
The League of World 31

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Old Ozz Arc

Old Ozz Arc

Posts: 1,871 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This story is told out of the perspectives of leaders and witnesses originating from the League of World 31. All of the following is based upon the expieriences of clans and organizations within the World Thirty-One War League, and all of the following is a true story. This is the era of the League of W31.

For those unaffiliated with or unaware of World 31's clan community, they worked off of a Land Claim system. Clans owned their own stakes of land all over the map, and this created territory to fight over. These land stakes put a spin on the everyday clan wars that occured.
The Land Claim thread at the time, was ran by ProfessorRoi, a veteran world 31 member, who originated from the Republic Era. The Land Claim thread stood there, and most often was never updated. This claim system was the remnant of the Republic, which collapsed under veteran Jackin123. Big Guy, clan leader of the Black Knights of W31, decided to put things into a new organization. The League of World 31 was called into creation.
Big Guy called upon World 31 clans with an invitation. A meeting to discuss the future of World 31. Many came to witness it. Some of them, Big refused to allow. Woria Will and Jackin, veterans with notoriety from the Republic Era. They eventually made their way in. Big called upon many clan leaders to join him in the foundation of the League at his POC. All agreed to enter, and they set up Captiol claims, starting the new claims system. The claims thread was then constructed under Big Guy, and the following clan leaders entered.
Big Guy
Valar Blade
Kazan Jon
Galadriel(now Juliana)
Dezzertking/Ozz Arcane
Hank Hill I
Sir De Craon(Jackin123)
Hecless Lex
and a few others, such as ProfessorRoi and Lord Darkeet, eventually signed on. Multiple clans entered the League later in the coming monthes.

22-Oct-2011 20:36:57 - Last edited on 23-Oct-2011 02:24:54 by Old Ozz Arc

Old Ozz Arc

Old Ozz Arc

Posts: 1,871 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter I:
The League started under two main authorities who managed diplomacy and discussion. Big Guy, of the Black Knights, and Valar Blade of the Magi. Archirean, another friend of Big, and the leader of Siparis, also had a say in politics.
Big's activity rate, including Valar's, declined quickly within the first few weeks of the League's beginning. Valar had no interest in doing Big's job. The first thread was closed, and Archirean took over the thread. Almost everyone was displeased by this. Archirean had a bit of a dictator-like order, and had a punishment system that no one was approving of. After discussion of most of the clans, they called a vote for a new ThreadHolder.
Jackin, Galadriel, and Ozz Arcane were the three people willing to go up to manage the League. Jackin had no support from other people, and was disliked by a majority of the League. Galadriel had a small support base. Ozz Arcane was relatively new to the world 31 game, and by that notion, neutral. To maintain a solid neutrality, Ozz Arcane was voted as the Threadholder of the League. Ozz was originally set to be a simple claim updater, but as tensions arose between clans, Ozz stepped up his position to be a mediator for every conflict that went on.
During this time when Ozz took control of thread management, clans like the Bloodline, led by Roi, joined the system. Roi was reluctant to accept the new claims system, after his old system being scrapped when the League went into order. Ozz's clan, the Onyx Empire, lost a war against the Salvation Knights, Woria's clan, to have them enter, and create a place for themselves within the League.
During the following monthes, Big Guy's clan went dark, and the Magi, eventually collapsed. Archirean continued to present himself as a possible threat to League stability, but kept to himself for the most part.
Clans such as the Kazans, The Guardians of the Realm, and the Onyx Empire, began to flourish as they claimed more lands. Progress began.

22-Oct-2011 20:53:27

Old Ozz Arc

Old Ozz Arc

Posts: 1,871 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter II:
As the League started to progress, the intake of clans started to increase. This was also the call for some order. Clans like Jackin's Templar Order, and Hank Hill's Empire of Zaros, began to stir trouble on the thread. Ozz started to set off warnings and tried to make compromises between leaders to reduce the need of punishments, which would only set bad blood and grudges as time went on.
Tensions between the Knights of Templar and the Empire of Zaros increased, until eventually, the Knights of Templar left the League, and collapsed. During this time, Darkeet's clan was also enduring troubles. Darkeet, using a ploy that at the time fooled almost everyone, created a second account. His "heir" inherited the lands, and then sold them off to the League. He essentially went into hiding after his dissapearance act.
The Empire of Zaros quickly gained more power through the Templar's former lands, and gained a foothold in World 31. Roi's clan, the Bloodline, also starts to gain lands, going for everything in the Morytanian Region. The Onyx Empire set up their borders, and eventually had every claim for the Northern Kandarin Region. Galahdrim quickly gained the Elven land claims, while the Guardians of the Realm went for the Kharidian Desert. Big's clan continued to own landmarks such as Aradougne and Lumbridge, while the Kazans gained claims everywhere. Jona's White Knights looked over claims relevant to their clan's history, such as Falador, and Dorgesh-Kaan. This set the stage for borders, and made a home for the people here.
During the monthes of February and March, clans such as The Rovins, The Corrupted Warriors, and the Irok Dynasty enter the League, adding to the culture of the collective. This started towards the beginning of the second thread.

