
Story of da barrows,

Quick find code: 49-50-400-57053203

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Torag was a brother who was very laid back, very relaxed and calm natured; he also enjoyed reading poetry, or rather having it read to him. Torag wondered about the town playing with stray dogs climbing trees, and throwing rocks at random thugs and running away while laughing. He got bored with the town and so he walked around outside of the town, he found a swamp; he explored the swamp which was murky and looked totally empty of drinking water. As Torag wondered deeper things became to look cleaner and water looked more drinkable, although, still undrinkable.

Torag hummed and poked things when he stumbled upon a man sitting in a tree, the man was bald had a long white beard and long thick orange robes his eyes were closed and his fingers were criss-crossed above his head, below the monk was a wild boar which kept snorting and walking around the tree full of anger, as if it wanted to drive the man away. Torag thought he'd be helpful and he threw a rock at the boar, the boar turned and charged him and Torag jumped on top of it and rode it around laughing, alot. The boar bucked Torag off and Torag landed in a hot water spring. The water was crystal clear and steaming, it felt nice. As for the boar it started harassing the man again. After sitting in the spring for around 10 minutes he looked around and noticed a simple hut. He couldn't help but to explore it.

08-Jul-2008 09:03:41 - Last edited on 30-Sep-2008 04:42:59 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He walked inside of it, and noticed, crates filled to the brim with poetry! Romance novels and novels about "The 6" but Torag thought that scroll looked stupid. He heard a sound, a sound, which sounded like, a whistling teapot, it was coming from behind the hut and Torag walked over to it, and indeed there was a teapot. The boar ran up to the teapot and used one of it's horns to take the teapot off the fire and it then poured a bowl, and cup full of tea. The man who was in a tree was now sipping tea along with his pet boar. Torag pictured it now... him sitting in the hot water spring, sharing opinions on art and poems and books while sipping tea, eating some Roast chicken with around 5 women nodding in agreement and giggling as the two talked. It was Torag dream world. Torag said "Hello" to the man the man replied with a very slow and calm "Hello to you as well" he sipped his tea. Torag said "Do, you live here? In this shack? By the spring, with the boar?" The man slowly nodded. Torag said "I couldn't help but to look through your home, and well I loved reading a few of those scrolls and I like how peaceful this place is, any chance I could like, clean up for you or something so I can stay longer?"

08-Jul-2008 09:13:34 - Last edited on 30-Sep-2008 04:45:17 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The man slowly finished his cuppa-tea and said "I will allow you to come here every day at suns first rise and you may leave when sun falls and you could be my student. However I do not spend my days reading and swimming, 70% of your day will be spent learning martial arts" Torag said "Hmm, what about the other 30%?" "That will be your time learning how read and write and study, you'll have around 40 minutes of the day to spend reading, swimming and sipping tea." Torag figured that was good enough and he accepted the mans offer. The man merely told Torag to bring nothing with him on his way back at the sun rise" As Torag left grinning ear to ear, the monk said "He is one of the 6 I can feel it within him, it's a shame, he wishes to grow old peacefully, but he will tossed

09-Jul-2008 05:25:06 - Last edited on 30-Sep-2008 04:45:26 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Verac was happily walking around the town causing no trouble at all, he was merely exploring, Verac looked about the town more, he found men training for combat, he found smiths creating weapons, he found men selling food, sandals, robes and everything else you could think of, he saw it all. And out of all of his brothers he was the only one to make his way to the dock.

Once he got there he watched as the men fished, they pulled out assorted fish with squids here and there; Verac REALLY wanted to fish too. Sadly for Verac he liked his toy and wasn't going to sell it for gold, so he was out of luck as far as getting a fishing pole went, when he got lucky. A ship docked and around 5 minutes after it docked a man with brightly coloured robes that were highly decorative and his son, who wore robes like that as well walked onto the dock and with 4-5 men following them with crates of goods, walked past Verac, the boy looked at Verac and said "Hey cool toy horse, I want it. Dad! Buy this horse for me, erm, uh, please?" The man took a deep breath and looked at Verac and said
"How much for the horse"
Verac said, "Do you have a fishing pole?" The man grabbed a pole out of one of the boxes and gave it to Verac, the boy grabbed the horse the man said "Thank you" Verac smiled and started fishing.

