
-= The Revolt Lover Series =-

Quick find code: 49-50-489-23874865

Azure Sunday

Azure Sunday

Posts: 3,757 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A second time opponents met,
Upon the battleground,
The days last screams did echo yet,
The dead lay all around.

The final men prepared to fight,
Upon the ruined land,
A lightning burst broke through the night,
To mark their final stand.

"You've come again," elitist sighed,
"I guess I should have known."
"Of course I've come," the noob replied,
"To throw you from your throne."

Elitist did not hesitate,
His great axe cut the air,
But it came down a second late,
Noob was no longer there.

Noob's dagger danced out from the side,
Elitist jumped away,
And caused the blade to swing too wide,
And continued the fray.

The clang of blades did mark the fight,
Their feet crunched as they tread,
Across the blight, on through the night,
Their audience, the dead.

"You cannot win," elitist said,
"your fatal slip will come,
I'll cut off your annoying head,
And then I will have won."

"I have a cause," the noob returned,
"And I am in the right,
It's for this battle I have yearned,
Fate will decide this fight."

And when the fatal stroke did come,
Elitist laid the blow,
The axe came down with hellish hum,
And laid the nooblet low.

"That's it, I've won," elitist cried,
Above the noob he stood,
"Any last words before you die?
If so, just make them good."

The noob with labored breath replied,
"I do not think you ken,
That though you may have won this fight,
The noobs will rise again.

That do whatever things you might,
Us noobs, we'll rise again.


27-May-2006 18:08:52

Azure Sunday

Azure Sunday

Posts: 3,757 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
26 – Visions

In dark imagination grows,
One hears the steps of unseen foes,
Hallucinations of the brain,
Attempt to drive a man insane.

Below him lay Varrock and, as he soared above it like a bird, he could see his shadow jump across the cities buildings below, trailing him.
The day was clear. Every crack and knothole on every street and building clearly visible, etched black in glaring contrast to their sunwashed surroundings and....and he could see again! That seemed almost more miraculous to Mr. Happy than the sensation of flying.
Varrock center passed below him and he was not surprised to see a host of bodies pressing through its streets. Shards of sunlight flashed from steel and hurt his eyes. Everything was unnaturally bright. Although no words floated up to him from the multitudes marching past below, he heard the shuffling of their feet as though he were the street below them, a waterfall of scratches and clicks.
Then, without warning, he was flying westwards. Flowers below turned their heads to watch him pass. The wind also greeted him, flying alongside him and whispering in its hollow language. (c)Mr. Happy experimented a bit with flipping onto his back but soon decided that that was too much...every moment he expected to hit a tree or sink towards the ground, and he would never see it coming. Flipping frontdown once more, he saw he was flying faster, the sun not shining as brightly now.
Barbarian Village sped by beneath him, then Falador to his left. The sky took on the hues of evening, ugly bleak greys and bruised purples, and by the time he sped above White Wolf Mountain he could barely see at all.
Snow whipped about him, ripping at his skin and the mountain below seemed only a smear of white in a sea of black. He had a companion now, he could sense it more than see it, a dragon beating its gargantuan wings beside him, whip-like tail streaming out behind it and serpentine neck and head stretching out in front.