22-Oct-2011 21:17:26 - Last edited on 22-Oct-2011 21:20:23 by Old Ozz Arc

Old Ozz Arc

Old Ozz Arc

Posts: 1,871 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter III:
Towards the long end of the first thread in the monthes of March, conflict ensued for a few clans. Roi and the Bloodline set out to eliminate Archirean's Siparis from the League by way of war. Siparis only had one claim, Meiyerditch. Meiyerditch being a major city in Morytania, Archirean was only in Roi's path of destruction. Archirean lost the war, and left World 31 after that. Siparis did not survive after leaving the League. The conclusion hit home that clans were capable of being destroyed. This period of time had clans on their toes.
The Corrupted Warriors, led by veteran Rose 2110 and clan leader Ocyana, led a war against the remnants of the Shadow Pirates, the Irok Dynasty. Kyson Irok, despite having a fairly small clan, held the claim to the city of Varrock. Rose held Varrock in the Republic Era, and was not about to lose it in the League Era. In a simple war, the Irok Dynasty lost their major city.
The Second Claims Thread is formed at the start of April, and with it, came a new kind of warfare. Political assaults ensued on people, started by clans like Galahdrim. What they lacked in military prowess they made up for it politics. EOZ also trolled and flamed anyone who stood against them, making them an annoying opponent. During the month of April, clan leader Galadriel and Threadholder Ozz Arcane came into conflict. A series of loopholes performed by Galahdriel enraged the threadholder, causing his clan to declare war upon Galahdrim. This marked the first time where Ozz broke his neutrality, and Galadriel, and EOZ, abused this event.

22-Oct-2011 21:31:12

Old Ozz Arc

Old Ozz Arc

Posts: 1,871 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter IV:
Every thread made had an Unclaimed Lands list. New claims were made by consultation and discussion. Galahdrim used a loophole in Ozz's system to claim a land that was unspecified. The League's Rule list was sketchy and and was made in hopes of people honoring them. This mistake was abused often, and commonly used in political arguement.
Ozz's newly named clan, the Orion Empire, had managed to earn Mos Le Harmless entirely. Galadriel claimed a land that originally wasn't listed. It was a land claim that originated from the Orion Empire's general territory in the Kandarin Region; the Piscatoris Fishing Colony. Galadriel set up the equivilent of a ransom demand against the Orion Empire. Mos Le Harmless for Piscatoris, which on scale was an unfair deal. the OE agreed, and then declared war on Galahdrim.
This marked the first grudge conflict started by political strategy. The equivilent of a Cold War. During this time, Galahdrim and EOZ assaulted Ozz's position as Threadholder, saying it was a biased move to try and attack a clan from his position, saying he was abusing it. From Ozz's perspective, this accusation was false. Nevertheless, he decided to leave his clan to his co-owner, Diamond, and continue a neutral service to the League. Also during this time, trusted ally of the Orion Empire, the Knights of Aether, joins the League.
Political problems continued to occur throughout the League, which made up the discussion that lasted out through T3(Thread 3).

22-Oct-2011 21:46:16

Old Ozz Arc

Old Ozz Arc

Posts: 1,871 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter V:
After the month of April's conflict, a new war began to ensue. The Bloodline and the Empire Of Zaros were constant combatants, bashing one another politically. This conflict lasted from May to July, to stand as our longest war.
During this time as well, Galadriel's clan was eliminated by Maloy's Guardians of the Realm, and Ozz founded the League Staff Crew. Clan diplomats and trusted friends of Ozz, such as Rad KOA, Kazan Jake, Katsu, and Adlersch, became the foundation to help Ozz run the thread.
Roi and Hank both had equally powerful clans, but rumor was that Hank had cheated in previous wars. Roi called upon the Threadholder's help to deal with the situation multiple times, to which Ozz tried to make the war fair. Both the Bloodline and EOZ wanted an advantage over eachother. When one got their way, the other complained and threatened. Roi also complained to the Staff, and one Katsu, decided to play favorites and help them. Ozz hoped originally that his Staff would prove to have a neutral effect. Eventually, Bloodline got fed up and decided to bring in an ally from the RSB, an elite organization of clans, to deal with EOZ. Ozz deemed this unfair, and in a spite of rage, the Bloodline left the League. The RSB clan stayed, and warred EOZ. The Empire of Zaros lost the war, and were forced to leave the League. The RSB clan, The Last Warriors, also left the League as quick as they had arrived. The plans of war were mainly forged by Roi, with aid of Katsu. Katsu often tried to help out certain groups, and constantly dissaproved of the way Ozz handled things on the thread.
The results of the war were harsh, and it left an unfillable gap within the League. Galahdrim had been eliminated by Maloy, Rose's Corrupted Warriors left out of being fed up with the chaos going on, and with the loss of two major powers, the League slowly eased down on activity. This affected morale and loyalty to the League greatly, as old friends were now being lost to war.

