
From Shadows and Ashes

Quick find code: 49-50-380-65034184



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I've been gone too long, this time I plan on staying. I hope this'll suffice for a good return story to run off of. Don't forget to leave me a comment! I'm sure this is riddled with mistakes! But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!


::~:: Roderick ::~::

The tavern bar was full tonight and more visitors were flooding the door with each passing moment; locals, travelers, traders, merchants, the occasional knight, an off duty City Guard or Official here or there. A well intermingled accumulation of people for just a regular night of bar games and drinking. The Worn Flask wasn't the only bar in the city, there were at least a dozen others, but it was the most popular and renowned as it was immediately within the west city gate, built right up against the very stones that made the city wall. The tavern had been visited by many an adventurer on their journeys; a prime location for a traveling hero with fresh gold in their pockets to squander away a small fortune on ale, bread, a room, and the occasional barmaid. It had built up quite the reputation over the past few years.

19-Jun-2013 19:23:19 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2013 17:58:41 by MrEedamame



Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tonight the barroom was alive with unimportant chatter and gossip, deep chuckles and shrill roars of amusement, and the joyful song and melodies of the musical troupe off in one corner. A mixture of tobacco and wood smoke clung to the weathered ceiling, darkening the flickering light of the fireplaces and torches, yet giving the room a warm and comfortable feel.

Darting here and there, ducking and tucking, twisting and turning, and nearly flying in between the tavern’s guest were the barmaids, pretty young girls with low cut blouses, highly hemmed skirts, and made up faces to match; all the more to draw in the lonely men of the city to spend whatever money they had. They quickly appeared and disappeared behind the bar into the kitchens, empty plates returning to the scene full and steaming, empty pitcher to come back overflowing with fresh ale. The flames roared merrily in the monstrous hearth that dominated the center of the room, keeping the darkness of the night outside the paned windows and sending the shadows flickering as they danced around the tavern. The bar really was a cheerful venue; completely inconspicuous.

19-Jun-2013 19:24:32



Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Roderick Caldwell sat alone at the bar, a half-eaten plate of meat, cheese, and bread and a regularly filled mug of ale before him. He eyed himself coolly in the reflective glass behind the taps and stacked glasses. His dark hood and cloak concealed most of his features from view in the dim light, and no one had recognized him when he arrived, quietly slipping through the front door and sifting his way to his favorite stool at the long, oiled, and wooden planked bar. Other than his lightly speckled hazel eyes, Roderick’s only other notable features was his well-trimmed goatee of auburn hair, a physical attribute he took pride in. The other was a scar that followed his cheek down to his jawline, a trophy from a fight years before. He was of an average height and build, and looked like none other than an ordinary citizen of the city, come in from a long day’s work to relax and refresh himself.

He knew it was dangerous to be doing so, but Roderick had been visiting the Worn Flask for weeks, conversing with no one but the bartender, revealing nothing to anyone except that he was a local from within the city walls. He liked it here. It was inviting, homely, and had the atmosphere of a safe environment. In his line of work this was just the kind of escape and rest he needed, for without it he would have surely gone mad years before. With all the things he had done, all the carnage he had seen, the lives he had ta-…

19-Jun-2013 19:25:46



Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Roderick’s thoughts were cut short as the door to which he sat with his back to, was violently thrown open. As if by some magic spell the joyful chatter and harmonious melodies ceased in an instant, and all eyes turned to the figure standing over the threshold. The newcomer was plated from head to foot in steel, trimmed with the hue of fresh blood, seemingly giant scales of well-polished metal laced together with tiny iron hooks, pulled taunt over rivulets of crimson chainmail. His massive girth filled the entire doorway, each shoulder a hair's width from the frame. Slung in a crimson sheath at his side dappled a sword with a ruby set pommel and twice the length of any other sword in the room. Adorned on the man’s broad chest was the crest of a wing spread eagle, the tips of the artistic decoration flowing back over massive armored shoulders to form feather shaped clasp that held a long billowing cloak of the same shining silver and crimson. Centered perfectly just beneath his chin and in the bre<censor>ast of the eagle crest was a glinting ruby, shaped into a diamond and polished to utter brilliance. It cast an eerie red light as it reflected the flickered torches. Behind the visor, shaped to that of a head of a bird of prey, dark eyes scanned the quiet room, the curved metal beak turning slowly left and right.

