Uthalion looked around the courtyard, and realized the creature spoke true. Groups of Ordinators stood in their own little corners of the area, each holding off a large amount of attackers to the best of their abilities. The Black Guard and Red Hearts seemed to be faring slightly better, though they too were beginning to show signs of fatigue against the lycanthropic onslaught. He also saw Kaz throwing bolts of greenish, otherworldly energy which seared large scores of the beasts and torched them to ashes, but for every one that fell, it seemed that two had come to take their place.
Nhur was having the worst of it, though. Even though the Mahjarrat had taken steps to strategically deploy certain aspects of his magic to great effect, he was still wasting large amounts of power by conjuring shadowstuff tendrils which slapped some of his attackers back while crushing others. What’s more, he also began taking strikes on his armor, each one causing the unique protection to waver more and more by the minute as it began to unravel around his skeletal body.
Nhur was also screaming wildly. “Enough!” he cried. “I refuse to die at the whims of some beasts and their trainer! Refuse!” He conjured a bright aura around his body, and released it in a blast which killed a large amount of attackers in a magical fury.
“We need to help him,” Uthalion said.
“No complaints there,” the Minotaur replied. The pair began to charge Nhur’s attackers, but they didn't get too far before the Mahjarrat had uttered a curse that caused the ground to shake. Uthalion managed to keep his balance, but the same couldn’t be said for the massive bull-man who had been knocked to the ground.
The battlefield fell dead silent as all of the combatants turned to see the source of the small earthquake which had disappeared as suddenly as it began. They all stared in awe and horror at what they saw next that day.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^
^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^
05-Feb-2011 03:54:44
- Last edited on
06-Feb-2011 03:15:52
A Mad Hatter