22-Oct-2011 21:56:57 - Last edited on 22-Oct-2011 22:51:55 by Old Ozz Arc

Old Ozz Arc

Old Ozz Arc

Posts: 1,871 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter VI:
As EOZ and Bloodline dissapeared from the League's sights, two old powers arrived to fill their place. The Black Knights of World 31 came back to life, as did the Salvation Knights. The two, inevitably warred eachother. Big Guy and Woria Will have a long history of conflict, going as far back as the Republic Era.
Despite support from many clans within the League, Woria lost the resulting war, and took his clan into isolation, around mid August. An everyday routine surrounded life in the League. People argued, people warred, but nothing essentially changed. It was essentially the same thing that happened during the EOZ-BL conflict.
Big tried to revive order in the League, enforcing his power as Founder. During this time, Jona, leader of the White Knights, started to speak out against Ozz Arcane. Jona voiced out that no one "rules over" the League. There had been issues between the League and Jona's clan throughout the monthes, and bitterness enveloped both groups. Jona wanted clans to go back to the old ways, which was essential anarchy. There would be no fair play without the League, in Ozz's opinion. Without someone to mediate, there would be no justice to the clans who need it. Despite protest from Katsu and Jona, Ozz continued to make decisions for debates and conflicts, with little tolerance for those who broke the rules.
During the following monthes into Thread 7, the gears winded up to put the end of the League.

22-Oct-2011 22:09:38

Old Ozz Arc

Old Ozz Arc

Posts: 1,871 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter VII:
The Month of September was a conflict between the Black Knights and the Kingdom of Saradomin. The war was a result of the clan's land claims being dissolved due to inactivity. Big started multiple rows with them, eventually leading to the war. Political warfare occured, and eventually led to KOS giving up on the League, and acknowledging the claims they owned(Brimhaven and Musa Point, respectively), to themselves.
The League slowly started to wind down as the League entered into October. Clans like the Knights of Aether, and the Diamond Empire(The split-off of Ozz's old clan), left the League to form a new Alliance with Juliana(Galadriel).
EOZ found their way back in shortly before September, and eliminated the Kazans in early October. Ozz marked this as the beginning of the end.
Big, along with EOZ and Katsu, left the League and it's threadholder to the rubble, and formed the Official Community of World 31. The period of time between October 15th, and October 17th, was regarded as the time Ozz was King for a Day.
The League of World 31, lasting a strong 11 monthes, took it's last breath October 17th, 2011.
Requiem en Pace.

22-Oct-2011 22:17:16

Old Ozz Arc

Old Ozz Arc

Posts: 1,871 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Author's Final Thoughts:
The League stood as something that brought every clan together. They were all different in size, culture, and ethic, but banded together under one unified world. It was a year that though good times and bad, still stands in memory, worthy to history and time.
For me, the League was something more than a job, or a chore. It was something new to expierience every day I signed on. Every day brought something new to the table. A conflict to sort out, a new clan to work with, a new land to be claimed. Every day was a new adventure, and every day became something worth waking up for. The people, esspeccially. The group of clans I worked with that year were irreplacable. I couldn't ask for a more unique, more amazing group of clans. I hope anyone who reads this acknowledges them with the highest respect and honor.
I want to thank every clan who participated, and I want to thank Roi, Juliana, Rad, Adlersch, and Katsu for their work on Staff. I want to thank Maloy, Roi, and Sword for being good support to me whenever I felt like giving up. I also want to thank Big and the other founders for letting me work this job as long as I was able to.
It was the greatest year of my time on Runescape imaginable, and I'm proud to say I stood among the clans of the League.
~+~The League of World 31~+~
Big Guy, The Black Knights of World 31
Jackin123, The Knights Templar
Jonathann226, The White Knights of World 31
Rose 2110, The Corrupted Warriors
Maloy10, The Guardians of The Realm
Kazan Jon, The Kazans
Woria Will, The Salvation Knights
Juliana Qui, Galahdrim, The Imperial Runescape Empire
Diamond_99, The Diamond Empire
Kota Rovin, The Rovin Family
ProfessorRoi, The Bloodline
Hank Hill I, The Empire Of Zaros
Sword KOA, The Knights of Aether
Kyson Irok, The Irok Dynasty, The Damentor Knights
Lord Darkeet, Dark Moon
Archirean, Siparis
Ozz Arcane, The Onyx Empire

Divisit nos sumus fortes, quae unita fortior.

22-Oct-2011 22:38:16

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