Gary's day. The apartment he had rented was surprisingly open. Only the kitchen and bathroom were actual separate rooms, and it came with two closets. Everything else was completely open, including his bedroom. Still, as one person apartment it suited his needs, and he had more than enough space for his furniture, books, computer, television, and gaming system.

Oh, there was also the box his grandfather had left him. It was the only thing that had yet to be put away, resting on his bed. A somber mood passed over him whenever he glanced at it.

"So, that's it, then?" His fourteen year-old brother Allen asked, walking up beside them. Gary nodded.

"This is goodbye, then. At least until Christmas." His father's voice spoke up. Both Gary's father and brother had come with him to help him unpack. Gary was not offended by his father's sudden desire to depart - it was a long drive back, and quite frankly it was fortunate that he had even been able to take time off work to come here in the first place.

Gary nodded again. "Goodbye, dad." They gave his dad a rather stiff and awkward hug, followed by a somewhat warmer one with Allen.

"You know..." his dad ventured. "If tuition or rent money ever becomes an issue, some of those items in that box are quite valuable. I'm not saying to sell everything, but..." He stopped when Gary began to glare at him, and Allen shook his head. "Right, I understand. Sorry."

"See you in a few months." His brother said, by way of farewell. And with that they both exited the apartment, leaving Gary alone.

Gary took a breath. This was it. His first moments of complete and utter independence. What to do next?

He glanced down at the box of 'magical' props and artifacts. He had already searched through it. None of the items seemed to be of any practical use to him, but his grandfather treasured them quite highly.

Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

15-May-2018 17:20:24



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He would not sell it, he had long since decided. Instead he would place it in one of his closets, where it would accumulate dust. Once in a blue moon he might take it out to examine it, or show it to a friend, but overall he wouldn't think much about it until he graduated and had to move once again. Then he would place it in the closet of his new home after that, and the cycle would continue, until he died and it was passed to either a child or grandchild. That was what happened with heirlooms these days, was it not?

He had never considered himself sentimental, so his desire to hang onto this seemed quite odd, to say the least. But without further ado, he opened one of closets and slid the box into a corner, before closing the door once again.

That was it. Officially unpacked. His first instinct was to go online, but it would be at least another day before his internet was set up. And with the semester beginning the next day, it would make more sense to explore the town.

He had already studied a map of the town before coming here, so he already had some idea on where to go. His apartment was reasonably distanced from the school, perhaps a twenty-five minute walk, which was fortunate as he did not own a car. He would walk to the school first, in order to familiarize himself with the route. Then he would head off towards the stores - particularly the grocery and fast-food stores - to scope them out, and pick up some food to supplement the meager stores he brought with him. From there he would head home. A sensible enough plan.

And so, equipped with a red T-shirt underneath a grey hoodie, along with some slightly faded blue jeans, he set out.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

15-May-2018 17:35:32 - Last edited on 15-May-2018 17:45:20 by NotFishing



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For many, the time spent on their chosen workout method was carefully timed, allowing them to organize whatever they were doing into specific frames during which they worked on what they felt they needed to. Amber was one of those in a different group, the type of person who started her swordwork and then just went until whatever she was doing concluded. Time didn’t have much meaning for her while she was practicing, not until the routine that she was running through announced that it was concluded. To her, who spent all of her time doing something that was some kind of work, this was a different world, and her mind melded into it with a passion.

All of this was somewhat nullified by the alert sensors that went off several minutes in, warning her that something was approaching. For the first alert, she remained doing what she was doing; whoever or whatever it was hadn’t come within a danger range yet. However, as whatever it was seemed to be approaching quickly, as evidenced by the second alert that went off, it forced Amber to stop and lower her sword, reaching up with the other hand to move the VR goggles up and onto the top of her head so that she could address whatever was here.

It wasn’t like her to be annoyed by someone here, as it was entirely within their rights to approach her, but it was certainly a lot better when she turned and saw that it was not a human. No, what was bounding across the yard towards her was an adorable ball of floof - and a big one at that - and a smile came across her lips as she placed the sword on the ground and turned to face the dog.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

17-May-2018 01:46:01



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As he came up to her, Amber knelt down on one knee and reached over, fully intent on giving him all of the pets and scratched he so desired. He seemed friendly, and was not approaching her in a way that indicated he had any desire to harm her. Besides, she liked animals, and unless he was openly hostile she would still try to be friends.

For the human that was sure to follow, they would see a young woman in what looked like fairly higher-end workout clothing, all of it darker colors, with her brown hair back in a short ponytail. The glistening of sweat was clear on her skin, and the clothing and sword would probably make it clear what she had been up to before being adorably interrupted.

Well hi there. You're a big cutie, huh?
" she said, or at least would when/if the dog proved to be friendly.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

17-May-2018 01:46:58

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Friendly was exactly what the ball of floof turned out to be. No sooner had Barry skidded to an ungraceful stop within less than an arm's reach of the woman had he shoved his face into her hands like a greedy scratch-thief. His tail became a whirlwind of joy, threatening to take the floofbeast off the ground as face met hands, tongue lolling freely from his open mouth. There was no longer any way to escape - Amber would be captured by the needy floof of the Barrybeast.

But much as the woman had expected there came a human just a few short seconds later, rounding the side of the building with a hurried gait only to slow down once she spotted her furry charge being fussed over by another unfortunate victim. Taylor let out an amused sigh, this evidently not being the first time such an occurence had taken place, and approached at a far more leisurely pace - giving plenty of time for the dog and woman to enjoy each other's company.

" Sorry about Barry, he's like a bloodhound for finding people with better things to do, " She called over, the dog's ears perking up at the sound of his name - or perhaps his owner's voice - but that didn't stop him from attempting to shove as much of his fluffy bulk into Amber's hands as he could. Taylor's eyes slid over to the sword lying by the woman's side, a glint of interest flashing across her face. " Oooh, he didn't catch you at a bad time did he? I know I get grumpy if something interrupts me. "
I am Inferi.

20-May-2018 00:11:21

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