27-May-2006 18:09:10 - Last edited on 27-May-2006 18:09:22 by Azure Sunday

Azure Sunday

Azure Sunday

Posts: 3,757 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He felt it look at him and then look away again, its wings beat with the same scraping, shuffling sound he had heard above Varrock.
(c)Mr. Happy:I didn't know dragons flew in Runescape
Texan85:We don't usually.
(c)Mr. Happy:Ur name is Texan85?
Texan85:Why shouldn't it be?
And then Texan85 - the dragon - was diving down, and Mr. Happy unwittingly followed it. Fire erupted from its mouth, spouting out and illuminating the night. It seemed to stretch down for miles and left an imprint on the darkness in front of Mr. Happy'* eyes for a long time afterwards.
With a twist of its voluminous wings, the dragon swerved up into the night above him, leaving Mr. Happy alone in his downwards plunge.
The earth was looming up quickly now, and Mr. Happy seemed to be plummeting towards a bonfire.
No, he soon realized, not a bonfire. It was a tremendous castle, fire erupting amongst its turrets and roaring triumphantly at the sky as it ate away at the building. As Mr. Happy watched, a flaming figure leaped from one of the castle's windows, screaming as it fell to its death, almost directly below him. Then he was falling down past the first of the castle battlements, flames reaching out toward him, making the same shuffling, scraping sounds he had heard before.
He was going to land in the courtyard he soon saw. And then he saw the figure below him. Directly below. It stood and watched the castle burn. He tried to shout at it to move, but there was no way it could hear him. And he was too close now to do anything about it anyway. But at the last second, the person, as if by some sixth sense did glance up, a hauntingly familiar face filling with horror, and eyes looking like balls of fire in the night. And...
(c)Mr. Happy'* body jerked and he awoke to pitch blackness and a shuffling sound. Where had he heard that before? The last vestiges of the dream were already fading, being replaced by a dull, slowly thudding pain in the back of his head.

27-May-2006 18:09:31

Azure Sunday

Azure Sunday

Posts: 3,757 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He was being dragged along, he realized that now. Some person beside him was panting heavily, their feet shuffling against the dirt as they worked their way slowly forward.
Memories of where he was flooded his mind. Escaping from the three nerdy guys. Running down a dark underground passage. And then falling. He supposed he must have come upon a staircase or something in the dark. But current problems seemed more important than wondering about the past now. Was he supposed to know who the guy dragging him along was? Was he a friend or something?
Mr. Happy:Who are you?
His companion said nothing and dragged solemnly onwards. (c)Mr. Happy tried to get his feet under himself so he could walk alongside this person, but his head still seemed muddled, his bodies movements uncoordinated, and one of his legs hurt every time he attempted to move it. Yet he kept trying, and within a short while - there was no way to measure time down here - was able to hobble along next to the other person with only partial support. It was a man Mr. Happy thought. The thing beside him had had a pretty sturdy body, but that was the only assumption he could make.
(c)Mr. Happy:Where r we going?
Nothing, only silence and the shuffling of feet.
The other person seemed to have a set course in mind though. Several times he stopped at what Mr. Happy could only guess was an intersection, and would stand for a few seconds before heading off in a new direction. He had to follow, (c)Mr. Happy realized. Without this person he had nothing. There would be no way to retrace his steps and he would become hopelessly lost in the dark. Deciding not to worry, (c)Mr. Happy stumbled along beside his companion and tried to gather his thoughts.
He was in some sort of maze outside of an underground nerd fortress. As weird as that sounded in his mind, it was nevertheless true, and he was being led through the maze by an unknown stranger who could lead him anywhere. That was the gist of it.

27-May-2006 18:09:44

Azure Sunday

Azure Sunday

Posts: 3,757 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
27 – Noob Hunting

Eyes move, nostrils flare,
Tongue darts out to taste the air,
Break of dawn,
Weapons drawn,
Elitist grins,
The hunt begins.

So far noob-hunting had been just as frustrating as rock-climbing, yet it was still tremendously entertaining.
Zezima had found his first trail maybe half an hour after entering the forest, a narrow path marked here and there by broken twigs, handprints where someone had touched a mossy tree, or the occasional footprint. Zezima had soon seen that you had to be careful where you placed your feet in this jungle. The ground was often muddy or mossy and feet left deep imprints. He was being tracked aswell after all. Even before entering the jungle he had switched off his private chat to forgo the angry comments his "bodyguards" were undoubtedly making.
Anyway, the first trail had been somewhat disappointing. From the start he had seen it could not have been made by more than three people, but had followed it in the hope it would join with others. At the end of it were two noobs, resting in a sunny clearing somewhat near the Brimhaven agility course. One of them had sensed him and awoken before a dragon spear skewered his head, the other had died asleep. He had left them there, hoping other noobs would find them and be more alert.
The second trail had been...interesting. Closeby Brimhaven town he had discovered another more promising trail. Here, what must have been close to two-hundred people had tramped out of the jungle and up onto the Karamja volcano, leaving a wake of disrupted vegetation and rocks behind them. Jumping down into the volcano, ready for almost anything, Zezima had hit the ground with a crunch. The area around the volcano entrance had been littered with bones, the only living things the lvl 21 skeletons. And, he supposed, you couldn't really consider those living. It appeared a whole army of noobs had died at the hands of these skeletons.

