
Story of da barrows,

Quick find code: 49-50-400-57053203

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 20: Keep a secret.

As ahrim and guthan tossed and turned guthan got up and tip toed like a rat over to ahrims bed. "Psst, ahrim.." he shook ahrim alittle "Ahrim wake up." he shook him some more "Ahrim someone just found the doom rune" Ahrim shot up out of bed and said with a voice filled with the excitement of a school girl.

"Oh my saradomin where!?" he looked around anxiously.

"Shhh.. i lied. Anyway can you check my neck for me?"

Ahrim held back tears and mumbled. "Big boys don't cry.." He held his hands to guthans neck and after around 15 seconds of him doing so he said "How, exatly, did a amulet of a zaros high priest get wrapped around your spine?"

Guthan said "So that's what it is... Oh, well, uhh, it's my little gift, it steals the very blood and soul of enemeis and gives it to me"

Ahrim said "Hmm, how you ever got this i'll never know, oh well. Might as well let you know i've been injected with a high dose of unstable and evil magic" Guthan nodded his head with an arched eyebrow.

"Well, good night then." said ahrim "Slepana mecina" ahrim fell asleep on the spot after those words. While guthan slowly drifted into a unsteady sleep, he felt as if he was being watched or if he was about to be attacked. A 6th sent, i suppose?

Mean while.. At this hour of the night, two people were not alseep, or inside the warm palaces or houses. These two people happend to be beside a small pond by a small but charming cherry tree.

A man spoke, he said "We are here, not for business, nor for demands of surrender or tribute. We are not here for anything of the sort, we are here merely to speak with eachother, right?"

The woman nodded and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Now i must ask you before we talk about anything else."

04-Aug-2008 04:11:36 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2008 04:32:42 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"How is sarah?"

Lulu said "She is fine frederick, she speaks of you often and has many questions for me at all times of the day and night."

Frederick stepped into the moon light and sat down beside lulu, he was not wearing his armour, for once.. instead he wore simple peasant clothing, as did lulu.

"What does she ask?" Frederick said through eyes nearly filled with tears.

"Were you a good warrior. Were you brave. Did you ever kill a dragon. How many people have you killed, is it over 100. How many daughters does he have besides me. Things like that."

Frederick rubbed his beard and said "What do you tell her?"

"I answer truthfully" Lulu said with a smile.

"My turn for a question. How did you get mixed in with zamorak?"

Fred smiled and said "It pays good, the work is easy what more do you want?"

Lulu chuckled and said "You always did try to make an easy buck anyway possible.." she gently grabbed fredericks hand, quite funny, fredericks hand campared to lulu's was like comparing a zebras hoove to an elephants foot.

"Now i have anoth-" "What was that?" The sound of braking branches filled the air.

"Empress lulu?"

"Check over there!"

Lulu sighed and said "Our over protective daughter must've thought mommy was in trouble.. You must get going if you plan on leading your men again." She kissed him and said "I'll be here at this time again in a week, i hope you can make it."

Frederick nodded and said softly "Argentina, here girl, you can have some sweetend wheat if you hurry up.." His horse quickly walked over to him and bent down, he mounted and waved as he sliently rode away, unseen.

"Empress there you are! SHE'S OVER HERE!" Screamed a scout.

Around 15 more guards and scouts walked towards the area, sarah was with them.

04-Aug-2008 04:23:19

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sarah said through her typical voice of rage "Where were you!? what if an attack was made and we needed a leader!? Huh? what's your answer?!"

Lulu laughed and said "Can't i have 5 minutes to my self dear? And besides that's what my generals are for incase i go missing." lulu gave sarah a hug, which calmed her down.

"Come on, lets go back to the palace and get some sleep, i'm sure these guards would rather be sleeping then searching for someone who isn't lost." said lulu calmly. The guards smiled. One of them said.

"Know, i never had a good relationship with my mom like that." The guard teared up. Another one rubbed his back and said.

"Please, not infront of the royal family..." said the sergeant hopelessly."

And so we look back to frederick.. who was almost at his fort when he spotted his 13 guards looking around "There he is!" shouted the 6th one.

"Hold on" Said frederick "I thought two of you were dead?"

The 2 who supposedly died said at the same time "You cannot kill that which cannot be killed."

Frederick looked confused and said "Ok, whatever. Just get argentina some sugared wheats. And, get someone to clean my armour while you're at it.."

