double o 7 is on the forums and he clicks on the weapons secton, then he looks all around, posts of dds, abby whips, and many others are on this forum. Finally, the hacker figures out how to start a new thread...
"Selling abyssal whip, 5000000 gp"
later, an offer appears,
"Ill offer full sara and 15 ammy of glorys(4)"
"No way" responds the hacker.
the hacker waits about 40 mins then another buyer appears
"Ill buy for full guilded, youre really lcuky, cause im really desperate
10-Sep-2005 03:40:26
Last edited on 10-Sep-2005 18:37:01 by Acolyte88
double o 7, unsure, askes squirel girl about the exchange,
"its a good deal she says."
so they meet up and double o 7 gets full guilded. And he discovers that he actually likes this new armor. What other armor to show off than pure gold armor. So he flashes it around, killing guards, stealing from stalls, and swearing profoundly. Then someone suddenly offers 6 million gp for the full guilded
17-May-2006 03:29:31