
Layers of Strange [RP]

Quick find code: 49-50-528-66009226

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So, others had arrived, unpacked, and did whatever routines they had planned. Zenon’s case was not much different. He had his own minimal room, but had very little things, just the essentials. All he needed was his peculiar mask to be preoccupied, after all.

Once everything was done, Zenon went out for a walk. Indeed, being able to use his computer while walking was quite the convenience. Holographically browsing the internet, and using such a medium to utilize one’s mask, granted much spare time.

Somewhere along his walk, Zenon detected something rather archaic. A swordswoman, now being greeted by a big floofbeast. Immediately, the owner came and spoke, a tall Asian girl. Why exactly anyone would bring a giant dog to college, who would probably eat several hundred dollars of food a month, was anyone’s guess. Zenon quickly searched up the dog breed.

“English sheepdog?” Zenon asked, feeling so smart to be able to use the internet to find his answers for him.

If the sheepdog turned his attention to Zenon, Zenon would play a joke. He would conjure a holographic glowing orange ball and throw it down over yonder. It would be amusing to watch a dog try to catch a ball made out of light. Zenon would then cause the holographic ball to bounce about.

“So, you’re not worried about anyone getting scared of you swinging that sword around?” Zenon asked the swordswoman, and then...

20-May-2018 08:29:22



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t, but I’d also be lying if I said it bothered me.
” Amber replied with a smile as she continued to produce the pets and scratches that the big floof desired. It wasn’t until the other girl moved closer that Amber actually looked up and realized how incredibly tall this person was. Almost a foot more than herself, if the inaccurate form of assumptive measuring was used, and that was actually quite impressive. It would be untrue to say she wasn’t a little intimidated, but being tall was nothing compared to the strangeness that had pervaded her life from birth. It was hard to see something like this as too abnormal when her life had certainly been worse.

I probably should have waited until everyone was moved in and it was less busy, but I guess I fell into a habit over the past month.
” she added, a shrug about the largest arm motion she could manage with her hands buried in the beast’s fur. That is, until she stood up, her left hand still scratching the dog atop the head while she extended the right, saying, “
I’m Amber. I assume you’re living here too?

Unfortunately, there wasn’t much time to continue a discussion, as someone else decided to show up and insert themselves into the conversation as well. This one, though...they were a bit less normal than the first girl. Pretty much everything about them looked a bit ominous, although it was certainly the mask that pushed it over the top. Amber didn’t take a step away - although she did sort of want to - and when he spoke it immediately sounded as though whoever this was thought they were quite intelligent. That in itself wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but the vibes she was getting here weren’t exactly great.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

20-May-2018 22:06:28



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The greeting itself was...pretty awful, too. A somewhat accusatory statement before anything else? It was good for her that such things didn’t bother her greatly, because this guy was off to a horrible start.

No, I am not.
” her tone slipping into a more formal means of speaking than what she had just been using to talk to the other girl. “
I am entirely out of the way of foot traffic, and should anyone approach my equipment is designed to let me know long before it becomes an issue. If it is bothering anyone, they are free to speak to me about the subject.

Fortunately for them all, Barry remained where he was, and did not merit the conjuration of any hologram.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

20-May-2018 22:07:54

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Taylor took the outstretched hand with a grin. " Taylor - me and Barry just moved into 3B. "

It was good to know Amber hadn't been bothered by the silly hound's ceaseless desire for pets, albeit Taylor had never actually met anyone who could resist Barry's furry charms for long. She could probably make a safe bet that the other girl lived in the same building.

Going beyond introductions had to be paused for the moment as a male voice spoke up from a short distance away - over on a path that came into view of the yard. Taylor turned her head, starting to open her mouth to confirm the new stranger's guess at her dog's breed, but the answer died on her lips when she caught sight of the guy. The young woman didn't really watch anime, contrary to the stereotype often flicked her way, but she could've sworn that this guy was dressed just like this one character from this one show she couldn't remember the name of for the life of her.

Oh god, was he another weeaboo? Those people had been such an uncomfortable experience back in junior high...

" Yeah, he's, uhh, an english... Shee- okay, I've gotta ask, are you going to some kind of cosplay thing? " She followed up after Amber had said her piece, staring pretty blatantly at the guy - or, well, his mask specifically - with a bemused expression. Was dressing like that common around campus? It must've been some kind of fancy dress party or cosplay event. " I mean, don't get me wrong it's a pretty cool costume - just sorta weird to see a guy in a mask walking around. "

Meanwhile, Barry was content to have his head scratched, albeit he still tried to rub his side against Amber's legs.
I am Inferi.

20-May-2018 23:10:26

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
His sudden appearing was not taken too positively, but Zenon did not really mind. At least the swordswoman did not seem too bothered, but she definitely was a responsible lady. The rather tall Asian lady questioned the masked guy, who reminded her of a certain anime character, something neither of them could discover for the time being. Perhaps the character would be revealed at a later time.

“Oh, this is my computer. Wearing it on my face is pretty convenient, yes? Steel surface, very strong. Sword just bounce off if hit,” Zenon replied, changing his mind about utilizing some holographic foolishness.