Like nothing had happened, the bar resumed where it had left off, the music back on beat, the chatter roaring, and the laughter ringing out with joy once again. No one paid the heavily armored man and the two soldiers that followed behind any attention, for the Royal Guard of the Palace often paid a visit to the Worn Flask , and none dared to ever intervene. He shouldered his way through the bustling crowd, reaching up to remove his ornate helm, eyes still shifting as he searched the room. Roderick casually sipped from his ale as he watched the group make their way to the bar. Good things never last.

19-Jun-2013 19:26:59 - Last edited on 19-Jun-2013 20:02:56 by MrEedamame



Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Roderick’s stool vibrated as the Royal Guard stomped to a halt at the bar, placing his helm on the polished wood and leaning on one elbow to converse with the bartender. The two soldiers behind him stood erect and perfectly still, gloved hands on their pommels, the only signs they were alive being the constant motion of their heads as they surveyed the room. Roderick couldn’t hear what was said by the Guard, but he felt the rumble of his voice in his forearm as left his elbow on the wood and lifted a piece of cheese to his mouth. He slipped it onto his tongue and chewed slowly, ears tuned to catch whatever they could.

“Here? In my tavern you say?" The bartender was playing his part well. He wasn’t a fool; he knew who Roderick was and what he was from the moment he sat down in the very stool he was in now, those few weeks ago. The man had been born and raised within the city walls; he knew full well what went on behind the scenes and under the tables.

The city government was a feebleminded attempt to keep order and peace among the citizens, a senseless undertaking to cage a beast of which the Royal Family had no idea how to handle. The city had years before been consumed from within by the gang activity, and since then a war had been fought between the two rival groups for utter control and dominance. The Royal Guard was one of the last freely standing institutions owned by the government, unable to be paid off or threatened into submission by either of the gangs. They regularly paid a visit to the bars and taverns scattered throughout the city, in hopes that a chance rumor that tickled their ears was true, and that a highly ranking member of either gang was taking a break from their duties within. Seldom did they make a show of it, but the Royal Family was desperate to make a stand against the forces that opposed them, and the more flamboyant the acts, the more likely it would be noticed by the people of the city.

19-Jun-2013 19:28:16



Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Roderick eyed the Royal Guard closely, monitoring every movement, catching as many details as he could. The man was not much older than himself, a full two heads taller, and easily had a hundred pounds on him. Guessing from how tight the chainmail under the plated armor was around his ribcage and forearms, the only two areas Roderick could clearly see in the mirror, there was no doubt this man was built like a bull ox and was just as strong. I’m going to guess First Lieutenant, at most Colonel. And no wonder how he got to where he is. A mountain of a man…

“A Roderick, aaaah…” The bartender pretended to be only half in the conversation, causally wiping a glass with a clean rag. He eyed the solider nearly as intently as Roderick was, though he showed little sign of. His facial expression showed him to be elsewhere, across the room, listening to the music, anywhere but with the guard.

A heavy hand slapped the bar, and a hush settled in the area though the noise around continued. “Roderick Caldwell,” the giant growled, “We’ve had rumors for weeks that he’s been paying you a few visits at this time of day.”

Roderick smiled at the mention of his name. The rumors this man was talking about were probably the ones Roderick had started himself. A whisper to a salesman here, a slight word to a newspaper boy there and there was no telling where these buffoons would be led. He was amazed that they had found him this quickly, because it usually took them months to track him down.

19-Jun-2013 19:29:37 - Last edited on 19-Jun-2013 19:46:53 by MrEedamame



Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It was always the same, a high ranking guard would come busting in, ask around for an hour or so, and then one of his men would catch a glimpse of Roderick as he was slipping through the door and out into the streets. Hidden in the shadows above on the roof tops or in a dark alleyway before the soldiers could even realize what happened. It was a game for him, to toy with the city’s last hope of a justice system. He knew one day he would slip, but until then, he would have a little fun. This newcomer, however, was a new piece to his board. He had an edge about him, which just made him feel too intelligent, too strong, too... Above average to just be simply tricked and played with. This one would tak-…

“You there,” once again the bar rumbled with the man’s deep booming voice, and Roderick’s thoughts were cut short a second time. He turned from the bartender and leaned in closer to speak, “You, I’m looking for man by the name of Roderick…”

“Caldwell,” Roderick interrupted, leaning his head forward so the shadow of his hood hid his smirk. “Yeah, I heard. The whole tavern heard you and that great boomer of yours.” He took another sip from his ale and sighed with a growing anticipation. His eyes never left the guard’s reflection, which was turning a violent shade of red and purple as Roderick’s insult sank in. He continued, “Now, I know where this man is, and I am planning on telling you, but first, your name.” Finally he gave in, and turned slowly to look this giant in the eyes. “I’m curious.”

