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Name: Heinreich Kvetch (Called Kvetch)
Gender: Male
Race: Neifvhern
Age: 346 (looks like he's in his 20s)
Born in: Somewhere in Elven Lands
Family: He has a foster father who is he fond of, and 4 foster sisters who he despises. His foster mother died of natural causes but he hated her when she was alive.
Appearance: Very thin and tall, he has blue eyes and blonde hair which is relatively long, and relatively unkempt. His distinguishing features are his pointed ears (like an elves), his nose which is little more than serpent-like slits, and his mouth, which is so incredibly wide that it goes all the way back to the back of his neck, making him look just a tad bit like an elven pacman with sharp teeth He has no lips and a wide grinning mouth with razor sharp teeth that are about three inches long. He wears what looks like a green British officers uniform.
Personality: Relatively insane, he giggles and laughs all of the time and nothing seems to upset him in the slightest. his laugh is "Kekekeke"
Weapon(s): He has shortswords that are hidden in his sleeves and shoes that he can let out and that he can use without using his actual hands. Also he can bite people's heads off, literally and in general use his super-strong teeth for combat (they are strong enough to break swords and he is able to eat any metal safely , though he doesn't like to of course)
Abilities: He can regenerate lost limbs, heal from any wound nearly instantly, is double jointed, a contortionist (able to fit his body into the tiniest of boxes), and extremely strong and agile physically. He can also eat through almost anything including biting heads off of people.
18-Mar-2009 20:58:13