The 13 guards bowed and quickly ran off to do what they were told. And so, finally, everyone slept, and none were awake.

04-Aug-2008 04:31:04 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2008 04:36:02 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well we're sitting on chapter 20, i don't plan on ending the story soon, and i have an idea for a "Story of da barrows part 2"

So no worries this story should be around for a while. And nah i doubt i'd be any good at an actual book.

04-Aug-2008 19:54:23

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 21: I'm impressed.

It was the break of dawn, and loud horns were echoed through out the still sleeping village, timmothy stood up and limped out of his bed towards his clothing, he figured he'd better check it out. Akane on the other hang jumped out of bed and slipped on a simple black robe.

Some people came out of houses to see what was going on and a fair amount of the castle workers did as well. The brothers all heard the noise but were still sleepy from yester day, so they planned on sleeping some more and finding out what was going on later.

Akane stood on the dock with a smirk on his face. "Look at all of those boats, beautiful aren't they?" he said to timmothy he was still half alseep. Timmothy struggled to keep his eyes openend, when he finally managed to get a good look at the boats.

They were slinder like a splinter, and they were also long with a large sail, although, it only had one sail, it was mainly oar powered. Shields lined the sides of the ship and each ship curled up at the ends into a what looked like a dragons head.

On the front of the biggest ship was a hardy man, his hair dirty red, his skin was very pale, he wore a cape made from animal skins, his helmet had horns on it, he was wearing an eye patch, his armour was a faded blue colour, and in one hand was his sword sheath, it was long and broad. His eyes were a bright green, and on his face was a thin smile.

As the ships came into dock akane walked over to the man with an eye patch and said "You must be eric?"

The man smiled and forcefully shook akanes hand and said "I am i am! we are here, and i'll let you know the bill for our services is exatly 500,000 gold pieces, and we expect housing and food of course, oh and we'll share our mead to even things out abit, fair?"

Timmothy whispered in akanes ear "500,000 housing and food? who are these men anyway?"

05-Aug-2008 02:04:46 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2008 02:20:11 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Mercenaries, they're 'fremennik' vicious warriors from the icy north. We need soldiers now, not later, we cannot wait for birth growth and training to happen, why not hire an army of elites?"

Timmothy sighed and rubbed his head. "You're right, at least the men all looked well armed and armoured."

Timmothy glanced at the men unboarding, they all wore either hardend leather, iron, or steel helmets that just covered the top of the head with a piece coming down to cover the nose, they all wore breastplates made from either iron or steel and they all had kite shields made from the same material, they're swords were also long and broad and long robes covered their arms and legs, but didn't look very protective.

Timmothy walked up to this 'eric' person and said "Your men look fit to fight, but i see no archers."

Erics face lit up and said "Lad! who needs archers when you have men like that!" he pointed to a man who had a belt full of axes, in each hand was an axe, all of them were small, obviously built for throwing.

"Point taken. I suppose you'll be able to handle things well, how many men have you brought?"

Eric rubbed his long red beard and said "Around 150,000, don't worry about numbers, we'll get the job done. Now anyway, at one point or another we need to be planning out our next move, gather your jarls kings queens and we'll plan out our attack."

Akane said "What, exatly is a jarl?" he stared at the ground in confusion for a moment.

"Oh, warlords." eric said as if he was surprised they didn't already know.

Timmothy and akane nodded and timmotyh said "I'll get them togather now." As akane and timmothy walked away towards the castle to get the brothers awake timmothy said "I"m impressed akane, you found yourself some quality hired killers." akane merely smiled.

05-Aug-2008 02:16:44 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2008 02:22:35 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 22: Creation.

Our attention turns to frederick, he has set up 4 small stone pillars and has just placed a bag of salt in the middle of them, he said one word, and one word only. "Master."

The bag of salt bursted into flame and out of the flame came fredericks master, he was totally black, void of colour; he was like a shadow, only he was so dark, he stood out from the shadows.

"Frederick, what?" said 'master' emotionlessly.

"Every last man in this fort other then the workers, me and my guards are dead. I request 50,000 men, i will turn them into the most elite beings ever seen in the history of humanity."

His master bursted into flame and his voice thundered like an angry gods "You have FAILED me AGAIN!? Why shouldn't i STRIKE YOU DOWN!?" Frederick removed his helmet, placed his sword infront his master's feet and bowed down.