“My name?” He leaned in closer, eyes narrowing as sweat beaded and ran down the side of his face, searching Roderick’s face hurriedly to put together the pieces. “My name is Landon Moore,” he said, adding in with a growl, “Second Lieutenant of the Royal Guard.”

19-Jun-2013 19:30:54 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2013 05:16:25 by MrEedamame



Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Roderick huffed with amusement, and leaned even closer to Landon, so that only he could hear his whisper, “Well my lieutenant, I would suggest putting your beak back on. I’ve never seen a bird catch and devour its prey without one.”

In an instant the room’s peaceful warm atmosphere transformed into pure discord. Landon Moore’s eyes had widened in recognition as he realized who it was he was talking to, and a moment later his hands scrambled to grab a hold of whatever they could, but Roderick was already not where he had been. The stool toppled over as Landon’s hands grasped nothing but air and Roderick slid backwards into the throng of people. At the same moment Landon’s men unsheathed their swords and dove into the crowd. Somewhere in the midst a woman screamed. Landon roared, gave the bartender a glare, tucked his helm under his arm and tore after his guards.

Roderick duck and wove under arms, between bodies, around tables and chairs, laughing all the way as his breathing grew heavy with each agile movement. All around him the tavern was in chaos. The few women present screamed and either hid or ran. Food and ale was tossed across the room. Men roared and were drawing daggers, swords, and one, Roderick thought he saw, was loading a crossbow. By order of the city government, weapons weren’t allowed inside public institutions, such as the Worn Flask , but this tavern wasn’t under the city’s control. Roderick smiled as he glanced over his shoulder to see one of Lance’s men knocked to the floor by the upswing of a random fist. A glass shattered behind Roderick’s head, and he raised his arms as he dashed along the wall to the door, which had been ripped off its hinges shortly after the turmoil had begun. A clean get away.

19-Jun-2013 19:31:34 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2013 05:17:45 by MrEedamame



Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Roderick felt the cool air of the night permeating the room as he neared the door, following closely behind a drunken merchant who was stumbling his way out of the throng. He could see people quickly darting outside the closer he got, hoping more people would flood the exit and provide him with more cover. Within seconds Roderick’s hand was on the door frame as he squeezed himself out from behind the merchant and thrust himself into the street. For a moment he paused to catch his breath, hands nearly to his hips to recover when from the darkness a steel plated gloved fist collided with his heaving stomach and lifted him clean off the ground. Roderick fell to his knees, a hand clutching his abdomen, the other bracing himself on the stone bricks of the street. He retched violently as more people streamed out from the raging bar into the street, rushing past Roderick’s nearly incapacitated form.

A booming chuckle shook the air, and Roderick looked up to see Landon place his boot on his shoulder and push him backwards. Roderick sprawled on all fours, trying to gain his balance, all while attempting to catch his breath. Before him towered Landon, and surrounding the scene were at least a dozen or more men, all garbed in the same silvery steel, adorned with the same crimson eagle crest. Fresh blood leaked from the corner of his mouth, gurgling from deep within to spill from between his lips. Landon stood over Roderick triumphantly, long sword in hand, face hidden behind the beaked visor. “We finally have you Caldwell. We finally have you.”

19-Jun-2013 19:32:02 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2013 05:18:27 by MrEedamame



Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Despite the pain and the agony with each breath, Roderick forced a smile, and mustered a chuckle as he retorted, “They say that. Every time. We got him. ” Roderick spit a mouthful of blood and saliva, splattering Landon’s boots. He laughed again. “But you people always forget who you’re dealing with.” In a fluid movement Roderick swept Landon’s monstrous legs out from underneath him, and like a great oak in the forest having been freshly cut, he fell to the ground with a rumbling thunder. Roderick had his sword kicked away and his own boot in the man’s throat before he could register what happened. He wiped his blood spilling mouth with the back of his hand and coc<censor>ked his head to the side, peering precariously down on his enemy.

“How often does the bird of prey, find himself preyed upon?” Roderick surveyed the scene around him. In place of Landon’s men stood eight of his own, men and women, clothed similar to himself, each with a bloodied weapon in hand as the soldiers bled out at their feet. He nodded in acknowledgment and appreciation at the eyes watching him faithfully. He looked back at Landon, who had yet to make a move, though Roderick knew he easily could have. His visor had fall open when he was put on his back, and the flickering light from street lamps and torches glinted in his cold hard eyes. It’s not often the mouse defeats the lion.

19-Jun-2013 19:33:23 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2013 05:19:49 by MrEedamame

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