He stopped, trying to peer through the jungle of beds and saw it again, something brown moving, this time closer to the tunnel leading under the city. Curiosity at the force that had pulled him to this room temporarily forgotten, he took a few steps towards whatever had been stirring near the wall. Suddenly what seemed a mix between a large hill giant and a troll lumbered up from where it had been crouching behind a bed and made a break for the tunnel, letting out a tremendous belch at the same time. Long after the scaly creature had disappeared into the black depths the belch lingered, ringing in Mr. Happy*s ears. He stood shaken, wondering what on earth he had seen. Were there more of those things down here? For a second he contemplated leaving the room but then his curiosity crept up on him again and he swiftly made his way to the source of the pull.
It was coming from a cot, one far removed from the light and thus blanketed in shadow. Like many times before, (C)Mr. Happy recognized the figure before he reached it. In the darkness he couldn’t pick out the stubby nose or the short brown hair, couldn’t see the white robes that clothed it but he recognized it nonetheless. Hesitantly his fingers stretched down towards the resting form. It would disappear, he knew. There was no plausible reason why Cheezit92 would be lying in a cot down here in this drab backroom of the testing facility. But his trembling fingers met cloth, and beneath that cloth the heat of a living body. Shakily he felt his way up to the face and the familiar features revealed themselves beneath his touch. Still, (C)Mr. Happy was not satisfied until he had carried Cheezit92 over to the glow in the middle of the room and set him on the ground. Bands of amorphous light from the candle raced over the naïve face of what was unmistakable Mr. Happy’* nemesis.
27-May-2006 22:20:42