
Draconic Interactions (3)

Quick find code: 49-50-431-65640185



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This is the third thread of Draconic Interactions, created by me at 29-May-2010 07:21:03. Here is the last thread's QFC: 46-47-982-62062091
He spoke with the dragon; the dragon spoke with him. They each enjoyed the other's company and soon walked off elsewhere, engaged in conversation.
In the other world, a similar event began; the results, however, were very different. Instead of a conversation, the resultant was battle. The man and dragon fought. Each died.
Such events were commonplace in these worlds...
I shall be straightforward: this is a fantasy/slightly modern thread with very little main plot. As such, most plot will come from the members of this thread. Now that that's out of the way, I shall tell you the essential information you will need to roleplay on this thread.
There are two worlds, one with magic and one without. The world of magic is one of castles, dungeons, magical devices, etc. etc. Government does not exist far beyond towns or cities and guns (and modern day technology) do not work. Any being who comes here can perform magic. The world of no magic is one of technology. Excluding motorized vehicles used primarily for transport, most of the technology in this world is the same as that on modern day Earth. Government varies by city and magic does not work. Travel between the worlds is simple and frequent, requiring a simple non-magical portal that every being has that ability to create. The worlds parallel each other: the geography is exactly the same in each world; city location however does not necessarily follow this parallel. Humans and intelligent dragons inhabit these lands (other races exist, but YOU have to make them first).
The world of magic is named Elune. The world of technology is named Neuva.

01-Aug-2011 08:24:12 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2011 08:49:26 by Darlantan



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Table of Contents
1. Intro+Info
2. This
3. Rules
4. Notes about dragons
5. Bio format
6. Character list
7-11. Dragon types
12-13. Reserves
14-15. Forlirn
16. Seasons
17-18. More reserves
19. Geography
20-21. Importantish NPCs
22-46 Reserves
47. List of Ancients
48-49. Reserves
51. Rereopenage. Check here for changes from the previous thread.

01-Aug-2011 08:24:30 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2011 08:50:57 by Darlantan



Posts: 3,189 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. Standard Jagex rules.
2. Use ~ ~ for thinking, " " for talking, (( )) for OOC, and <> for telepathy.
3. Absolutely no meta-gaming allowed. For those unfamiliar with the term, this means if you've read another character's life story in their bio, your character does not know that character's life story unless that character actually reveals it to your character
4. Try to use grammar. I will not strictly enforce this, but I will mention it if it begins annoying me.
5. No godmodding without the character's owner's permission, no powerplaying, and no auto-hitting/killing
6. Romance can not exceed PG-13
7. Try to limit purely OOC posts
8. Custom races are allowed

01-Aug-2011 08:24:36 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2011 08:51:16 by Darlantan



Posts: 3,189 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Notes about dragons
I shall explain dragon types. If you make a dragon, you may make your own type of dragon, provided you include information about the type you are creating. The only specific rule with this is you may not give your custom type the same name as a type listed in the dragon types list. Type description should include what breath weapon the type uses, what color of scales it allows, and what types of magic the type usually uses.
If your character is a dragon-rider, the dragon must have its own bio.
Unless otherwise stated, all dragons have a humanoid form. However, this form can only be taken in the world of magic. If a dragon in its humanoid form enters Neuva, it will immediately return to its true form.

01-Aug-2011 08:24:43 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2011 08:51:54 by Darlantan



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Bio Format (Non-bios are allowed if they include the information a normal bio would)(Delete all parantheses)

Age: (1000 is the current limit, but I may be persuaded to change this)
Race: (You are allowed to make your own)
Appearance: (A dragon's true and humanoid forms must be included)
Magic: (Unless your custom race has none or your history prevents you from having any, you will have some. Avoid generalizing beyond something such as "wind" and be certain to include at least one specific. Those who spend most of their time in the world of technology are less skilled in magic.)
Personality: (This is completely optional)
History: (Include which world you came from)
Weaponry: (Keep in mind guns (and other modern technology) do not work in Elune)
Type: (This is for dragons only. Refer to the "Notes about dragons" section and the "Dragon types" section for more information)

01-Aug-2011 08:24:50 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2011 08:53:05 by Darlantan



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Character list

Forlirn Glacignis/Silver Dragon/Ryebud258/2
Pendant Lila(Pen)/Human/Pendant Lila/6
Matthew LeVern/Human/17 Conqueror/6
Zhaitan(Nex)/Ancient Dragon/NarBloodwolf/6
Fixszorx/Terran Dragon/Flaxx3/7
Azaela Morgenstern/Fairy Dragon/EvlTacoMongr/47
Noah van Kirk/Human/Bonos Edge/56
David Almorga/Human/17 Conqueror/57, 58
Taika/"Feline People"/Haelan-Kissa/58
Litis/Ancient Dragon/17 Conqueror/68