10-Jul-2008 01:51:02 - Last edited on 30-Sep-2008 04:46:03 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
But still verac wanted to fish, he said "I'll get 4 more for the cooks and then i'll leave" He cought a 3 white and red fish and was pulling up a squid when he heard the sound of foot steps on the dock, but who was it? everyone had left he thought. The sound was closer, and closer and closer when he heard "eh didn't know you fished.. wait wrong person sorry shorty" Verac looked over at the man, and through the dimly lit torches on the roads he saw the man was dressed in a blackish grayish robes that were quite simple, there was a big "W" on the back of the robes but other then that nothing. The man wore a pair of simple sandels, had a longsword on his waist and a long black pone*tale with a diangle cut on the end of it, his eyes were as dark as his robes and he had a poorly made cigarette in his mouth.

Verac said "What's in your mouth?" The man was leaning against a post on the dock and said "Oh, dunno one of my crew members made it" Verac said "Mind if i try it?" sure kid. Verac took a puff on it deeply breathed in and said "Whoa, neat, how much do these cost?" "Not sure shorty, eh don't tell anybody.." The man handed verac 5 more of them and some flint and said "Here enjoy" Verac merely smiled and he lit one and began smoking it as he stuffed his fish into a small bag. When he heard "HEY! where is it!?" The man looked a wee bit pale in the face as 3 men wielding knives walked towards the man in robes He said "Heh it's in my pocket, take it if you want it" The man pulled his sword. The 3 surronded the man and one lunged out at him. Veracs eyes grew wide and he watched as the 4 fought bitterly, he noticed they were being cut but verac couldn't let this happen.

Verac picked up his fishing pole and gave swung at a man hitting him in the gut. It was now one man versus verac and two against the other man. The man was shocked at veracs.

Next page.

10-Jul-2008 02:04:10

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Accuracy and knowledge of how to hurt people where it hurts and slip past there defences. Verac swung and the man blocked with his arm, verac quickly jabed him in the throat stomped on his foot and swung and hit his ribs. And the man who was dilibertly trying to not kill people infront of verac stabed one of the men in the ribs and deeply cut into the other mans arm, sending them all running and cursing. The man said "Heh nice moves shorty" when yet another 4 men ran up with weapons drawn and said "Wait we heard fighting" "Where did they go?" The man said "Don't worry me and shorty here chased 'em off. I still have 'It'" The men looked around and 'the man' handed them something small and round and covered in dirty rags he had hidden in his robes, in turn the men handed him a sack of gold a smile and a bow later they're gone. The man said "You're a good fighter shorty" Verac smiled and said you are too, by the way i'm verac, what's your name? "Oh eh.. Kichiro"

"Say sho*..verac any chance you wan" verac yawned, kichiro was going to take him to his ship and see if he could be accepted into the wokou at his age but since verac was yawning he figured checking this in the mourning would be a better idea. Verac "Want to what?" "Come back in the mouring and, uh, explore my ship, meet some more wokou such as my self, maybe we could get you some real weapons and show you how to use 'em? heh." Verac said he'd be back bright and early the two waved and walked off.

10-Jul-2008 02:18:31

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 10: You die so i may live.

Guthan hated city life, he hated everything about, he hated the constant noise, he hated how unclean it was, he hated the fact he could never be alone, he loved his brothers timmothy and much of the cooks and maids of the castle dearly but sometimes he merely wanted a big empty space to, do whatever in. And because of this guthan didn't walk but he ran out of the town and he ran into a nearby forest he ran past the men who were working in the forest and he ran deep and deep into the forest. He stoped by a pond and he dipped his head in it and drank as much water as he could before pulling his head out and rolling over breathing deeply. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed an animal, he didn't know what it was called if it was ok to eat but he was about to eat it he lunged at the animal thinking he could just break it's neck, but it was swift.

He then figured and thought to himself "I'll need a weapon, of somekind something i can throw" he thought a sling would work, but then if thought to bring down something large he'd need something besides a sling. A club? nope a scimitar? nah bows and arrows? nope a spear? Yeah that'll work.

He merely broke a piece of bamboo in half cleaned it of its branches with a sharp rock and then he cut the end of it so it was slanted with a point, it was a make shift spear. He creeped around the forest some more until he came across that beast again, He creeped closer and closer, he was about 15 feet from it until my typing sca.. er never mind. He was about 15 away from it and he pulled back his arm, thrusted his spear forward in a throwing motion, and then, he flew through the air with it, and pushed his bamboo spear right through the throat of the animal, it droped dead. He tore down more bamboo and used strips of barks as rope to hang the animal from a tree branch.

Next page.

10-Jul-2008 05:59:29 - Last edited on 10-Jul-2008 06:47:47 by Baron Ogre

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