Seconds clicked away into minutes, minutes clicked away into hours, and time did what it does so very will: pass. It was taking its merry time as it did, too. Alex became so bored, he began to stack long dead, shredded leaves to entertain himself.
Soon, actually it was only two hours and quite soon in the scheme of things, the sun was peaking its golden rays through the Eastern horizon. Alex, who had resorted to sitting down, leaned back to watch his boss in the tree. "Elizabeth?" He asked. Surely he sounded a bit like a whiney boy, but in actuality, he was a whiney boy, so it didn't matter. "Elizabeth, when are we going back?"
She yawned. "I'll be done soon."
"What are you doing, anyway?"
She shushed him. "Quiet," she hissed. Even when she was whispering and hissing in a mantronly way, Mrs. Gildred sounded like an angel. "Quiet, Alex. Be still."
Silently, she repositioned herself on the tree limb. Instead of sitting on it, she was crouched. Alex watched, without saying a word, as she loaded a runite arrow onto her shortbow and aimed.
Wait. Shortbow? Runite arrow? Alex hadn't seen her carrying those things before.
He didn't have time to look confused, though, because a man in working clothes had turned the corner on the at a few yards away. He was jogging. (Alex hadn't noticed there was a path there, either, and now he could tell exactly how lost he actually was.)
Faster and more elegantly than a hummingbird's wings, Elizabeth pulled back her bowstring and released. The arrow flew quietly and stuck itself at the base of the back of the jogging man's skull. He crumpled to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
Elizabeth seemed pleased. "Kill shot! Did you see that? I thought I was getting a little rusty with the bow."
Alex rubbed his eyes. Did that really just happen? Did Elizabeth really just murder someone?
"Ok," she repositioned herself on her tree branch. "Go get the arrow."
"He's dead," Alex rubbed his eyes again.
29-May-2010 04:49:59
- Last edited on
29-Dec-2010 23:44:28