01-Aug-2011 08:24:58 - Last edited on 26-Jul-2013 02:10:17 by Darlantan



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Dragon Types
These are the types of dragons that currently exist. Note: I personally suggest not picking the Generic type and instead suggest picking a different type or, better yet, making your own type.
Dragons in this category have scales of any color, breath fire, and have no specific magical preferences.
Silver Dragon
These dragons have scales colored silver, although they often have tints (purpleish-silver, blackish-silver, etc.). Their breath weapon is a frigid frost instead of the usual fire. They are immune to cold but have an aversion to heat, making them weak to fire. Most of their magic lies in the cold/water area. Their wingspans are somewhat longer than those of most other dragons. They are not aggressive by nature but will fight as ruthlessly as any other dragon if they must. They can survive comfortably at subzero temperatures and typically enjoy being covered in snow. They can survive in warmer climates but typically avoid them as they are quite uncomfortable in the temperatures of such places. Their saliva is a powerful antiseptic that contains substances that promote healing. They have underdeveloped gills behind their ear frills, so they can survive much longer underwater than most dragons but can not do so indefinitely unless they remain completely still. Their paws are partially webbed.

01-Aug-2011 08:25:11 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2011 08:57:39 by Darlantan



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Fairy Dragon (by Mage Meister)
These dragons are extremely small, only being between two and two and a half feet long when fully grown--which is at the age of 200 years. They are considered one of the most magical dragon species, for they are able to create illusions to trick people using all their senses; for example, they can make you think you’re drowning in water, or make you see bright lights. None of the illusions are harmful, though. They’re really only used to trick people, as the fairy dragons put it, for they’re quite the tricksters.
Another power they have is the ability to go invisible for up to ten minutes. This comes in handy when running away since they aren’t aggressive dragons due to their small size. Finally, their last power, is that they can make their main scale color change, but they must keep the color for a minimum of twenty-four hours. But, unfortunately, none of their magic powers work when in their human form.
Their wings are something besides their small size that differs them from normal dragons. Their wings, instead of having the membranes, have just a smooth surface on the top with patterns on it similar to those on a moth’s or butterfly’s wings. Some even have wings in the shapes of these, which allows them to fly extremely quick. On a few rare occasions, they even have dragonfly wings.

01-Aug-2011 08:25:57 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2011 08:57:55 by Darlantan



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Void Dragon (by Lord Solax)
Void dragons are about the size of horses. They have opposable thumbs and claws four inches long. Their tails are barbed at the end and can deliver a nasty wound. Their wings have a 50 ft. wingspan and can allow them to fly for days at a time. They are very secretive creatures, but are very loyal to those they call friends. They have barbs that run the length of their spines and a spot at the nape of their neck that is perfect for humanoids to sit in. Their scales are pitch black, but shimmer purple. Their breath is a pitch black flame with an inner purple glow. Their eyes are purple globes. Their teeth and the inside of their mouths are black while their tongues are purple.
These dragons are basically generic dragons but lack the ability to use complex reasoning and rely primarily on instinct, AKA they are very similar to other animals. They typically do not grow as large as most dragons and can not learn human languages. They do however speak draconic, although it is a very simplified version of it.

01-Aug-2011 08:26:03 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2011 08:58:09 by Darlantan



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These dragons are slightly smaller than most. They are typically shades of either green, purple, dark grey, or yellow, although others colors, such as pure black, have existed. These dragons are skilled in wind-based magic and electrical-based magic, although this magic in particular relies on a peculiar ability of theirs to convert the energy in their bodies into electric currents and electric currents into the energy in their bodies. This allows them to derive sustenance from things such as lightning instead of food, although they still have the ability to eat and process food. Their breath weapon is a bolt of lightning; this relies directly on their electric-conversion ability and is therefore very draining to use, meaning they can not use their breath weapon nearly as much as most dragons. In Neuva this breath weapon and their ability to obtain sustenance from electricity is the extent of their abilities; in Eluna they are capable of far more electrical manipulation, often employing it in their weapons. All of their electric-based magic/whateveryoufeellikecallingit must come directly from their selves. This however does not apply to their wind-magics. They tend to form large, very not-treacherous-to-each-other clans, which often rule over large areas of land from fortified fortresses. They place honor and loyalty to the clan above all else; exile is the worst punishment they could ever face. They, like many dragons, hoard treasure, although they are slightly different in that they have an entire clan hoard instead of individual hoards. These dragons are found almost entirely in Elune; those in Neuva are typically exiles. No large clans are found in Neuva. They prefer slightly cooler climates.

01-Aug-2011 08:26:09 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2011 08:58:23 by Darlantan

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