A smile on his reptilian face, Ak’syisi walked with the orc up the steps. It felt...well, rather nice that he had done this, and the kobold certainly wasn’t going to forget that his first introduction into the group of people that were also along for this was as friendly as it had been. Perhaps that would change, but he wanted to think that it wasn’t going to, and even if it did there would be at least one companion whom he would be able to trust. If the main reason Grog was here was because he wanted to help others, well, that meant Ak’syisi was not the only one here for such a reason.
The pair of them, seeming to have moved more slowly than they should have, arrived in approximately the middle of the speech. That meant he, at least, would make his way across the room to near where the meeting was taking place, but he would say nothing out of politeness. It wouldn’t do to interrupt the initial meeting even to introduce oneself, or at least that was how he saw it.
Fortunately, the arrival was in time to witness the fade from reality, since once that took place Ak’syisi was almost positive he would not have been able to move into involvement until it had ceased. His own magic might have provided some means with which to at least make those inside aware, but, again, such a first impression was not what he wished to provide.
The runes almost broke his desire to listen, though. Although he might try to put forth a presence that was one of a mature individual, he was still a student of magical mysteries, and the languages that came with them fascinated him to no end. He took an unconscious few steps forward to read them before realizing what he was doing and taking a step back again, an embarrassed - at least for those that could recognize what kobold facial expressions looked like - look on his face.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.
06-Jan-2018 00:22:08