
Story of da barrows,

Quick find code: 49-50-400-57053203

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"We'll use the swine array formation, we'll quite simply just charge back at them and break their ranks and from there just slaughter, it's simple it will work, we'll have our best spear wielding warrior, guthan, take postion as the first man in the formation, we'll then put my best warriors behind him, and victory will be nearly assured."

Akane nodded and then shouted "SWINE ARRARY FORMATION!" he wasn't sure what a swine array was, but it still sounded like a good idea.

The men formed a rough triangular shape, it would break through the ranks with ease, as it was built to do, guthan took his spot as the 'point man' and after they had formed the first formation, they began to wait. Around a half an hour passed when karil noticed something, it was like a block of cavalry, but it was men running on foot, how they were moving so quickly was a mytersy.

"Alright brace yourselves!" the men lifted their spears assured that they had properly strapped on the helmets, made sure armour was on correctly and then held their spears forward.

"Around... 2500-3000 of them, this shouldn't be too much trouble." Karil said as he still monitored this moving mass of death. Karil mumbled to himself "These men, they don't look normal.." and they weren't they were fredericks new breed.

"Alright, CHARGE!" shouted karil energeticly. The men did just that, they kept the formation, but ran at full speed.

The leaders of the group of super soldiers were marked by a zig-zagged 'Z' marking on their spinal plate. And this is what they were thinking. "Formation unknown, enemies unknown, brothers idenifed, closing in on target, squad 3 delta attack."

a group of around 10 of these "men" charged forward even faster and just before getting ranthrough by a spear, dropped to their knees and slid holding out their sword and dagger, this of course removed legs, and ultimantly broke the formation.. was there any hope left? not really...

08-Aug-2008 04:52:25 - Last edited on 08-Aug-2008 06:30:40 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Guthan prevented the loss of his leg by simply pointing his spear down, causing the 'man' to merely impale himself. Guthan yanked his spear tip out of the mans chest and glanced at the blood on it. "They BLEED!" he shouted, and it's always nice to know what you're fighting can be killed, in turn the men began fighting back more fiercely. But even so, the battle was up hill..

Guthan swung his spear like a sword at another one of these beastly men, he quickly dodged, dharok grabbed it from behind and snapped it in half.

Verac swung his flail round and round and gave it a toss like it was a weight throwing contest, it nailed one of the higher ranking 'things' in the face, crushing his skull. "Number 6 is down, airborne assault." said the highest ranking monster. At once the enemy soldiers began pulling back, one row of them bent down on one and placed a hand on the knee, one more row jumped onto that hand and were then flung by their partner back into combat, of course they used the fremneik warriors as a landing spot.

Timmothy looked at the battle field and said to akane "I have never seen anyone fight like this, have you?"

Akane smiled and said "Only in my nightmares. Is ... that who i think it is?"

"Frederick.." timmothy spat out his name like it was poison. And but of course there was frederick riding his massive horse wearing his skeletal armour. Merely watching. Four necromancers teleported to frederick, and they began reviving the fallen super soldiers.

Fredericks loud laugh could be heard echoing through out the battle field. He screamed "Enjoying my new breed?" not really directed to anyone, but it inraged akane and timmothy.

Frederick lowered his facemask and kicked argentina gently, causing her to charge forward, he pulled his zweihander and began ravaging everything he was close enough to swing at. "RETREAT!" screamed timmothy, but how do you retreat from something twice as fast as you?

08-Aug-2008 21:38:28 - Last edited on 09-Aug-2008 04:22:34 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well of course when retreating from something faster than you are, you leave behind a handful of men to slow down the enemy while the main force escapes, simple.

Guthan torag dharok verac ahrim and karil covered the retreat, frederick pulled back out of the way of the brothers and merely waited to see what they could do. The "breed" as frederick calls them regrouped and charged again, ahrim began hurling power waves of fire at them, magic worked quite well, too bad ahrim was the only mage fighting under akane.

Just before the brothers and the breed collided ahrim created a brief magical berrier, the breed soldiers ran into and it knocked them off guard, the brothers then made their assault and began beating through the ranks as best as they could, but everytime one died, it was a matter of seconds before it lived again. Not to mention the fact these things were agile enough to cause some serious damage to our heros.

Dharok was all hacked up, he was bleeding nonstop through a deep wound in his ribs, his legs ached from the constant attacks on them, and he had never felt stronger in his life as he smashed the ground it sent the breed flying through the air for a not so soft landing.

Karil shot 3 bolts at one of the necromancers, frederick jumped infront of the necromancer and his thick armour stopped the bolts, it was now obvious if they were to win they'd need to slay the necromancers first.

torag and dharok linked their arms togather and began pile driving through the breed towads the necromancers, karil and ahrim provided cover fire while verac and gutahn assured that ahrim and karil didn't get disturbed.

