
Story of da barrows,

Quick find code: 49-50-400-57053203

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Karil raced his horse back to the court yard and he spotted around 250 heavily armoured men on horseback. Most of them wore iron and steel. A dozen or so had weapons and or shields made of mithril with only around 5 men wearing full suits of mithril, you know mithril weighs less then steel yet it is stronger, this makes mithril the ideal charging armour. No man wore adamant but a woman, the empress, wore runite, pure runite.

Karil's jaws nearly fell off as he stared down the seemingly helpless empress riding a large horse dressed in the finest armours and wielding her lance as if she had used it, many times.

The soldiers were formed into a tight block formation and then they began riding a steady speed towards the castle and they got there just intime to turn the tides, the defenders were just about to retreat to the main keep and hold out there, but now that the forces of frederick had focused totally on moving forward, very few men noticed the charging horses, and no man had a voice loud enough to be heard over the battle.

The Empress kicked her hill into the horse making it go faster and faster and faster, and faster still, when she hit the ranks of zamorakians it nearly de-mounted her, her lance went through 4 men and her horse bit and stomped vicously at everything that came too close. Karil demounted and ran over to his brothers who were back to back fighting.

By now all of the demons were slain by ahrim, who had used his knowledge of the zaros spell book to totally destroy them.

As for the rest of the saradomin forces, they fought with renewed courage and the heavily armoured warriors from the palace made short work of the zamorak underlings as they thrusted their high quailty weapons at the cheap armour of their enemies.

The empress cought eye with frederick, and frederick cought eye with the empress, they both charged one another..

25-Jul-2008 07:54:32

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
However, both of the stopped before collison. The empress exclaimed "Frederick, you still draw air?"

Frederick blushed, though you couldn't see this past his helmet he cleared his throat and said "Yes, yes i do, but your men are tying very hard to stop this" he chuckled a bit. "So lulu, are you here to kill me?"

Men stared in confusion at these two, because not only were they talking friendly with eachother, but so were their horses, if only man could speak horse..

"I am here to kill those who besiege this castle" she said firmly "If you are besieging this castle you will be killed without mercy" She paused and her cheeks grew slightly red "Unless you leave my sight now, and perhaps we could talk at a better time?"

Without another word frederick charged away from her. 95% of the zamorakian forces were dead, the defenders were about to cheer happily, break out the kegs and drink until they could drink no more, when around 30 zamorak necromancers walked forward. Seemingly out of no where.

They began chanting "Ishyal macana" over and over and over again. The dead bodies of the fallen warriors, both saradomonist and zamorakians had a slight red tint to them and their bodies began rising by themselves. However this undead army would never see the light of day, or rather, they did.

Ahrim and karil both shot arrows and spells at the necromancers, but that is when the sun began to rise, the suns rays totally blocked out the spell, the bodies fell to the ground once more and the mages were suddenly "Without a paddle"

Dharok screamed loudly "THAT IS NO GOD!" And he charged.

Guthan laughed and said "What the hell? no duh they arent gods."

Dharok took the head of a necromancer and said "Yeah but it sounded cool"

The rest of the necromancers were butchered, only frederick and his guard escaped alive. The day was won.

25-Jul-2008 08:06:33 - Last edited on 25-Jul-2008 08:08:32 by Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 13: Eat drink and be merry.

Akane and timmothy leaned on one another as the walked towards empress lulu. Akane bowed quickly and said "Perfect timing as always my lady."

Timmothy tried to bow, but his wounded rib would not allow it. The empress said "You have fought hard to defend what is mine, you owe me no bow."

Timmothy smiled and said "I have heard much of you and i am glad you were able to so hastily aid us in this defence. Now i must ask a favour of you, could you spare workers to help repair the caslte, the men are hungry and need rest before we can send them out again."

Lulu nodded and said "I will send them in the next few hours to begin, your men have fought bravly, oh, hell, i'll tell them my self" she made her horse 'nay' this got everyones attention and she screamed out "You have all fought well and so for the rest of the day spend your time eating and resting i will handle the work for today!"

The men cheered out happily and the cooks began starting the ovens, and massive feasts were being cooked, men broke out the kegs and poured the beers and wines happily and of course the women and children were able to come out of the dungeons basements and cellers and join in with the fun as well.

The empress demounted and spotted the brothers talking she over heard them talking about how many kills they had each got, what awesome spells ahrim had learned and the such.

The empress then whispered to akane and timmothy "They are the ones are they not?" the two nodded. Lulu rubbed her chin and said "I have some special gear for them to use, after the celebrating allow them to come vist me for it."

Timmothy and akane both said "Ok" the empress bowed mounted her horse and rode back towards her palace with her knights close behind.

26-Jul-2008 08:27:25

Baron Ogre

Baron Ogre

Posts: 18,957 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Meanwhile verac was drinking beer with a woman in each arm thinking to him self "With alittle killing and a few good deeds here and there life becomes AWESOME!" He had never had a better time than this one.

Torag couldn't risit, verac made beer look so tasty, so he drank as well, but only enough to wet his lips, he was busy stuffing his mouth with duck.

Dharok happily ate and drank everything he could get his hands on, and he was proud knowing he had killed 127 men, more then all of his brothers.

Guthan, even though he was pretty anti-social was even drinking eating and well, being merry, shockingly he was dancing at the time.

Ahrim at this point couldn't enjoy the party if he wanted to, due to his mind being corrupted by those spells. However if it wasn't for him the battle wouldn't have been won.

And karil was talking to woman telling them about his chase the dark elves and how he fought them all. And he was doing a very good job of it too.

The brothers did this for around 6 hours before they could dance eat drink and talk no more. Guthan said "Hey guys, i have an awesome place we can go and just, i don't know, hang out for alittle while"

"Lead the way" They all said and so the brothers left the castle and began walking deep into the woods, past the wolf den around the quick sand over the tar pit through some dense forest past some wasp nests and, finally, into a hot water spring.

They all undressed at the speed of light and jumped in and let out big sighs of relief ahrim said "Yep, this was worth it"

Verac, seemingly out of no where pulled a bottle of banana rum and said "All the way from some island called karamaja," He took a swig and handed it to dharok. He then lit 6 cigarettes and passed one to each of his brothers and said "You all know you want one"

All of these actions happend within 1-2 minutes, they heard a girl scream "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!"

26-Jul-2008 08:36:45

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