49 - Noob Mergings
Within Varrock fate did decide,
Noob leaders were to meet,
Their armies must be unified,
To carry off their feat.
They left with the dawn. Thousands of them, each dressed so splendidly in iron and steel that it hurt the eye to look upon them. Marching northwards, they filled the air with excited talk of wars past, wars to come, and wars that would never come. Many wondered why they were talking about wars that would never come, but that didn’t deter the subject.
It was not until they were climbing onto the outlying slopes of Trollweis that someone pointed out that they were heading in the wrong direction. Upon hearing this, the army retraced its steps south, said another goodbye to the druids that had hosted them so magnificently the night before and left once more, this time heading east. The druids smiled after them, shaking their heads and muttering noobs.
Falador passed to their right, its White Knights Castle towering like a snow-covered mountain against the clear sky. Cheezit92 wondered at it for the second time in his life as they passed, thinking what it must be like to build a castle so amazingly beautiful. Should he build one himself? After the war, he decided. Right now there were too many other things to occupy his thoughts.
Some in his army did not seem to find the tower as pleasing as himself. Shortly after coming in sight of it, Hillman11 a mangy-looking man with a long, full blue beard ran up to Cheezit92.
Hillman11:That tower do be bad luck, m’lord
Cheezit92 was momentarily surprised.
Cheezit92:What? The one in Falador?
Hillman11:That do be the one
Hillman11:Me own father did see that one day
Hillman11:And two days later he be eaten by an evil chicken
Cheezit92 almost laughed but checked himself when he saw Hillman11s grim face. Hillman11 seemed to see some of the laughter appear in Cheezit92s features however.
Hillman11:This be no joke , m’lord
27-May-2006 18:58:20