
Short Stories

Quick find code: 49-50-526-31637980

Anne Lauten

Anne Lauten

Posts: 3,830 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kelara considered this. It seemed true enough, and she could sympathise with the man. It was hard being shoved off to the forest of magic, where the frightened people put anybody who was supposed to be magic, to get rid of them. While she was thinking, Tyven spoke again.

"Umm, Kelara? Nator asks you to come down and fight him."


"You killed his wife, Tera. This is a fight between you and him though, so I'll stay out of it."

"She was trying to kill me!"

"No she wasn't, none of us were. We were simply looking to find out who the newest inmate was, and you attacked us."


"So come down, and fight. I won't interfere."

"Fine." Kelara came warily down, until she stood at the foot of her tree.

Tyven stepped back, glancing from werewolf to vampire.

"Ready?" he asked, "Then go."

Nator jumped, teeth bared to kill Kelara. She dodged, but not quickly enough as he sank his fangs into her injured thigh.

She screamed in pain, forcing herself to stay still so she wouldn't jump back and leave her skin in his mouth. She fought the pain and maneged to gain control of her brain, then bent down and bit Nator in the neck.

Tyven, watching, started.

"Kelara, Nator, stop right now."

Nethier of them moved.

"Nator, let go! THEY are coming!"

Nator let go his hold, spitting flesh onto the ground.

Suprised, Kelara stopped as well, looking at Tyven and Nator in puzzlement.

"What?" she asked, "what's going on? I thought we were fighting, now you say stop?"

Tyven's face grew hard.

"Kelara, shut up right now OK? We haven't much time so let me talk. There's us, then there's the others. We are good people, they are... well.. not. They are powerful."

"Who are they?" Kelara panicked, "what are they? Vampires like me? Werewolves? What? Are they trying to kill you?"

"They are vampires, werewolves, wizards, enchanters......."


31-Oct-2006 01:00:04

Anne Lauten

Anne Lauten

Posts: 3,830 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Withen a second Tyven was on her, holding a hand over her mouth. "Be quiet. You are going to lead them to us like we lit a bonfire."

Nator tranformed back to human and came over to Tyven, who was still hushing the shaking Kelara.


"Yeah, what?"

"I heard that they had a big fight over food and lost quite a few of their members. We should only be down by, say, eight."

The sound of feet quickly moving reached the huddle of outcasts.

Tyven leapt into action.

"Kelara, Nator, up trees. Kelara you take the tree you were up a bit ago, and Nator take the one across the clearing. I'm going to hide in the briers here, and see if I can take down a couple as they come in."

Kelara and Nator ran to their places, while Tyven hid himself. Everything was ready for the incoming "others".


Kalenter ran through the trees silently, knowing the rest of his team was in the correct places. They would kill the annoying little band of outlaws today.

He was in his place now, but were the rest? He whistled. Suddenly the forest came alive with whistles, keening through the air like wasps. They were ready. He counted, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, TEN!

The attack was on.


As the first attackers burst through the bushes, Tyven made his move, swirling his Whip through the air. It was death, moving fast so the enemies couldn't see it, only knowing they had been hit when they crumpled to the dirty brown ground. Blood soaked the earth, the dust clumped together into dark crimson mud. Four men and two women fell before they saw the cause of their loss. With no other place to go, they ran to relative safety across the clearing, Tyven taking another as they ran.

The attackers huddled together, staring. But they weren't staring at Tyven..... they looked behind him, some smirking despite their misery. You're gonna get it now, their expressions said.

31-Oct-2006 01:00:27

Anne Lauten

Anne Lauten

Posts: 3,830 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tyven got it in a second. Whirling aside as a spear shot by, just where he had stood. A howl of anger came from the attackers.

Through the bushes came what seemed to be a flash of gray.

As it shot across the clearing, the flash turned into a man. He was horribly thin, with blue eyes and long golden hair, his clothes grey and ragged, pants, tunic, cape. His arms were thin, but as he retreived his spear, his moves showed him to be a combat master. All in all, he was extremly handsome, and Kelara, from her tree, hoped she would have some time to look at him before he died.

He stepped foward.

"May I learn your name before I kill you?" he asked Tyven in a sacastic voice.

Tyven did not let himself be drawn into anger. "Why not? My name is Tyven. Yours would be?"

The other man smiled insincerly. "I am Kalenter." Kalenter said, as though he was bestowing a favor.

Kelara found his cuteness facter deminishing for her. She began watching Tyven. He was pretty cute too.

Kalenter waved to his band. "This is Miana," a pretty girl stepped foward, winking at Tyven. "And Damer," the heavyset man barely moved. "Imaia," a women made a rude gesture at Tyven. Kalenter grinned. "This would be Tergerd," a proud man with huge muscles saluted. "Well, then, umm, Tyven? Let the battle begin. Unless of couse you'd like to interduce you companions?"


