
Clash of the Incarnations

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The conversation did not end, as it had for most of the trip thus far. Until they reached the Saradominist temple on the banks of the Salve River, they spoke to each other, laughed, and carried on. It was as though opening up about his intentions had opened him up to everything. For the briefest moment in time, Daigan forgot about his troubles. For a small time, the whole world wasn’t looking for his head. There was only him and Zharoun, and he laughed like the old man was his own grandfather.

Then, the temple appeared before them, and the weight of their mission returned. “Here we are,” said Zharoun. “Now, Daigan, we must be careful once we pass the river. Morytania is the land of the enemy, and anyone could sell us to Zamorak or Drakan at any moment.”

“So trust no one?” Daigan asked.

“Approach no one in the first place,” the Sage replied. Daigan nodded. He understood.

The two walked into the monastery and downstairs to the pathway across the Salve. The monks looked up to see them, but as soon as they saw Zharoun, they ducked their heads and allowed the two to pass.

“They seem afraid of you,” Daigan noted.

“No, they only respect my urgency,” Zharoun replied. “I have plenty of clout with the Saradominists, so they allow me to do what I wish. Plus, I have visited this monastery once before, so they know me personally.”

“It must be nice.”

“Having everyone keep you at arm’s length? It has its moments, I guess.”

“I would take it, considering my circumstances,” Daigan replied, and Zharoun chuckled.

“I suppose that would be handy!” the old man said with a laugh.

20-Jun-2011 05:09:33



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They walked down the final stairwell and onto the stone bridge that spanned the rushing water of the Salve beneath them. There were iron rails on either side of the bridge, with small green plants growing around them.

“There is a barrier here?” Daigan asked, remembering something the Sage had mentioned.

“Yes,” Zharoun replied. “The Salve itself acts as a barrier. Any dark creature of Morytania cannot pass. It serves to keep Drakan’s army from marching westward into Misthalin.”

“How does it work?”

“It is advanced magic, pulled from ancient barrier spells that were discovered by early Saradominists in Falador around the birth of the city, during the time of Zaros. The secrets are out there, but hidden very deeply, so as to prevent Zamorak from learning the secrets of the barrier.”

“So Zamorak can’t bypass this barrier?”

“A creature of enough power could pass it, but the Saradominists would be able to swarm it and neutralize it in most cases. No, what Drakan would want is a small, unknown threat to work its way across and silently kill the Saradominists and desecrate the barrier. Then, a whole army of Zamorakans would pour into this area."

"Can a Zamorakan attack from the west? An outsider could break the barrier and allow the attack from the east."

"The monastery is well-guarded from the west; it would take a being of some considerable power to break through. No, they are most likely looking for a small, single operative that can travel without notice and sabotage the barrier secretly."

Daigan nodded. He understood what the Sage was saying. "So the only safe way to secure it is to allow no one to pass at all."

"Which they will never do," Zharoun finished. "You are correct, but they want the pure souls to be able to escape the darkness of this land. Also, they have operatives of their own in this region, and they must be able to withdraw them if need be."

20-Jun-2011 05:09:54



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Daigan nodded again. “I see. So you say that there will most likely be someone coming from Morytania? How will they be able to pass the barrier?”

Zharoun shook his head. “We can only guess, but we can be sure that Drakan is searching for a way. Come, we will arouse suspicion if we remain here.”

Daigan followed Zharoun out onto the bridge that spanned the River Salve. He felt the barrier’s magic prickle on his skin as he passed into Morytania, leaving behind the warmth of his home region for the first time.

Suddenly, Daigan felt a haze begin to fall onto his eyes. It was as though a strange trance began to overcome him, and suddenly he no longer remembered who or where he was. He was walking briskly along the bridge towards Morytania, the plates of his Saradomin armor rattling slightly as he went. An abyssal whip was strapped to his belt, within quick reach of his muscular arms.