He rubbed his hands together and looked up and around. He did not answer Taylor’s question regarding cosplaying.

“Anyways, more importantly, I thought I walked onto the school grounds. Looks like I was at totally wrong turn. Even GPS makes mistakes, no? Maybe dog shows me way,” he remarked, a slight East European style to his speech quite noticeable. “Swords-girl, tall-girl,” he spoke, slightly tilting his head side to side, perhaps to motion the angle of his mask to create some sense of life, “I’m off to Hailbrooke. Make sure you don’t swing sword in class or bring big dog, ah?”

20-May-2018 23:48:10



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Beric William
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Dwarf

Race Description: Dwarves are a subterranean race that lives deep underground. They closely resemble humans in appearance, but are much shorter and bulkier. In addition to this, their voices are deeper and their facial hair grows quicker. The supernatural abilities of this race will be outlined further in the next section.

Abilities: Beric's dwarven blood brings him numerous benefits.

First of all, his eyes adjust almost instantly to darkness. The downside is that they are also more sensitive to sudden flashes of light.

Secondly, he has the ability to detect nearby movement, so long as both he and the person or object in question are touching the same surface. Normally this has a radius of around ten or so feet, but if his bare skin is touching the surface then it extends to fifty.

Thirdly, he possesses a sort of 'stone sense.' He can sense when precious minerals or alloys are nearby, and the sense is even stronger for materials he hasn't seen before.

Lastly, his strongest ability is his power over earth. He has the ability to shape dirt and sand, or lift stones into the air using his mind. As it currently stands, he is only capable of raising chest high walls, or levitating stones as large as a basket ball, but his powers are still developing. As time progresses he may even be able to shape metal as well.

Appearance: Beric stands at an unimpressive five feet. At nineteen years old, he already has a short beard, accompanied by dark brown hair that he keeps between two or three inches in length. His eyes are a dark grey, and his skin is quite pale. Beric is also unusually muscular for his age, with a six pack and some rather bulky arms.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-May-2018 02:43:06 - Last edited on 21-May-2018 03:08:31 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For clothing, Beric usually favors T-shirts that show off his arms, though given the fall weather he usually wears a jacket or sweater overtop. He isn't overly picky about his choice of legwear. When outside during the day, or in an unusually bright room, he is almost always seen wearing a pair of black sunglasses.

History: Beric was born along the coast, in a large town whose economy was largely dependent on mining and fishing. He was raised by a single mother who he had absolutely no resemblance to. She was a nurse at the local hospital, and though she worked long hours, she did have enough money to provide for him. Beric ended up spending a lot of time with his uncle, who was almost like a father to him.

He was thirteen when he discovered his powers. His mother was surprised, but not nearly as surprised as she should have been. After she got over the initial cost, she told him to never reveal his powers to anyone, issuing multiple warnings. Beric continued to practice his abilities, hoping to get better at it, but after one instance where he was nearly caught using them in public, she told him to never use them again.

A few months later, they moved to a smaller town. But unbeknownst to his mother, Beric continued to practice in secret, and as the years went on he became surprisingly good at it. At the same time skilled at football and wrestling. He became very confident in his skills, both physical and magical.

What kept him humble was the regular mocking he received for his height, though this did result in a physical confrontation on more than one occasion, and eventually people learned to leave him alone.

His impressive athletic record attracted the attention of Hailbrooke college, and he was offered a scholarship.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-May-2018 02:43:15 - Last edited on 23-May-2018 02:26:33 by NotFishing

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Taylor tilted her head. That mask was a computer? First she'd heard of something like that, but then again she didn't really stay up to date with all the latest gadgets and stuff. Maybe it was like those google glasses that failed miserably a few years back. She decided to keep her ignorance from showing and just nodded agreeably, though part of her did wonder how heavy a mask made from steel was.

On the other hand it looked like the east-european cosplayer was taking his leave, apparently having taken quite the wrong turn on his way to the college grounds. His GPS had done a terrible job given the college was effectively on the other side of town - not that Taylor had visited it herself yet, she figured she'd pass it by eventually on her jog with Barry.

" Awhh, I'll bet the professors won't mind this fluffball if he's quiet! " She exclaimed, reaching down to push and pull at the sheepdog's face - none of which he minded, panting happily at the attention. " Buuuut some people are crazy I guess, so I'll be sure to keep him home... " She sighed overdramatically.

" See you around metalhead, I dunno if we'll have any of the same classes but I'll keep an eye open! " He was a bit weird, and foreign, but seemed okay - no reason she couldn't keep being friendly.


Meanwhile, further towards the centre of town was a considerable sized mall - effectively equipt with all the stores you'd consider necessary for a small town for students. Coffee places, restaurants, sports gear, clothing, all the good stuff. Surrounding it was a series of smaller businesses, many being family run places that couldn't afford a slot in the mall itself, and a considerable sized supermarket for grocery shopping needs. The area was the most popular place to shop in Hailbrooke, and as expected it was bustling what with it being the day before the new semester.

Just inside the mall's main entrance a couple of young students, a boy and a girl, seemed to be approaching people coming
I am Inferi.

24-May-2018 00:29:30

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