"Let us start then." Kalenter made a mock bow.

"Yes. Let us begin."


Kalenter ran to his adversary, trying to spear him before Tyven could move. Tyven moved. Kalenter cursed, feeling anger welling up inside himself and trying to tame it before it became his undoing. He jumped as the Whip whistled past at ankle level. He aimed the spear again, then was forced to side-step as Tyven's weapon came at him again.

A scream echoed through the clearing, and both men whirled to the sight of Kelara, teeth sunk deep into Miana's neck.

31-Oct-2006 01:01:03

Anne Lauten

Anne Lauten

Posts: 3,830 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As Kalenter looked, another yell came and again he turned, to see Nator, in human form, strangling Damer. The bodies of Miana and Damer fell at the same time. Kelara blew a kiss to Tyven, then gracefully doged Tergerd's heavy fist.

Oh shoot, Kalenter thought, Tyven! He leaped aside. Feeling a pain in his hand he looked down, even though he was sure that Tyven had missed. Soon, he relized that Tyven hadn't, as there was nothing but a spongy mess where his ring and little fingers on his left hand had been. Looking up, he saw Tyven coming again. Kalenter jumped back, his spear smashing into the rotten tree behind him. A crashing sound came from the branches above him, and then came the answer to his prayers came, a huge branch that fell like a stone, knocking Tyven to the ground.

Not looking at his fingers, he ran to Tyven's body. There was no way he was alive, as the branch had come with the weight and speed of a steam train. Kalenter spat on the body, then thought to check on the battle.

Tergerd was fighting Nator in wolf form, Tergerd throwing his rather weak spells in a futile attempt to win. Dodging, Nator lept for the throat. His aim was perfect. Blood dribbled from Tergerd's mouth as his throat was ripped from his body.

Nator looked around for Imaia just as she threw herself on him, fangs in plain sight as she clung. He thrashed around, trying to get loose, as she drove mercilessly into his neck. His struggles slowed as the blood was drained from him, until they were only twiches.

His mouth opened.

"I see you Tera," he whispered, passing from our world.

Imaia had her own problems, as Kelara latched onto her, draining her as surely as she had drained Nator. Imaia struggled, soon relizing that she didn't have a chance, and lying still. Kelar*'* face was peaceful, slowly growing pinker as she took more blood.

Kalenter ran to her, hoping to strike before she saw him coming.

31-Oct-2006 01:01:46

Anne Lauten

Anne Lauten

Posts: 3,830 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
At the last minute, she saw him, and jumped back, hitting a tree.
Kalenter slowed, placing the tip of his spear over the skin where her heart lay.


Kelara stared at the man, knowing that he was going to kill her and perparing herself for it. But what was he doing? If he was going to kill her then why wasn't he? She looked down. She had forgotten in the battle, but her shirt was torn open, exposing her chest. Oops.

He moved his spear, shoving the remains of her shirt to the sides of her body so he could see more.

"You twit," she said, "you stupid, moronic, creep. If you're going to kill me then kill me. Stop it."

She saw him smile, knowing that she was in his power now. "Lie down," he told her.

Hope entered her face as a voice came from behind her attacker.

"Like the view?" asked the voice.

Kalenter spun to see Tyven, seemingly not hurt at all.

"How are you not dead?" Kalenter asked quaveringly, stepping back.

Tyven grinned. "Ah, Kalenter. My dear man, please don't tell me that you didn't see that branch. Where did it come from?"

Kalenter gulped. "The.... tree."

"And why did it come from the tree?"

"It.. fell."

"And why did it fall?"

"It was rotten."

"It had been rotten for a long time. Do you know what happens when something is rotten for a long time?"

This was a toughie. Kalenter thought hard. "They... get light?"

"Right. That thing knocked me out all right, but it didn't kill me."

"Are you going to kill me now?"

"No, I'm not."

The bravado returned to Kalenter's voice. He picked up his spear and twirled it. "You know," he said, "it's a good thing for you that you didn't try. Because, you know, I can't be killed by any man."

"Oh? Well there you go Kelara. Your turn."

Kelara jumped, bringing down Kalenter with one hit.

Tyven watched as she took his life.

When she finished, she stood up, brushing her hair from her eyes.

31-Oct-2006 01:02:20

Anne Lauten

Anne Lauten

Posts: 3,830 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Looking down she adressed the body. "Maybe you can't be killed by a man, but a women can do the job," she smiled, adding, "I bet he could have been killed by a man anyway. He was just being dumb when he said that."

She gave Kalenter a dig with her foot, then turned to Tyven. They looked at each other for two seconds, then they were in each other's arms.

In between kisses, Tyven murmered, "You know that can't-be-killed-by-a-man-but-can-by-a-women thing? I think I read that in a book somewhere."

31-Oct-2006 01:02:48 - Last edited on 01-Nov-2006 17:55:37 by Anne Lauten

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