He looked impatiently up at the sun, noting that it was growing later in the day. He had to reach Port Phasmatys soon, or the dragon egg would be lost for good. The priestess would be long dead by now.

Then, Daigan was shaken from his stupor. This was not the scene he was in right now; what was it?

“Daigan!” he heard coming through the fog of his vision.

Then, everything snapped back to reality. Daigan was leaning against the railing on the side of the stone bridge, Zharoun right beside him, calling his name.

“Are you alright?” the Sage asked, concerned.

Daigan struggled back to his feet. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he replied.

“What happened?”

Daigan shook his head. “It’s nothing.” He wondered why he had dreamed up such nonsense; surely it meant something.

Zharoun gave him a concerned look, but he did not ask further. The two walked across the bridge in silence. And as they stepped off of the stone bridge and onto the wet, grassy path, they felt the cold that lay ahead of them in the land of Zamorak.


20-Jun-2011 05:10:13



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“I feel a big power coming this way,” Enakhra said softly, opening her eyes. She had the highest sensory powers of the group, so she had been meditating to be aware of the surroundings.

Hazeel growled, getting to his feet. He was wearing a form that looked like a black demon, only the pulsing red of his bones showed through, leaving crimson stripes on his skin. “Is it the dragon?” he barked.

The woman nodded. “It reeks of Saradomin.”

The Mahjarrat looked to the dark Wilderness sky. “I was wondering if it would ever find us! Now I’ll finish that foul beast once and for all!”

“Sit down, Hazeel,” the third member of the party spoke up. “We should have nothing to do with the silver dragon.”

“You can’t expect me to just let it tear us apart, Zemouregal,” the monstrous Mahjarrat replied. “If it found us, we have no choice!”

“It has not found us,” Zemouregal responded. “Enakhra and I have had Aura Shroud spells active for all of our travels, and between the two of us, we can hide yours as well. Our auras are invisible to it, so the only way it can see us is by direct sight. We must ignore it and return to business.”

“I have no interest in our business!” Hazeel roared back. “We have plenty of time to find the second stone before Lucien makes his move! I want to slaughter that dragon right now!*

*Patience, old friend,” Enakhra interrupted with a small smile. “There will be plenty of time for that. But Lucien controls the Stone of Jas. If we fight the dragon, he may be able to take advantage of our momentary weakness and destroy us.”

20-Jun-2011 05:41:04



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Hazeel growled and sat back down. “Enakhra, one of these days, I will be tired of your company.”

“You’ve managed for several millennia now, so you can probably handle a while longer.”

“I had a break when I was in Ardougne, so you may be right.”

“Here it comes,” Zemouregal barked. “Remain out of sight.”

They all turned to look to the west. Sure enough, flying high above the dark landscape came a majestic silver cloud.

The dragon was headed directly towards them.

“It sees us,” Hazeel whispered.

“Not yet, stay low,” Zemouregal replied.

The dragon got as close as sixty yards, to the point that Hazeel began to get to his feet. Then, suddenly, the dragon stopped. The beast pivoted in midair and, with a loud roar, took off in the other direction at about twice the pace of its normal flight.

Hazeel knelt back down. “What was that about?” he asked.

Zemouregal and Enakhra were just as stunned. “Did it suddenly learn something?” Enakhra asked.

Zemouregal frowned. “Whatever it is, I have a feeling that it is something huge.”

20-Jun-2011 05:41:23

Aug Member 2021


Posts: 3,494 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you!

The man in Daigan's vision might be Saren...but then again, it could be the other Temple Knight/White Knight who was orginally supposed to retrieve the egg...

20-Jun-2011 10:24:10 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2011 10:27:23 by Nuada

Jan Member 2012


Posts: 470 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
as always a great add with a lot of tension building up

i assume the silver dragon is headed in the direction of zamorak right?

keep it up your almost halfway through and i am dying to know the end ^_^

28-Jun-2011 23:00:22

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