His master made an angry hissing sound and disappeared into a light blue flame. In the court yard was the 50,000 men he asked for. He rounded togather the following.

Four necromancers, 2 weavers and 1 chaos dwarf. He began leading them into the gloomy dungeon, along with 15 zamorak warriors. They continued through the twisting turning dungeon until they walked into a room with a table, and assorted tools laying around. "Do it." Frederick said, the necromancers blasted down the 15 warriors.

Frederick said "uncloth him" the two weavers quickly did so, and placed him on the table afterwords. "Knife." said frederick, with a hint of excitement in his voice. A necromancer handed him the knife (As if he was a nurse) frederick slowly, carefully, but surely, began removing all organs and flesh from the ribs down to the mans hips.

The dwarf placed the waste in a large bronze container and jokingly said "This will be enough meat for the whole winter." the all chuckled.

06-Aug-2008 02:48:56 - Last edited on 06-Aug-2008 03:15:53 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
After frederick had removed all of the flesh from around his middle body he scalped the mans head, he then said "Hammer." the dwarf handed him a warhammer, fred giggled and said "Thanks, but i need a smaller one." the dwarf handed him a crafting hammer, inwhich frederick used to smash a hole in the mans head, he pulled the brain out and said "Weave it with the thread we gave you."

And the weavers did just that, they weaved the thread into the brain, this was no ordinary thread, however. It was a complex magical thread, each piece of it held a "code" and as it was weaved into the brain, the brain absorbed all of the information. Battle tatics, movements, common sense, fearlessness, it even numbed pain that the new warrior would feel, and increased it's hearing abilites, stamina and reflexes 10 fold. Most importaintly.. It forged a brain link between all of the men with this magical thread ingraved into their brains.

"It's done" said the weaver, frederick took the brain and pushed it back into place, he had the weaver re-attatch the brain to the spine.

"Chisel, we're almost done with our first one.." he smiled as he was handed the chisel, and so he began chiseling a hole through this mans chest, he broke through the chest bone and removed the heart, he examined it for a moment and said "Hand me the new one." he was handed the heart of what looked like an elves heart. He placed it in the mans chest and the necromancers fused it to the blood vessels.

"Dwarf, add the armour." The dwarf began adding steel plating to the exposed spine until it had a totally covering frederick chiseled the rank of this 'man' into the steel plates. "Add the helmet" A totally sqaure helmet with no eye holes was slipped over the mans head. "Cover the hole." The dwarf added a perfectly fitting piece of steel over the mans chest, it was also, seared into place by the necromancers.

06-Aug-2008 03:02:00

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Add the spikes." The dwarf hammered two long round spikes through the helmet, through the skull, brain and out of the other side, the spikes criss-crossed eachother and the tips pointed downward. "Slim him down." the mages drained his essences away until the skin was air tight on his bones, you could see every rib and count them easily. "Add the armour."

The dwarf placed a dirty brown plate on his ribs and hammer them until they were all fitting correctly, this was his new skin, and the dwarf added this to his chest and back as well. They left his legs without armour, however. "Slip on his boots and give him his breath back. Oh and, err, cover him up." They slipped on a lightly armoured skirt and a pair hardend leather boots and placed a short sword in his hand.

The necromancers unleashed a jolt of enegry, this was the mans spirit, only now, it was 'Modified' to fit the needs of frederick's demands. The greenish spirit bomb dived into his former body,(Burning the skin, causing him to be a dirty burnt brown colour) some coughing and gasping could be heard. "Whoops, add 3 small holes to the helmet." the dwarf did just that, he hammered 3 small holes around the mouth section of the helmet. The man took a deep breath.

He stood up and said "How may i serve you?" frederick merely smiled. Some of you may be wondering how this man could even see anymore. The thing is those spikes generated a sonar, like a dolphin. Meaning he could see better then me, or you. And he could even see somethings no one else could.

This 'man' repeated "How may a serve you?"

Frederick said "Go rest." The soldier did so without question.

"You all know the technic to this now, so teach it to more people capable of doing this task and continue this until we have 10,000 of these super soldiers."

His crew bowed and did just as he said, they quickly had a large work force speedily creating these unhuman soldiers, frederick knew that these men would easily change the tide of any battle.

06-Aug-2008 03:15:07 - Last edited on 06-Aug-2008 03:21:06 by Baron Ogre

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