
Story of da barrows,

Quick find code: 49-50-400-57053203

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Verac smokes, drinks, and wears the symbol of the devil, he isn't exatly the best role model. :P

And the beginning of the middle dragged a bit? Ah well, atleast the rest of my story is pwnage in a box. :D And i quite enjoyed writing the section on the orbs, it's not often you can find a decent spot to make another worldy adventure.

19-Aug-2008 20:17:02 - Last edited on 19-Aug-2008 20:18:32 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 31: Oh yeah.

Lulu eric timmothy and akane all sat in the top of akanes castle with the brothers planning their next move, the brothers were back and many times more powerful, it was time to catch the zamorakians by surprise and rip them a new axe hole. "Tea?" a maid asked the group.

"Yes please." Replied lulu kindly. "Now! Seeing hekako village was lost, and utterly destroyed, it's time to set our sights on the next primary goal." Lulu pulled her hair back and quickly tied it into a pony tale as she unraveled a chart. "As you can see, fredericks fort is here, in the south directly next to the ocean where they extract large amounts of fish, this is the main food source keeping them going, if we cut this off they'll slowly starve, or if we can cut it off long enough for them to weaken we could fight ill supplied soldiers."

"Now, eric your men are well versed in naval combat correct me if i'm wrong?"

Eric smiled and said "Course they are, some of the finest sailors i've ever commanded."


"Your tea is ready." The maid had returned with 2 pots of tea and 10 cups, she poured the tea and stood by the door.

"Now, the main problem is winged demons, as we know, i couldn't figure out a solution to this, we have very few mystics, arrows can't pierce their hide effectivly, and we only have one airborne soldier, any suggestions?"

Verac spoke up and said "Well, perhaps we could send karil to reason with some of the armadylians, he'd be the fastest to get the message there and back."

Akane sipped some of the steaming hot tea and said "Yes, but where is there?"

Torag rubbed his his bald head and said "I heard rumors that the armadylians have made a forward base in kuramjan, i heard they ran into some problems with bandosians there, maybe we could offer them a "Scratch my back i'll scratch yours." deal?"

20-Aug-2008 05:10:40

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"That's fine with me, but how would i prove to them we wouldn't go back on our deal?" karil asked as he began pondering.

"Treasure." lulu exclaimed. "We can send them a chest of gold, that way they'll gain something even if we don't send men back to help them, but karil can't carry a chest of coin all by himself for that long..."

karil bursted up from his seat and proudly said "I know of an avansie! Her name is lora, she could help me carry it, infact she's been living on this island acting as a watchtower! Shall i go plead for her help your majesty?"

Eric bluttered out "HAHA He's a clever one!"

"Grand karil, go forth now, we'll be expecting you to meet up with us at the battle site. Maid! Go.. maid? Where has she gone? Urgh, well come with me karil i'll help get that chest of goodies togather, the rest of you go make yourselves useful and ready the men and ships the day is still early we'll attack ASAP."

Karil and lulu hastily robbed akanes coffers and filled a chest to the brim with silver and gold, karil struggled to lift it as he began flying towards the mountains he'd last saw lora at, as his brothers eric timmothy and urged the soldiers to quickly get ready for battle, and they tried everything to get their morale high so they'd be eager to fight.

Guthan yelled out like a tiger. "ARE YOU MAGGOTS READY TO SPILL BLOOD?!" Te soldiers replied with loud battle cries.

Eric slunked his way over to timmothy and akane and placed his arms around their shoulders and said "I think he's doing our job better then we are..."

Mean while, over in fredericks fort...

The maid is panting desperatly for air as she collapses on the ground before frederick. "" she was breathing very deeply. "My lord, their, planning an attack on the fishing must, summon the hellhounds..." She passed out. Frederick smiled.

20-Aug-2008 05:25:01 - Last edited on 19-Jan-2009 07:24:52 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Frederick picked up her limp body and began dancing with it "Oh 'tis a lovely thing i've been working on.." He annonced "I have harnessed the power of imps!" He laughed loudly and dropped the girls body. "Time for some ACTION!" Frederick put on his helmet.

In a mere 2 hours the entire mercenary army had been loaded onto ships, the ships weapons were armed and the first scouting ships were starting to prowl the seas.

Lulu, timmothy, eric, akane guthan verac ahrim torag and dharok were all spread across 3 different flagships, it was time to sail.

Karil was finally landing on the mountain he was sure he had seen lora on. "Lora!" Shouted karil as he landed hard on the mountain top, the treasure chest stayed shut, luckily.

Some of the fog ontop of the mountain was blown away by a sudden gust and karil heard her voice again. "Karil? What are you doing here, and, are those wings?"

Karil looked around, lora wore her same armour, but there were two more avanise sitting down by a fire, and there was a small hut now. "Lora, we're mounting an attack on the zamorakian fortress, i need your help getting this loot to armadylian kuramjan forward base, we're going to try and see if they'll help us deal with the zamorakian ships, can you help me?"

"You two, it's not like anything is going to happen up here, but keep a careful watch out, c'mon karil let's see if your play pretend wings are worth anything" She joked.

She grabbed the side of the chest and karil grabbed the other and they set off. Lora mumbled to karil "I haven't heard word from that base in over 2 weeks now, i'm not sure if it still exists, those goblins were being pretty violant..."

Karil's heart turned upside down and he said "We'll lose our threshold on this island and lose thousands of men and dozens of ships if you're right."

And so the seeds are set dear reader, who, exatly is going to come out ontop? I'm not quite sure..

20-Aug-2008 05:38:27 - Last edited on 20-Aug-2008 05:43:53 by Baron Ogre

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