Zezima thrust his spear forward, letting the shaft slide through his hand, to impale a woman sporting red dragon hide several paces from him, before pulling it out, releasing his grip on its handle in order to dodge a battle axe, and catching it again to twist the spear shaft into the side of the axe-weilders head. A spear came in from behind him, two rune scimitars from the front. He flipped backwards, over the spear, reaching down and catching its shaft in the meanwhile to wrench it from the owners grip. It was a rune spear. Zezima threw it into a nearby noob, and whirled to face a mage outcast who stood out, away from the chaos. Zezima threw himself to the earth, rolled under a high-level fire attack, and stabbed upwards at the mage’* legs. The spear was hard to use from the ground.
Nearby, Xanthagum saw his chance and bypassed a noob to get to Zezima.
Zezima’s spear dug into the outcast’s thigh, ripping easily through the man’s mystic robes. The outcast’* leg buckled and he fell to the ground, letting loose another fire burst that spiraled upwards to die amongst the stars.
Xanthagum, reaching Zezima, raised his axe to prepare for a vicious sideways sweep meant to cleave the man in two once he regained his feet.
Become liquid, Zezima thought, and flowed back onto his feet. But the mage outcast had equipped a dagger, and, with a sudden burst of determination, rolled towards Zezima, running the razor-sharp blade across the back of Zezima’s thighs and regaining his feet only to get in the way of the great axe. Zezima felt the pain, heard a weird snapping sound, and, having barely gained his feet, leapt clumsily sideways, sensing the disturbance in the air as the blade of the great axe, slowed somewhat by having to travel through the outcast, passed within inches of his back. He landed on one knee and a foot, but still found the impetus to rotate his body 180 degrees while spinning his spear blindly outwards with lethal speed. It was deadly accurate.
27-May-2006 22:30:53