27-May-2006 18:10:43

Azure Sunday

Azure Sunday

Posts: 3,757 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
His current trail, however, was the most exciting trail of the day. It had started off as another blatantly trampled path, but after following it for more than an hour, Zezima had found that it had looped back on itself at least twice and he had been walking in circles. Another two hours had passed before he located the point at which the noobs had broken off from their trick trail. Instinct had helped him find it. Thinking the noobs wouldn't turn into the center of the loop they had made, he studied only the outer edge that would have let them move out, deeper into Karamja's jungle.
Sure enough, he found a path covered slightly more heavily with dead leaves than the surrounding jungle. Thinking the noobs had thrown vegetation over their tracks to hide them, he followed this and it soon paid off.
Several other trails had joined the initial one by now, snaking in and intercepting it seemingly at random.
The only problem he could see was that soon he might not be able to see anymore. Darkness was crowding the sky, the moon finally showing its face, not quite full yet, with Karamja's trees silhouetted in dark hues against its surface. Signs of previous movement through this part of the jungle were still apparent for the time being though, the crippled bodies of trampled plants luminous in the moonlight. Zezima held a spear languidly at his side and slipped soundlessly onwards.
Then a bush rustled and he crouched, body tense, listening. A minute of silence, controlling his breath. Nothing, he decided, only some snake or scorpion.
The first dart whistled past his ear, disappearing amongst the undergrowth behind him. The second struck his leg but did no damage.
Immediately he rolled forward, yanking the dart from his leg in the process, and, righting himself, ran onward, crouching low to the ground and trying not to make any noise.

27-May-2006 18:11:06

Azure Sunday

Azure Sunday

Posts: 3,757 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Searching overhead he found what he wanted, an overhanging branch, and, leaping up, grabbed this, using his momentum to swing himself up into the tree. Closing his eyes, he let the sounds of the forest envelop him. And waited.
Ganguskhan:He's up the tree
The words came from in front of him and a little to the left. Opening his eyes, he spotted a shadow moving between the trees in that direction. A dragon spear left his hand and an instant later he was rewarded with a thud and a grunt, plants snapping as something heavy hit the ground.
Another one, off to the right - another spear found its target. Silence again. Concentrate on the surroundings.
This time he heard the dart being released behind him and to the right and swung down from the tree branch, letting the dart shoot harmlessly overhead. It had been enough to locate the noob, and as it tried to hide itself once more in the dense jungle, the spear found its chest, shattering a rib on the way through.
Again stillness. His blood pounded heavily in his ears as he concentrated again on his surroundings. Nothing but flies disturbed the jungle, some already coming to nestle on the bodies. Judging he had waited long enough, he righted himself once more. He loved it when noobs tried to be tricky like that! And also, they wouldn't be lying in ambush if they weren't trying to hide something further down the trail, would they?
Picking up the signs again, Zezima strode confidently forward and stepped into the trap the noobs had been trying to lure him into.
One foot came down on solid ground, the next on a thin, well-disguised layer of leaves and sticks that broke under his weight. Upon feeling the ground give way beneath him, he tried to jump forward, found he couldn't without solid ground beneath him, and instead lurched outwards a pace.

27-May-2006 18:12:01

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