You should have been there, watching torag and dharok charge was like watching a boulder smash through a group of penguins, and they quickly covered the ground between them and the necromancers.

10-Aug-2008 19:13:59 - Last edited on 10-Aug-2008 19:16:00 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dharok tackled frederick into the dirt as torag made short work of the 4 necromancers, the attacking breed force changed their attention from ahrim and karil to dharok and torag and began charging that way, frederick gave dharok an elbow to the jaw before standing up again, and then he gave dharok a stomp on the back of the head, dharok didn't move.

Frederick cracked his knuckles and swifty punched torags helmet, breaking one of the horns and torag stumbled for a moment before he was met by another punch into the stomach, followed by something no one ever thought they'd see. Frederick lifted his leg almost straight up and he brought it back down into torag's shoulder, there was a cracking noise heard.

Verac twirled his flail and swung it at frederick, fred quickly pulled his zweihander, jumped back and held his sword out, the flail chain wrapped around it and he then gave a strong pull, throwing verac into the ground violantly, verac jumped back up but was met with the tip of fredericks sword, there was a clean cut from the top of veracs chest to just above his skirt, verac fell over motionlessly.

Guthan ran his spear through fredericks calf, many of guthans cuts suddenly disappeared wihtout a trace, frederick let out a, giggle.. then a laugh, followed by a sword hilt to the back of the neck as guthan tried to pull his spear out of fredericks leg. Guthan too, fell over motionlessly.

In the back ground the breed was chanting fredericks name as if this was some kind of sport. A flaming bolt hit frederick dead in the chest, it didn't pierce his armour but it sure hurt. Frederick turned to see karil shoot another bolt, and at the same time ahrim casted a fire wave spell at the bolt, causing it to burst into flames as it flew through the air, frederick reacted by mounting argentina and spear heading towards them.

10-Aug-2008 19:30:11 - Last edited on 10-Aug-2008 19:40:51 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just before he trampled over them he made a sharp turn to their right, when ahrim turned to face him, he noticed karil fall over with a large slash in the back of his neck, ahrims eyes filled with rage as he said two words. "Ice barrage." A large number of the breed turned into ice and so did one of argentinas legs, "I command you, shatter." the frozen breed warriors bursted into ice cubes, along with argentinas leg, this inraged frederick like nothing else anyone could've done.

he charged at ahrim full speed ahead on foot, but was met with a firebolt to the head before getting to ahrim, he lost his footing when the spell hit him and he fell face first into the dirt, he jumped back up ran at him again but he suddenly couldn't move, some roots were tangled around his feet, he reached down and tore them off just intime to look up and see ahrim sending a sand blitz his way, he began coughing and gasping for air as the sandstorm circled around him, and as if it was shards of glass, cut his skin.

Ahrim was just about to end this with one final spell, when 5 arrows found their mark in ahrims back, he fell to the ground, when frederick regained sight, it was his 13 guards that had finished off ahrim.

Frederick turned to his breed soldiers and said with a smile. "The brothers are dead mission completed." the breed began cheering out happily as 2 of the 13 guards began giving argentina some medical attention.

And so the brothers met their end by the hands of frederick the great, slayer of heros.

10-Aug-2008 19:38:06 - Last edited on 10-Aug-2008 19:38:23 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 25: This can't be!

Akane timmothy eric and a handful of soldiers were now going back for the brothers now since the main army was now in safty for the time being. As they made it back to the battle field, the soldiers, timmothy frederick, and eric all turned as white as the moon and their eyes grew to the size of a coin. Timmothy said nervously "Hahaha, funny boys, now g-get up."

The brothers were laying side by side with a note laying neatly on ahrms face. Eric said with a very woe filled voice "They ain't playin' a joke on us, they are dead."

Akane picked up the note and began reading it out loud. "Your faith in these boys was well placed, but you should've placed your faith in zamorak. Sincerely, frederick."

Timmothy mumbled "This can't be.." he wiped away a tear and said "We should take them back to the castle and give them a proper burial.." everyone nodded and they all picked up the brothers and began carrying them back towards the main force, they were planning on leaving the island for good as soon as possible.

Mean while in an unknown location.

Ahrim is awaking to the sound of low toned humming sound, he looked around only to see he was totally unclothed and standing in the middle of a black abyss of nothingness, he felt something creeping up behind him, he quickly turned to face the monster, but there was nothing behind him, he turned back around to see a woman standing infront of him, she wore a ripped and taddered, partly blood stained, skirt, and worn out pair of sandels and nothing else, in her left hand was a syth, she has totally black eyes, black hair pulled back into a pony tail, and the palest skin i've ever seen, along with a fairly muscular build.

"Choose." she said through an awkwardly happy toned voice.

11-Aug-2008 03:18:53

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